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Old 10-12-2009, 10:34 AM   #31
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Any product that has a German Shepherd in the ad must be good ;-)
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Old 10-12-2009, 12:04 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by SgtBourne
Also, am I the only one who thinks for some reason that chick in the modeo ad is seriously cute? No idea why, but I reckon shes cute as
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Old 10-12-2009, 12:36 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
Am I the only one here who thinks that the Mondeo ad is a load of crap?
I think so .....
Originally Posted by Full Noise
How the Hell did we ever live without gimmicks like this? And all of this time I’ve been wearing my fingers to the bone tuning my CD player and operating the heater controls by hand.
Dont know how we did it really. Damn climate control! Enjoy playing with the old dials before that came along. Also those little buttons on the wheel to control the radio and volume, damn gimicks .... but thats progress I suppose. Central locking! What were they thinking! Loved the days of opening one door ... climbing in and the opening all the other doors from the drivers seat .... them were the days! Electric seats with memories ..... much prefer moving the seat by hand after the Mrs has driven, knocking my head and kneecaps to get in to a space set for a midget. Cruise control on the steering wheel! Whats wrong with using the right pedal? Lazy! No wonder everyone has RHS only cankles these days!
Originally Posted by Full Noise
If they are trying to push the safety benefits of being able to use these features without taking your eyes of the road, why does the stupid girl driving spend nearly as much time staring at her mangy mut instead of watching the bloody road?
Yes I know ..... she should get rid of it and stick this mangy flea infested mutt in its place ...... she is a sweetie
Ford have a target demographic that they are aiming at with this tripe, usually cashed up young girls, so why do the morons at Ford keep playing this ad during the V8 Supercars?
Because they have cashed up boy friends watching the V8's on TV!

Give me more gimicks and buttons to push! Hope the series ll FG has keyless entry and start in the new FPV's!!!!

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Old 10-12-2009, 01:37 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
Absolute crap… flame away.
Would you like a ride in my Territory to cheer you up? It has a TV and everything..
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:24 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Whitey Ford
Would you like a ride in my Territory to cheer you up? It has a TV and everything..
Awww...now I want one... :
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:51 PM   #36
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LOL! Some people get so upset when others disagree. But thats what the forums are for i suppose.
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Old 10-12-2009, 04:02 PM   #37
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Both great ads.

I don't see the criticism towards the mondeo ad. The woman driving is a good sort, its a ford ad, and they threw in a german sheppard. 3 Things I like.

I for one had no idea the Mondeo had voice control until the ad came out, so job well done Ford.
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Old 10-12-2009, 04:22 PM   #38
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The Mondeo ad really works - and I have seen the intended response in real life. I have friends that are completely car ignorant. They were at our place one day and the ad was on TV - they stopped and watched it. Ok - it may have been the German Shepherd (as they used to breed show dogs and police dogs in the U.S.) - which is undeniably cute - barking & the song (which is bouncy & catchy to those who aren't cranky old people - yes, you Full Noise :P) - but it worked! They now like the Ford Mondeo on the sole basis of the ad (as well as its looks & features etc. from the ad). This kind of reaction to the Mondeo could in turn point them to it first if they are looking for a new car OR recommending to someone!
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Old 10-12-2009, 04:37 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by SgtBourne
Also, am I the only one who thinks for some reason that chick in the modeo ad is seriously cute? No idea why, but I reckon shes cute as
:sm_drool: :sm_drool: .......dog??? what dog???
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Old 10-12-2009, 05:03 PM   #40
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^ hahaha thank you sir! + 1 rep to you for using the drool symbol
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Old 10-12-2009, 05:28 PM   #41
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The thing that makes these adds work is that they make you take notice of them, and you remember them, everytime i see a Mondeo now i think about the dog lol!, Ford must keep on making clever adds like this to keep sales going
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Old 10-12-2009, 06:03 PM   #42
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Full noise ,she was on the way to my place after picking the dog up from the vets.
The cd is put out by exelpet , the shepherd and his 101 dalmations...Raj's favourite.
Did you notice my Mondeo ....nice car hey....Go the fords..
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Old 10-12-2009, 09:43 PM   #43
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I Can't claim to be an expert in the advertising game, but I do think both ads are better than a lot of Fords other recent attempts (Walking fingers anybody?). One thing I do know for a fact, My mum, who is as car ignorant as anybody, saw the ad, and now she really wants another German Sheppard.
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Old 10-12-2009, 09:59 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by SgtBourne

Also, am I the only one who thinks for some reason that chick in the modeo ad is seriously cute? No idea why, but I reckon shes cute as
You're not the only one buddy.....
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Old 10-12-2009, 10:18 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by SgtBourne

Also, am I the only one who thinks for some reason that chick in the modeo ad is seriously cute? No idea why, but I reckon shes cute as
I was coming in here to post the exact same thing...
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Old 11-12-2009, 07:49 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by john3136
Any product that has a German Shepherd in the ad must be good ;-)
Agreed, and he wasn't flea bitten !!!
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:15 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
Am I the only one here who thinks that the Mondeo ad is a load of crap?

