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Old 27-05-2015, 12:40 AM   #11
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Mustang Pricing

Originally Posted by 2011G6E View Post
...aaaaand that will mean it sells just as successfully as the Falcon and disappear as well. Nice.

If that's how they're going to do things it's good to see Ford hasn't learned about this new-fangled "sell profitable volume and it makes a car popular and successful" thingy that other makes do...

Look at Ford dealerships in the USA...the Mustang isn't carefully put aside on a pedestal in the corner (as FPV's often were and are here), tucked away to have selected buyers ushered past it in reverence...they have row upon row of the things in all standards of trim. They're not that special in the USA, and neither should they be here.

But they will. And that will inevitably doom it to low sales and eventually being dropped from the lineup for low sales as management sits puzzled about what went wrong...
Sure it may go the way of the Falcon or more to the point, XP 2 door Falcons, XA/B/C coupes, old and modern Monaros, 2 door Chryslers/Chargers but the big difference is, Ford Aust didn't have to invest in designing it and aren't manufacturing it so no need to rely on a tiny market to recoupe $$'s. After the initial sales bubble is over, it will be a case of place an order and wait I'd say. Therefore, not hard to keep in the lineup.

If you had noticed in my post, you would have seen I was quite careful in saying Ford Australia. Certainly, mustangs in the US are just throw away cars but that's no different to BMW's/Mercs in Germany yet down here in Aus, they are low volume high profit cars and are 'put on a pedestal', the mustang I'd suggest is already seen as a bit above the average throw away car in Aus already (I've owned two of them and was a member of the Mustang club so know how owners feel).


They could bring heaps of them in, sell them at an even lower cost and give deep discounts to flood the market and the bubble will still likely burst. With more Mustangs on the road, there will be a requirement to hold a larger spare parts inventory and potentially more warranty claims.

Fact is, historically, large 2 door cars in Australia has been a niche market and I think Ford understand that.
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