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Old 14-12-2011, 12:23 PM   #31
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

I read the article this morning.
It doesn't say how many people were hurt or injured.
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:29 PM   #32
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:30 PM   #33
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by gcg2503
So if someone gets shot in the face....Is it a case of wrong place, wrong time not the act of?

Clutching at straws big time Mitch!
depends how much money they owed me....
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:31 PM   #34
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by Fev
Originally Posted by Fev
"It's not safe, it feels scary. Cars going fast - they just go crazy."
Sounds ridiculous, who honestly speaks like that?
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:43 PM   #35
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by gcg2503
So if someone gets shot in the face....Is it a case of wrong place, wrong time not the act of?

Clutching at straws big time Mitch!
Sometimes yes.

I know personally of two situations in Australia where people have be hit by a stray bullet that was completely accidental.
One had left the range area (Belmont Brisbane) at an angle close to 90 degrees and hit a passenger in a car about a kilometre away.
The other was during illegal camping on private property behind a thick group of trees while there was feral animal culling taking place.

The world is never black and white, there is always some level of grey.
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:46 PM   #36
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by GTP owner
I would prefer someone doing a skid than an geriatric with a time-bomb ticker with cataracts and uncontrolled diabetes driving down my street with the kids on it. I think you will find the stats indicate your scenario is far safer and has occurred on far fewer occasions than the geriatric driver killing someone.

Can't for the life of me see your logic - a geriatric always will keep to 50k's in a suburbam setting - I am yet to see some one drop a burnout and then keep to the speed limit.

Skid panns, burnout pads at a race track etc are a different story - bet you drop a few skids outside your parents house just for the fun of it to.
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:51 PM   #37
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

auxr I think you missed his point

GTP owners hypothesis is that elderly drivers are more of a danger than those doing burnouts........
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:53 PM   #38
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by auxr
bet you drop a few skids outside your parents house just for the fun of it to.
as a matter of fact i do.. been doing it for years......
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Old 14-12-2011, 01:08 PM   #39
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Talking Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by gcg2503
auxr I think you missed his point

GTP owners hypothesis is that elderly drivers are more of a danger than those doing burnouts........
Nope - didn't miss the hypothesis.

Originally Posted by auxr
bet you drop a few skids outside your parents house just for the fun of it to.

as a matter of fact i do.. been doing it for years......
Today 12:51 PM

pottery beige - mate, thou don't shitteth in thy own back yard is the 15th commandment - thou youth maketh me laugheth out loudest on occasion.
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Old 14-12-2011, 01:16 PM   #40
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Quote the person you are responding to....

Above you are refering to Pottery Beige yet you quoted GTPOwner!
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Old 14-12-2011, 01:17 PM   #41
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Don't drive... No such thing as safe speed...

I remember the days of real Falcon GT's and to a lesser extent Monaro's that would chirp the tyres EASY
and for quite some time.. Even the High Way patrol would chirp the tyres back then..
But now days with traction control etc.. It seems the slightest chirp!!
In an older car or one without T.C ..
You could be in big trouble...
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Old 14-12-2011, 01:21 PM   #42
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

A time and place for Burnouts. on public roads for a wedding or funeral im pretty against.. (Anti social behavoir) sound pollution and disturbance to locals. I would be the 1st one in covering myself in a shroud of tyre smoke in an official burnout comp or summernats. -i love my burnouts just as much or way more than the average!
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Old 14-12-2011, 01:21 PM   #43
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by flappist
The world is never black and white, there is always some level of grey.
... and colour too but I'm Black & White on this one.

Imo Burnouts don't belong in suburbia (or anywhere there could be pedestrians). Slow velocity manoeuvre or not, there is a risk.
If you have a baby/toddler that needs an afternoon sleep you'd also realise that the "time of day" is irrelevent too.
Burnout trails (like graffiti) in suburbia also devalue the properties in the neighbourhood.

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Old 14-12-2011, 02:27 PM   #44
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

there is a time and place for everything, but doing burnouts in a residential area is just not on.
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Old 14-12-2011, 02:45 PM   #45
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

I used to do burnouts in front of houses (parents etc) and thought nothing of it (thought I was cool). If you confronted me about at the time I would thought you were a ***** and said so.

