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Old 20-02-2007, 06:06 PM   #31
4.9 EF Futura
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Originally Posted by charles_wif_xf
Amazing, isn't it, how the US has 15 times the population we do and yet they consume hundreds of times more energy than we do.
Granted... and i think even the Americans would acknowledge their per capita resource consumption verges on "sickening".... but on the flipside they also house/own/operate and invented a LOT of what could be considered global infrastructure.

(lol... they also thought it was a cool idea back in the 60's/70's to develop 3 tonne cars with 6 litre engines to drive one person to work... and somehow this was enshrined into their culture??? Altho i can think of another western country that has an obsession with large cars and this has become a part of its culture over the years... that 5.4L donk is a beauty though isnt it?!?!)

Scary thoughts ahead.... China currently consumes a fraction of the USA's daily oil consumption. But is tipped to surpass this level of consumption within the next 15 years.

Will make GasOlane's picture even prettier!!

"But it's ok because they're an emerging economy/developing nation"... lol.... the World is an amazing place
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Old 20-02-2007, 06:07 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by [ NZTS50 ]
You're above my head, unless you Googled it I didn't know that. However, I think it would be safe bet to say that the Government would have professional scientists who would know a little more about the matter than that of yourself. Not picking but if you're that hard-out about it, so would they. It wouldn't have been: "Hey, lets ban light bulbs today aye fellas?!!"

You get my point.
I worked in the power generation industry 1980-1983.
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Old 20-02-2007, 06:15 PM   #33
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Our house has a solar hot water system. It supplies 100% of our hot water. On the down side our air con is a fully ducted system that runs on 3 phase power.

More houses should be encouraged to go solar. Governments subsidies should be put in place here.
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Old 20-02-2007, 06:20 PM   #34
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Maybe we should go back to the days when we had to have someone walk in front of our car with a red flag and carbide headlights. No, we have to change with the times and the ever growing population and therefore greater power use and all forms of savings must be considered.
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Old 20-02-2007, 06:29 PM   #35
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Maybe the next step for house hold lighting could be high intensity LED's. As the science around these kind of devices improves, these kind of idea's might bare fruit.
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Old 20-02-2007, 06:33 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Outbackjack
Maybe the next step for house hold lighting could be high intensity LED's. As the science around these kind of devices improves, these kind of idea's might bare fruit.
See post #17
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Old 20-02-2007, 06:36 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by GasOLane
See post #17
Wooops. I admit it it, I didn't read all through all posts!!! :togo: :

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Old 20-02-2007, 06:38 PM   #38
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To be honest, its suprising LEDs havent already been utilised more in domestic situations and environments.
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Old 20-02-2007, 06:43 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by 4.9 EF Futura
To be honest, its suprising LEDs havent already been utilised more in domestic situations and environments.
The cost has been the mian limiting factor. The LEDS are starting to be seen in torch's and the like. At least here in OZ we are using 240 volts. The USA has 110 volts. A far less effecient power source.
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Old 20-02-2007, 07:33 PM   #40
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The radio was saying that if it was to be introduced it would kick in 2010. The cost factor should be a non-issue, as the price of these energy savers keeps dropping and eventually they will be around the 50c mark for sure.

As for the reasons.... it wont be to save energy im sure, it would be to compensate for the growing population and the increased energy demands...
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Old 20-02-2007, 07:40 PM   #41
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All i know is that they don't work with dimmer switches.
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Old 20-02-2007, 08:04 PM   #42
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Apparently a "manufacturing ban" will take effect as soon as 2009, outlawing the manufacture of incandescent globes in Australia. I wonder if they will also outlaw the importation of them as well.
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Old 20-02-2007, 08:52 PM   #43
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We'll have none of this seditious anti energy saver bulb talk or little Johnny's light bulb secret police will be around to interrogate you with their energy saving flood lights.
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Old 20-02-2007, 10:12 PM   #44
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hehehe - tis all good - I know where the main switch to turn the whole lot off is!
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Old 20-02-2007, 10:24 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by wulos
Apparently a "manufacturing ban" will take effect as soon as 2009, outlawing the manufacture of incandescent globes in Australia. I wonder if they will also outlaw the importation of them as well.
Do you mean that something is actually still made in Australia???? Well bvgger me.
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Old 20-02-2007, 10:27 PM   #46
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Its always the practical details that are never addressed.

Ban plastic shopping bags. What do you carry the shopping home in and then line the garbage bins with? Well that was easy, the supermarkets sell you non-decomposable shopping bags (which you have to buy each time because who carries shopping bags around with them?) and also garbage bin liners made by Glad or some other multinational (which are just as "bad" as the shopping bags). So somebody makes a lot of money out of this, but not us mug shoppers for sure.

Ban incandescent light bulbs. So we empty our wallets buying something 5 times the price which is as big as a bull's b...lls (and looks as ugly as them) and won't fit in most light fittings. So we replace the light fittings and again someone makes a lot of money selling lights and light fittings (plus electricians to fit them).... but not us mugs again.

