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Old 11-06-2016, 01:40 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2014
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Default Will this take off? - Rent a garage & hoist, tools supplied, fix your own car - New in Vic

I have no affiliation with this company and I am not trying to promote it.
I just came across this new service being offered in Hoppers Crossing, Vic in an online auto article.

It's a relatively new service that has recently started up which is open seven days a week.

Basically, you can book and rent an auto garage workshop by the hour, complete with hoist , set of 254 piece trade quality tool kit, compressed air line, workbench, and a host of specialist tools such as ODB code reader, cooling system pressure tester, ball joint separators, vacuum brake bleeder, fluid extractors and many more.

I guess for many people wanting to save money on service and repairs, have the skills, but don't have a garage, hoist or proper tools it has merit.

Would be interesting to see if this idea takes off and maybe spreads to other states and suburbs.

I believe its based on an idea that has taken off overseas in the UK.

What do you all think?


Last edited by GO FURTHER; 11-06-2016 at 01:54 PM.
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