NOW that I'm older, I get embarrassed about what I have done and see that I was being a totally disrespectful fool.
What a way to get on the bad side of your neighbors (probably the whole street too) by doing this stuff. It shows you have no respect for others.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the sound and smell of burnouts but just not in suburban streets.
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:11 PM   #46
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by GTP owner
If you look at the footage, it looks like a fixed monitoring cam. It makes me wonder whether she is one of those neighbours that film everything on the street looking for offenders. The type of person who whinges at the drop of a hat while video taping your kids going to school.
If hooning and burnouts on her street were such a problem, why was there only the fresh marks from the wedding day? She is just as much a pest in the street as those who make a bit of noise or have hot cars. I hate vigilante pests who are on the phone to the police at the slightest noise. It is no wonder the police ignore her
If you look at the drive-by afterward the wedding scene, it looks like there a few faded skid marks on the road, we also see the Torrie doing a burnout which wasn't part of the wedding.

If that was happening on my street, i'd be onto the cops and i'm not a serial whinger, like muscle cars etc and don't mind a burnout, but there's a time and place for it and that's not in suburbia.
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:19 PM   #47
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

The reason why nothing will be done with video footage is because if the police get it wrong, they can be sued.

One of my mates had my car while I was in sydney and got filmed doing burnouts. I was told the video got taken to the police station and police said they would follow it up. I got a solictor and pretty much the case was dropped because the police could not prove when the incidnet happened.

In Victoria the police only have 12 months to act upon a hoon offence after 12 months you can not be charged with the offence. The only way someone can be charged with a hoon offence if the police see it, or you admit to doing it.

For the matter of people doing it in the streets. It is very stupid. I am pi**ed off somone left a couple marks a couple houese down from my place.

People say its just a burnout, but a few people have lost control of a burnout and gone into houses. Case in Melbourne last year, person did burnout went through a front yard and killed a kid. Yes it is just a burnout out which resulted in death.
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:22 PM   #48
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

It is amazing how so many see something as black and white and their opinion is the only correct one in any situation.

If I were to say that pushbikes are dangerous on the roads and should be be banned I suspect that some here may object.

Or how about any car that is older than 10 years and does not have ABS or crumple zones etc. is a menace on the roads and should be banned?

Or how about all cars with a power to weight ratio of greater than 70kW/tonne be speed limited to 100km/h as the only reason you need that much power is for towing and caravans are just too dangerous on 0-400 strips.

There are many people in the community who would strongly support one or more of these ideas. They are black and white.

Old cars are dangerous, have you seen the injuries on ACAtubebook.
Only hoons and caravan towers need V8s, again ACAtubebook shows the truth.
Pushbikes should be restricted to pushbike tracks, it's for their own safety....think of the children.

Or is it only things that YOU think are correct that should be allowed and nothing else matters?

How about this idea, people are responsible for their actions and if there is an event then they wear the consequences.

The pushbike rider on the road is responsible enough to interact with other traffic and not cause accidents.

The XY Falcon driver is responsible enough to know that he cannot slow down or corner as quickly as others and drives accordingly.

The FPV GT driver is responsible enough to know when it is safe to do 50km/h in a 100 zone or 120km/h in a 110 zone.

And the burnout dropper knows when and where as takes precautions against accidents.

And just so the wowsers don't immediately interpret "when and where" as outside a school at 3pm, up here we have a yearly event where some roads in sububia are closed to allow "enthusiastic" driving. The "hoons" tend to wander out to roads away from people to "play up".

Maybe if we all spent less time trying to control how others live their lives we may all be a bit better off......
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:24 PM   #49
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

No we are all morons and must have every second of our day and every whim legislated against!

Think of the children!!!!
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:35 PM   #50
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by flappist
Maybe if we all spent less time trying to control how others live their lives we may all be a bit better off......
Woohoo, let's get rid of the need for mods to judge what is right or wrong !!!

(what you say is true though, less time worrying about what others do and more time on how you can make a difference)
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:37 PM   #51
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

i see a decent burnout in my street.. i rate it...

i see a pathetic open legger attempt.. i hate it...
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:38 PM   #52
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Muppets, sorry, not a fan of it.
Have seen it go horribly wrong once before, and almost been cleaned up by a nugget snaking a burnout in a residential area while I was on holidays in Noosa.
Wouldn't want black marks up and down my street, as everyone would think it was me as I have old bangers I guess.