Let’s just think about it for a second and for those here who think that the ad is good, in my opinion, as car enthusiasts, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

The ad depicts a woman who quite obviously has little success with men, so she takes her stinking flea infested dog out to the city for a night on the town. You go girl…

I’ve known women like this and there’s a good reason why they’re single.

They are also showing that you can be a complete moron and still be able to drive and enjoy a Mondeo. Wow, you can tell the car how hot you want it and even tell the CD player what track you wish to listen to.

BIG F*&%#*@ng DEAL.

How the Hell did we ever live without gimmicks like this? And all of this time I’ve been wearing my fingers to the bone tuning my CD player and operating the heater controls by hand.

If they are trying to push the safety benefits of being able to use these features without taking your eyes of the road, why does the stupid girl driving spend nearly as much time staring at her mangy mut instead of watching the bloody road?

Ford have a target demographic that they are aiming at with this tripe, usually cashed up young girls, so why do the morons at Ford keep playing this ad during the V8 Supercars?

Absolute crap… flame away.
They're targeting a different demographic. The ad doesn't have to make sense, just spark the interest of the sort of people the car is aimed at. ATM Ford is pushing the Mondeo and Fiesta the hardest, so odds are you'll see those ads the most.
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:20 AM   #48
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I am tipping there is no real point showing a diesel mondeo titanium on a race track or doing stunt driving, nor is there any point quoting performance figures.

Like has been said, the ad is aimed at a target audience and it does a good job at what it is intended for. They are not trying to sell mondeo's to performance car buyers. Full noise, I trust you have disconnected all those superflous creature comforts in your car.

Personally I think it is one of the best ads ford have put out in a while and I still get a giggle out of it.

Additionally, at 48 posts discussing the ads, they have achieved their goal, they have been noticed.
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:24 AM   #49
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I think both ads are rubbish, a moany little boy does not make me want to go out and spend 50 grand on a Territory, and a dog barking does not make me want to spend 40 grand on a Mondeo. I like to drive cars, and those ads show none of the driving prowess both cars posess.

Show a Territory on a long trek: dodging kangaroos, towing a horse float, moving swiftly along dirt corregated roads with some beautiful Australian rural scenery. have the Territory pull up to an old farm homestead where two grandparents on the porch are waiting. Mum and Dad get out of the Territory and three kids also get out from the back of the car, the kids run up to the porch to give the grandparents a hug.

Geez when they are selling the Territory in the ads they should be selling Australia. Give the idea of freedom, wide open spaces and tug at the hearstrings of many city Australians who have rural family or friends. Having some sad sack kid lament about his family's car does not make me want to buy a Territory at all.
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:30 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Brazen
I think both ads are rubbish, a moany little boy does not make me want to go out and spend 50 grand on a Territory, and a dog barking does not make me want to spend 40 grand on a Mondeo. I like to drive cars, and those ads show none of the driving prowess both cars posess.

Show a Territory on a long trek: dodging kangaroos, towing a horse float, moving swiftly along dirt corregated roads with some beautiful Australian rural scenery. have the Territory pull up to an old farm homestead where two grandparents on the porch are waiting. Mum and Dad get out of the Territory and three kids also get out from the back of the car, the kids run up to the porch to give the grandparents a hug.

Geez when they are selling the Territory in the ads they should be selling Australia. Give the idea of freedom, wide open spaces and tug at the hearstrings of many city Australians who have rural family or friends. Having some sad sack kid lament about his family's car does not make me want to buy a Territory at all.

Possibly, but 99.9998% of Territory's sold will not see a box trailer, forget the horse float. Virtually none see an open road, few buyers have family in the country but most wish to "keep up with the Jones's".
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:32 AM   #51
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The terry add is aimed at mums who guess what, 99% of the time are actually the ones making the decision even though they mightn't sign the cheque.
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:42 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by geckoGT
Possibly, but 99.9998% of Territory's sold will not see a box trailer, forget the horse float. Virtually none see an open road, few buyers have family in the country but most wish to "keep up with the Jones's".

Yeah but that hasnt stopped Australia being one of few the markets on the planet were SUV sales continue to rise. Your selling the IDEA of wide open spaces and getting away from it all, the fact that none leave the bitumen is beside the point.

Ford is forgetting that new car purchases are emotional decisions, dont remind buyers of their daily life! Give them hope,give them the idea of getting away from it all. I am a family man with two sons and a wife, the best times I have with my family are on the classic Australian road trips, dont give me images of suburban driveways or school carparks even though our cars spend 90% of the time there. Show me moments I want to aspire to have.

The idea that showing school runs or shopping trips in a Territory appeals to women is very condescending. Women dont want to be reminded of those mundane chores as much as men dont want to be.
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:45 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Brazen
Ford is forgetting that new car purchases are emotional decisions,
Yeah but nine time out of ten they aren't.
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:48 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Peuty
Yeah but nine time out of ten they aren't.

