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Old 17-09-2008, 05:11 PM   #1
454 Power
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Default Over 600 classic U.S cars being crushed in estate

Was reading this thread on www.camaros.net this morning and thought you guys might like to read:


Such a waste!!! :

Really worth reading the thread, and not just looking at the pictures. Some desireable cars going to waste there.

The cars are of no value to the inherited land owner, and has ordered them to be crushed.

Shocking to see fully grown trees coming up through engine bays etc. The guy comments that when they pick up half of the cars the floorpans fall out of them and the seats are left sitting on the ground. :

DAILY - 00 75th Anniversary Futura

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Old 17-09-2008, 05:35 PM   #2
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Maybe i should have added this to the cars in barns thread????
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Old 17-09-2008, 05:45 PM   #3
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Old 17-09-2008, 05:52 PM   #4
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Quite disturbing. Enough to make you feel sick in the stomach (well it did for me anyway)!!!

Such an incomprehensible waste...
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Old 17-09-2008, 06:05 PM   #5
BFZ Wagon
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YEP. Such a massive waste. Goes to show you there truly are some horrible greedy people out there. I have to be nice and not use other 'more colourful' words.
I've heard of such things happening here in Australia. Ok, they might be old pieces of crap to the people who acquire these properties but there are actually people out there who would be only too willing to take them off their hands.
I agree with Jase :(
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Old 17-09-2008, 06:28 PM   #6
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Hasnt the estate heard of Ebay. Hell there are many folk that would give their right arm to have some new panels and trim pieces for their old classics.

All because they are irrepariable doent mean they are for scrap only. Idiots/

I can imagine the about of theft that must of happened when local car folk heard of the impending crushing- and good for them about the only time that i will condone theft to save straight panels from being turned into speghetti cans.
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Old 17-09-2008, 06:43 PM   #7
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wish i was in the car crushing business, could have scored quite a few nice cars
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2004 BA XR8 ute
2006 AUDI A4 B7
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Old 17-09-2008, 08:43 PM   #8
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As long as there is a desire to manufacture cheap Korean and Chinese cars, such crimes will continue. I was invited to check over and purchase anything I wanted from a crazy old bloke in Barham who had a graveyard of old cars but most seemed beyond my expertise for restoration. Two weeks later everything was crushed. He thought that if the crusher was going to pay him $70 per car, I would be happy to pay $300 plus for rusted out EJ's and AP6's. In retrospect I should have at least snapped up some parts (eg twin carbed grey motors) or the two Rambler Rebels and an ZH? Fairlane Marquis, if anything for the 9" diffs. The bloke also offered me a fibreglass "speed" boat, a crusty old jet propelled thing complete with a Zephyr 6cyl for the "bargain" price of $6000. He says he used it only a few years back, but I'd be surprised if it's even been fired up in the last two decades. That classic contraption was interesting, but not much appeared salvageable. But it's still there.

I also know of another graveyard near Kerang that my good mate's eccentric old man has. There is a couple of good things still there. I'll try snap some pics of what is either a well designed hearse or coroner's rig, based on a ZD Fairlane. It appears to have been customised in the '70's van craze, is yellow in colour, in reasonable nick, with an interior trimmed not unlike a black Chesterfield lounge. Certainly gives a new meaning to the term "meat wagon". There's some old buses, a '30's Chevy truck complete with "Body by Holden" badges, Mark 1 Cortinas, XK-XP Falcon sedans and wagons, very sad looking Tank Fairlane..... the list goes on. Unfortunately he is convinced that a lot of this stuff is worth big money, but the perils of rust and time continue..... I tried to purchase some immaculate XP guards off hime but he would only offer the complete car. He is convinced that he will restore it, but I know it won't happen. Most of the good stuff has gone, but my friend has got one of the LJ GTR's, complete minus badges, but very rusty. His son has the other one. His son also has a HT GTS Monaro, and an XY 4X4. The old bloke has shedded the Mark III Austin Healy Sprite, and 3 Lanz Bulldog tractors, which I reckon are cooler and more interesting than any of the cars.

Finally, another shed find in the area (in the ghost town of Macorna), my friend pointed to a shed from the road , which housed a Silver with blackouts Charger. He ummed and ahhed for a couple of weeks too long. It looked like one of those special one's (excuse my Mopar ignorance) like an E38? Anyway,it had no tags (they apparently "fell off") from doing doughnuts.... yeah, cos that happens all the time! Anyway, long story short, it was complete, and straight, and the lady parted with it for $500. Snooze you lose. But my stories seem insignificant to this aforementioned scrapping of so many rare and desirable American muscle car icons
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Old 17-09-2008, 09:28 PM   #9
XD 351 Ute
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Simply heartbreaking.
There a scrap metal joint across the road from my Dad's workshop, and he tells me of the stuff he sees coming in already half crushed, ready to export to Japan or China, or wherever the hell our steel is going these days..........
The wreckers next door to them sold out a while back, as there's more money in scrap than selling parts.

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Old 17-09-2008, 10:28 PM   #10
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took a while to read the whole post ,sad moment .i thought they might of had a happy ending.shame shame shame
something old something blue
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Old 18-09-2008, 08:32 AM   #11
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thats horrible, some of the cars there! i'd love the road runner and the superbee!
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Old 18-09-2008, 09:07 AM   #12
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What a terrible waste.

Obviously the owner of the estate has no clue about the value or vehicles like that, either that or is too pig headed and cashed up to care.

If the car crushing business has an ounce of common sense about them, they won't crush a lot of the cars. Things like the roadrunner would be worth a fair bit as they are I'd imagine.

Makes you wonder if since this is all over the net now, if he has had many offers on the cars?

Kind reminds me of that thread a while back where someone bought a farm and inside a huge barn was an extensive collection of historic vehicles.

1994 ED XR6T - Cobalt Blue.

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Originally Posted by Tex
I couldn't give a crap how many are in their family, what gay passtimes they paticipate in, or whether they have a cat, dog or a freaken fish.

Keep your stinking family to yourself god damn it.
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Old 18-09-2008, 09:14 AM   #13
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he definately has had offers but the cars are crushed now. apparently it may have been ordered to be crushed sold and the proceeds divided between the remaining family by a judge
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Old 18-09-2008, 09:51 AM   #14
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A mate of mine owns a Buick Riviera that he is almost finished restoring. Last month he went to Canada with his family to see relatives, so while he was there, he thought he would pop into a few wreckers for parts to finish it off.
problem is, the wreckers over there are getting huge money for their scrap, so every big old car goes straight to the crusher, as they are so heavy, they get better money than the little jap econo boxes. Funnily enough, they have heaps of corvettes sitting around, because they are full of fibreglass, they arent worth crushing! He showed me photos of probably 200 corvettes all in various states of stripping out. And the only Mark three LHD cortina that I have ever seen!
bigger Is better.
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Old 18-09-2008, 09:54 AM   #15
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Reading that was almost enough to bring a tear to a mans eye even if they did bag ford fans
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Old 18-09-2008, 09:59 AM   #16
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Oh the humanity!!!!!!
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Old 18-09-2008, 03:13 PM   #17
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After seeing an almost mint bronze XY ute on the top of a pile of scrap ready to be crushed, i have lost a little faith in humanity...
I think JACK250 saw it too?

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Old 18-09-2008, 03:59 PM   #18
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Absolutely devasting... Its like finding gold then told you cant even pay for it even if you wanted too
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