Each to thier own though.
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:39 PM   #53
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by gcg2503
auxr I think you missed his point

GTP owners hypothesis is that elderly drivers are more of a danger than those doing burnouts........
Not my hypothesis, but fact. Look at the data for numbers injured/killed per km travelled per age group. It's a nice "U" shaped curve. High for the youngsters, lower for the middle aged, and goes back up for the oldies over 75.
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:52 PM   #54
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Time and place moron, time and place...all it takes is for it to hook up and spear through someones front living room wall. You can't call a surburban street the same as a burnout pad where everything is controlled, and the people doing the driving are extremely unlikely to be burnout champs from competitions...
We had the same problem in a street where we used to live in Bundy, a guy in a old brown VH Commodore driving down the street doing burnouts at every intersection, until one day we heard a long screetch and a bang, and went for a look to see him a street or two down, front end planted in someones front brick fence.
This was about a month after someone snuck down to their house at 2am and firmly planted four six inch nails jammed behind each of his lovely 17" tyres, where he always parked it nosed up a sloping driveway. No idea who did that...
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:53 PM   #55
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by davway
Bogan wedding.
Nothing more needs to be said.
ha, ha,

and the bride ran away with the best man.

I wouldn,t want a burn out at my wedding.
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:55 PM   #56
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Can't for the life of me see your logic - a geriatric always will keep to 50k's in a suburbam setting - I am yet to see some one drop a burnout and then keep to the speed limit.
You missed Jasons point, and I disagree with your statement about geriatrics sticking to seed limits, from my observation they have basically one speed - too slow for freeways and highways, and too fast for 50 zones!

Skid panns, burnout pads at a race track etc are a different story - bet you drop a few skids outside your parents house just for the fun of it to.
It's a family affair, father and son both drop burnouts, both have proper race cars, not half assed buckets of poo but well developed and FAST cars, and both of them belt the daylights out of them at the track.

You're so far off the mark it's funny.
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Old 14-12-2011, 04:01 PM   #57
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by 2011G6E
Time and place moron, time and place...all it takes is for it to hook up and spear through someones front living room wall. You can't call a surburban street the same as a burnout pad where everything is controlled, and the people doing the driving are extremely unlikely to be burnout champs from competitions...
We had the same problem in a street where we used to live in Bundy, a guy in a old brown VH Commodore driving down the street doing burnouts at every intersection, until one day we heard a long screetch and a bang, and went for a look to see him a street or two down, front end planted in someones front brick fence.
This was about a month after someone snuck down to their house at 2am and firmly planted four six inch nails jammed behind each of his lovely 17" tyres, where he always parked it nosed up a sloping driveway. No idea who did that...
So you are quite happy to brag about putting people's lives at risk by being a vigilante and puncturing someone's tyres? Do you know what a hypocrite is? YOU endangered people because he could have been driving with flat tyres and lost control and (in the words of the nannies) killed a bazillion kids! I just don't get how you can be so self-righteous yet put people at risk by your actions.
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Old 14-12-2011, 04:07 PM   #58
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Wow - this thread should really turn into a poll;

a) I am a d**head and really couldn't give a rats a&&rse as to who I upset by dropping burnouts up and down any street and at any time of the night or day.

b) I am a hoon/bogan and couldn't care less about others

c) I am a respectful car entusiast that has commen sense - and all that these two small words entail.

Man - this isn't about being legislated agains't or loss of freedoms.
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Old 14-12-2011, 04:07 PM   #59
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

I get that Flappist, yes people should have proper commen sense, but that old saying, "commen sense , isn,t very commen" and then a couple of dummies can reck things for everyone, then the rules come, then accusations of nanny state.
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Old 14-12-2011, 04:10 PM   #60
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

OK, this is how it works: inside town limits, outside schools, in residential areas, I have absolutely no time at all for people driving like idiots, doing burnouts, or speeding in old dungers in dangerous spots...and I'll ring the cops and report them, no hestitation. Outside town,they can do as they like, as we all used to do years ago. Back then it was "peer pressure" of a whole different sort and the opposite of what works these days. If someone was driving like a tool, we told him to bloody well stop or the cops will be onto us all doing "random checks" and defecting cars...we didn't egg them on and encourage them to do it more.
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