Isn't it great how democratically us ordinary mugs are called upon to make great sacrifices for the environment while the big end of town counts the money rolling in.

Anyway what happened to the business of fluoros being supposed to be left on all the time. What about lights that have to be constantly switched on and off? Won't it shorten the life and use more energy.

Can someone throw some light on this?
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Old 20-02-2007, 10:45 PM   #47
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When they came up with this idea, to ban the light bulb, did a light bulb turn on above their head? :
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Old 20-02-2007, 10:59 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by flappist
I worked in the power generation industry 1980-1983.
I see, 3 years isn't exactly a guru though. I'm sure you know your stuff, that's not my point. Others in the industry would have done the research needed for the government to make this decision.....it's not a call they make when calling for tea or coffee.
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Old 20-02-2007, 10:59 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Aeron
When they came up with this idea, to ban the light bulb, did a light bulb turn on above their head? :
: : :
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Old 20-02-2007, 11:02 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by new2ford
Its always the practical details that are never addressed.
Rest of quote edited out in the interest of saving space, but spot on there man.
Even recycling was considered a crock until someone decided there was money to be made out of it.

If these clowns all got serious and really cared about the world and human-kind's impact on it's future, then I would back all these things 100 percent.

Carbon credits, tree planting, what a joke. These new-age trees are planted mostly where natural bushland existed previously!!! How enviro-friendly is that?
As for carbon credits, anyone living in a major industrial area knows that when the lights go out what happens.......
The puss that came out of our oil shale 'experimental' plant was ignored until everyone locally chucked the biggest mental. In the end it was only the cost of the process that shut it down, but they're starting up for round 2 soon. Save the world? Yeah right.


Last edited by XD 351 Ute; 20-02-2007 at 11:29 PM.
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Old 20-02-2007, 11:06 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Fairlane
i for one depend on the heat produced by some bulbs.

I take it your involved in hydroponics? :
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Old 20-02-2007, 11:37 PM   #52
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What gets me is all the manufaturing plants, every feckin plant you see with a chimney pumping **** loads of smoke/steam into the air, every one of these can eaisily install a generator run by the steam going up the chimney and actually create enough power to sustain their own system and put the excess back into the power grid earning them money but it cost money to install and most wont do it even though after a few years it will make them a profit and save power.
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Old 20-02-2007, 11:43 PM   #53
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i think its stupid!
they dont have dimmer switches for those fluro globes do they?
as shannon noel said "what about me, it isnt fair"
im not happy jan!
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Old 20-02-2007, 11:44 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Turbot
What gets me is all the manufaturing plants, every feckin plant you see with a chimney pumping **** loads of smoke/steam into the air, every one of these can eaisily install a generator run by the steam going up the chimney and actually create enough power to sustain their own system and put the excess back into the power grid earning them money but it cost money to install and most wont do it even though after a few years it will make them a profit and save power.
i never knew that...... that actually makes sense.....
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Old 21-02-2007, 10:31 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Fairlane
Well i dont now what to make of this but they are banning the inridiscent (sp) light bulb, in order to cut green house gas.

I cant say im a huge fan of this, ok it will cut a fair bit of greenhouse gas, but not everyone (ie me) wants to be forced to use a energy saver bulb in ever item, i for one depend on the heat produced by some bulbs. I suppose it also raises question of what people will do to get bulbs for heatlamps, spotlights, even my fridge etc and will 12v wiring systems be exempt?
You will still be able to purchase specialty bulbs for things such as reptile enclosures, heat lamps, fridges and the like... It's the standard household bulb which is going to be replaced. My new fridge, just out of interest has mini fluorescent tubes in it so I guess it'll be a matter of time for these items also... Fortunately they can't make fluorescent infra-red heat lamps so incandescent lamps will stay for this purpose.
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Old 21-02-2007, 01:03 PM   #56
4.9 EF Futura
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Originally Posted by new2ford

Ban incandescent light bulbs. So we empty our wallets buying something 5 times the price which is as big as a bull's b...lls (and looks as ugly as them) and won't fit in most light fittings. So we replace the light fittings and again someone makes a lot of money selling lights and light fittings (plus electricians to fit them).... but not us mugs again.
Factor in the longevity of the mini fluro lights. The incandescent bulb is designed to fail and need regular replacement (this is the "big end of town" doing what it does best... and you're supporting it?!?!?!). A mini fluro will pay for itself after 2 years...and from then on you're "ahead".

The "big end of town" will actually be worse off. But hey, dont let the facts get in the way of a good old government bashing!!

I looked around my house last night and there's not a single fitting that wont accept one of these globes. Looking for more detail on this one, sport!!

PS My supermarket gives me a plastic bag if i ask for it. I use this to empty my rubbish with. Man, those monsters down at the Glad factory must be furious!

