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Old 29-06-2007, 10:24 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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BEEN DOING alittle research on you tube . type in "JOHN LEAR" UFO SECRETS . on you tube . there is a 12 part series each about 10 minutes long . about john lear the inventer of the lear jet. and he has broken 18 flight speed records and is 63 he has been in top secret for over 30 years .
if you want the shortened version . whatch clip , #1, #11 and #12.
extremely fascinating stuff , which will challange your mind. there are so many peope posting conspiricies like this to if you spend days searching . ufo's etc .
this guy says that when JFK , annonunced in 1962 , he wanted to send man to the moon , that we already had manned flights on the way to mars . with alian technology, we could already fly to the moon in 1 hour. he said that all the planets in our solar system has atmospheres and blue skys . venus is better than earth with the same population, and the humanoids are more advanced than us . he says that everything such as the space shuttle and mars rover all exist, but are there to divert attention, from our real technology.
he also states that we are farmed by superior aliens , and that greys, are bio robots crewated by them to monitor and abduct us, he also states that 1 in 10 people on earth are taken away from earth forever, and the govt does not know why, of the remaining 90% 1 in 10 of us are monitored every second of our lives, by them , and that all of our souls go to a data centre on the moon after we die. go to a supercomputor any way there is 120minutes of listening here . and many many more , stories from other so called secret agents etc etc ,

what i find amasing is this guy and many others are absolutely crazy, or we are living an illusion .
please investigate for yourselves if you are intersted in this stuff , and keep this thread going . it is UTTERLY FASCINATING , AND CHALLENGES YOUR MIND BEYOND BELIEF, I've spent hours and hours already watching and listening .

post your findings here .

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