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Old 12-09-2006, 11:47 AM   #1
Spr Jenkins
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Default Good Insurance Rates

I've been reading heaps of young blokes threads that are having trouble organising insurance for a decent price. Try Vigil, they are a division of OAMPS, a very major insurance company.

I'm 22, recently had a crash, and it costs me $900 a year agreed value, with pay by the month option. I'm also allowed to do any mods I wan't without affecting my insurance premium as long as they are legal. Anyone please put up more ideas, save some poor bloke spending 2-3 grand.

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Old 12-09-2006, 12:20 PM   #2
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I am in the industry and have never heard of them, although I do deal quite frequently with OAMPS. When dealing with brokers make sure you do alot of research into their policy covers and who it is being underwritten by.

Within 20 seconds of looking at their PDS (Product Disclosure Statement) I have found that they will not offer any cover for claims that result from the vehicle being parked in the street at night. Now depending on interpretation you could say that was only when you are at home and the vehicle is parked on the street, but its not much of a stretch to say that parking outside a restaurant/movie theatre/party anytime after dark is also included in this definition.

All I can recommend is that you always read a company's PDS before taking out any cover, we have to supply these by law now which is very good for consumers. All major insurers should make their PDS' available on their websites, check them out before you even give them a call.
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Old 12-09-2006, 12:40 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by sprjenkins
Try Vigil, they are a division of OAMPS, a very major insurance company. WWW.VIGILINS.COM.AU
PH:1300 134 054
Oamps are in fact Australia's largest publicly-owned Australian insurance broking group, with gross sales for fiscal 2006 of about $1 billion.

Vigil was an independent insurance agent purchased by Oamps

Oamps have also just purchased Unique Car Insurance who will merge operations with VIGIL

AND last but not least Wesfarmers has just recently put in a offer of $700 million to purchase Oamps

Originally Posted by Twisted
I am in the industry and have never heard of them, although I do deal quite frequently with OAMPS.
I am in the insurance industry as well and have had dealings with VIGIL for 10 plus years so yes they have been around for a long time.

And in regards to parking on street, this relates to whilst parked overnight at the home address stated in the policy schedule
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Common knowledge that the more weight you take out of the car the less power you need to run the time.
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Old 12-09-2006, 12:42 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by DRHEMI

I am in the insurance industry as well and have had delaings with VIGIL for 10 plus years so yes they have been around for a long time
Cool, I hadnt heard of them until seeing this post. Generally a pretty good sign if an insurer have been around for 10 years or so.
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