What chance does our planet have when such ridiculous reasons for opposing environmental initiatives are brought forward???
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Old 21-02-2007, 04:22 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Turbot
What gets me is all the manufaturing plants, every feckin plant you see with a chimney pumping **** loads of smoke/steam into the air, every one of these can eaisily install a generator run by the steam going up the chimney and actually create enough power to sustain their own system and put the excess back into the power grid earning them money but it cost money to install and most wont do it even though after a few years it will make them a profit and save power.

What a load of crap... I work in manufacturing and it has been a widely discussed issue. Initial research indicated that we and the factories around us are far from capable of producing nearly enough energy to be self sufficient. In fact our back-up diesel generator which is housed in a room the size of the average double garage but nearly 2 stories tall can only produce enough power to keep the bare essentials running.

Upload some facts before you unload your fury.
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Old 21-02-2007, 05:12 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by [ NZTS50 ]
I see, 3 years isn't exactly a guru though. I'm sure you know your stuff, that's not my point. Others in the industry would have done the research needed for the government to make this decision.....it's not a call they make when calling for tea or coffee.
No it doesn't make me a guru but then what I have said is entry level basic knowlege for any electrician in that industry.
A bit like if you put deisel in a petrol engine it will not work well is a basic thing for motor mechanics.
My 3 years was spent in an actual power station (Howard QLD), in constuction and maintenance of substations, HT & LT distribution and metering.
Translated: I have a pretty good idea how this stuff works.

You really have no idea how government makes policy. There is always an agenda that the facts are fitted too. Then propaganda is deployed to back up the aganda. There is an election coming up, global warming is topical, kyoto is off the table, something needs to be done to take the heat off (excuse the pun).


We need more money.
We can't increase tax.
People die on roads.
Install speed cameras and collect revenue while convincing the people (us) that they are not collecting tax they are making us safer.

No one can argue or prove that speed cameras are not working because there is no evidence of what the road toll would be without them. It is all theory but makes GREAT policy as if it appears to be not working well the solution is MORE of them and bigger fines......
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Old 21-02-2007, 05:23 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by flappist
No it doesn't make me a guru but then what I have said is entry level basic knowlege for any electrician in that industry.
A bit like if you put deisel in a petrol engine it will not work well is a basic thing for motor mechanics.
My 3 years was spent in an actual power station (Howard QLD), in constuction and maintenance of substations, HT & LT distribution and metering.
Translated: I have a pretty good idea how this stuff works.

You really have no idea how government makes policy. There is always an agenda that the facts are fitted too. Then propaganda is deployed to back up the aganda. There is an election coming up, global warming is topical, kyoto is off the table, something needs to be done to take the heat off (excuse the pun).


We need more money.
We can't increase tax.
People die on roads.
Install speed cameras and collect revenue while convincing the people (us) that they are not collecting tax they are making us safer.

No one can argue or prove that speed cameras are not working because there is no evidence of what the road toll would be without them. It is all theory but makes GREAT policy as if it appears to be not working well the solution is MORE of them and bigger fines......
OK, you're over my head and went quite a bit off track. Like I said, you know your stuff no doubt what I am saying is the government will also have people of your knowledge and possibly better to work out the ins & outs of what bulbs do and which has better benefits.

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Old 21-02-2007, 06:12 PM   #60
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The energy save lights globes are a **** poor light compared to an normal incandescent. You can buy them in colour ranges, like the Cool/Warm whites etc. Although they produce similar amount of wattage for a lot less power input, they don't produce the same amount of lumens.
The LED's are already out, but still a little more expensive. But if you see what they can do with them already, its great.
They cost roughly 2-3 times what a normal 12V downlight kit will cost you.
Or for about $60, you can get an LED setup, (one globe, transformer, and fitting) that comes with a remote for the transformer, and you can cycle the LED in and out of different colours, etc, which is great for entertaining, etc. BUt a **** for most of the other times.
The other problem with LED's apart from their price atm, is, as someone else has said, they cannot be dimmed, which is a bit of a pain.
At least they're not pahsing out the good old 12v Halogne downlight globes, saeeing as i have put about 40+ downlights in my old lady's house, and 60+ in my dad's house. And the Goverment thinks a normal incandescent globe uses energy.
In a room where you would have 2-3 normal light fittings, you would have 12-20 downlights, running 50w each (not counting transformer losses).

Also, all the speciality globes, such as heat lamps, etc won't be phased out, because there is nothing to replace them with. You can't exactly have a 40w compact fluro heat lamp in your bathroom heater. When the compact fluro's give off bugger all heat. So every other globe, bar the standard incandescent, will not be phased out any time soon.

I know this is a start for the Govt. to make some changes, but why don't they seriously try and cut usage on some high demand items in the home. Lighting would generally make up less than 10-20% of your electricity bill. Less, if you have Electric hot water, and all electric cooking appliances.
The Govt. has hardly done a thing to the tip of the iceburg!

But hey it'll keep all the greenies happy... and most other people probably wouldn't give a rats anyway.
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