I beg to differ on brand new car sales, even the most appliance type of car decision is driven by emotion. People spending 25grand on a brand new Corolla are doing so because they are familiar with the name, they thinks its safe, they think it will always be there for them, they can trust it, they know what they are getting -All emotional attributes.
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Old 11-12-2009, 10:51 AM   #55
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Emotion is the only reason why holden continue to sell, if people sat down and made rational decisions based on engineering excellence GM would be bust.

Agreed emotion plays a huge part.

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Old 11-12-2009, 10:54 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Brazen
I think both ads are rubbish, a moany little boy does not make me want to go out and spend 50 grand on a Territory, and a dog barking does not make me want to spend 40 grand on a Mondeo. I like to drive cars, and those ads show none of the driving prowess both cars posess.

Show a Territory on a long trek: dodging kangaroos, towing a horse float, moving swiftly along dirt corregated roads with some beautiful Australian rural scenery. have the Territory pull up to an old farm homestead where two grandparents on the porch are waiting. Mum and Dad get out of the Territory and three kids also get out from the back of the car, the kids run up to the porch to give the grandparents a hug.

Geez when they are selling the Territory in the ads they should be selling Australia. Give the idea of freedom, wide open spaces and tug at the hearstrings of many city Australians who have rural family or friends. Having some sad sack kid lament about his family's car does not make me want to buy a Territory at all.
That kind of add just does not work..

Look at Telstra with the Boy & Father & the "to keep the rabits out" with the great wall.. That has nothing to do with what Telstra offers, but those adds are gold & have hit the sweet spot... Ford has got the same thing here with the boy IMO. So much so, they now have a new one with just the boy asking Santa for a new territory. This add has clearly worked!!

Also the kind off add your asking for was the Ford FG lauch add to some degree, which I think we all agreed sucked.
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Old 11-12-2009, 11:00 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Joe5619
That kind of add just does not work..

Look at Telstra with the Boy & Father & the "to keep the rabits out" with the great wall.. That has nothing to do with what Telstra offers, but those adds are gold & have hit the sweet spot... Ford has got the same thing here with the boy IMO. So much so, they now have a new one with just the boy asking Santa for a new territory. This add has clearly worked!!

You may be right, but are the ads really working?

You have an updated SYII being released - the first update in 4 years, you have an incredibly good deal of $38,990 (or is 36,990) drive away, you have had the biggest Territory advertising blitz in print and TV for a long time and yet it is being outsold by Captiva, Kluger and Prado. Coupled to the fact its an outstanding car and Australian made (Aussie cars typically dominate the segment they compete in) I would almost call the ads a failure.

I should add that Ford might be very happy with sales and there may be supply issues etc. Its just that the Territory when it was released had the image of this new kind of adventure crossover, where anything is possible and was selling over 2000 a month, and now the image is kinda turning into a soccer mum mobile.

Last edited by Brazen; 11-12-2009 at 11:08 AM.
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Old 11-12-2009, 11:28 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Brazen
You may be right, but are the ads really working?

You have an updated SYII being released - the first update in 4 years, you have an incredibly good deal of $38,990 (or is 36,990) drive away, you have had the biggest Territory advertising blitz in print and TV for a long time and yet it is being outsold by Captiva, Kluger and Prado. Coupled to the fact its an outstanding car and Australian made (Aussie cars typically dominate the segment they compete in) I would almost call the ads a failure.

I should add that Ford might be very happy with sales and there may be supply issues etc. Its just that the Territory when it was released had the image of this new kind of adventure crossover, where anything is possible and was selling over 2000 a month, and now the image is kinda turning into a soccer mum mobile.
Diesel required .....even Mitsubishi have re-released the Challenger as a diesel and looks good....Hurry up Ford the golden child is dying...
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Old 11-12-2009, 11:47 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Brazen
You may be right, but are the ads really working?

You have an updated SYII being released - the first update in 4 years, you have an incredibly good deal of $38,990 (or is 36,990) drive away, you have had the biggest Territory advertising blitz in print and TV for a long time and yet it is being outsold by Captiva, Kluger and Prado. Coupled to the fact its an outstanding car and Australian made (Aussie cars typically dominate the segment they compete in) I would almost call the ads a failure.

I should add that Ford might be very happy with sales and there may be supply issues etc. Its just that the Territory when it was released had the image of this new kind of adventure crossover, where anything is possible and was selling over 2000 a month, and now the image is kinda turning into a soccer mum mobile.
If you only build 900 a month you can only sell 900 a month.. No matter how good your marketing or sales departments might be!!
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Old 11-12-2009, 01:29 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Brazen

Ford is forgetting that new car purchases are emotional decisions,
I think that's the basis of the Terri ad.

It's depicting the boys emotion of wanting his folks to own a Terri, which by the looks of it, has resonated with some mothers.

If Ford thought new car purchases weren't emotional, they would just have a voice over reading out the specs with the camera showing the car sitting there
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