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Old 19-11-2009, 11:30 PM   #61
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I've sat here and watched and read:-

A few things to consider

  • The problem (evident by some of the responses in this thread) the True Blue Aussie is dying a slow death. Once we used to give every one a fair go, that is a thing of the past.
  • Immigrants do the job that no Australian wants to do as it is beneath them.
  • Without the overseas drivers, those people would be on here b"cth"ching that taxi response times were terrible. Without the Indians. Pakis. Chinese and Somalians you'd be waiting forever for your cab to rock up.
  • Throw your hat into the ring, back up your biased opinion and:-
  1. leave your family behind in another country
  2. Work your behind off to improve yourself in a foreign land
  3. Dress impeccable, 10 times the company standard and 20 times the average Aussie yobo
  4. Learn a new city, but at the same time be responsible for the well being and safety of complete strangers.
  5. Interpret Australian slang, even a dinky die Ozzie can stumble on lingo let alone to a 2nd language foreigner that was taught English
  6. Drive an unfamiliar motor car to a standard that is across the board' acceptable. Some want a quick trip, others a slow, steady and safe trip
  7. Do all of the above yet knowing that no matter if you are cabbie of the year, it won't be good enough.
No one is perfect, Some try to improve some just whinge......

Going by a few of the posts in this thread, when are you booking your ticket to travel to India to get your cab license????

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Old 19-11-2009, 11:52 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Racecraft
I've sat here and watched and read:-

A few things to consider

  • The problem (evident by some of the responses in this thread) the True Blue Aussie is dying a slow death. Once we used to give every one a fair go, that is a thing of the past.
  • Immigrants do the job that no Australian wants to do as it is beneath them.
  • Without the overseas drivers, those people would be on here b"cth"ching that taxi response times were terrible. Without the Indians. Pakis. Chinese and Somalians you'd be waiting forever for your cab to rock up.
  • Throw your hat into the ring, back up your biased opinion and:-
  1. leave your family behind in another country
  2. Work your behind off to improve yourself in a foreign land
  3. Dress impeccable, 10 times the company standard and 20 times the average Aussie yobo
  4. Learn a new city, but at the same time be responsible for the well being and safety of complete strangers.
  5. Interpret Australian slang, even a dinky die Ozzie can stumble on lingo let alone to a 2nd language foreigner that was taught English
  6. Drive an unfamiliar motor car to a standard that is across the board' acceptable. Some want a quick trip, others a slow, steady and safe trip
  7. Do all of the above yet knowing that no matter if you are cabbie of the year, it won't be good enough.
No one is perfect, Some try to improve some just whinge......

Going by a few of the posts in this thread, when are you booking your ticket to travel to India to get your cab license????

Must admit i have never thought about it like that, All though foreigners have never bothered me personally.
But very well said.
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Old 20-11-2009, 12:19 AM   #63
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i had a taxi driver try charge me $70 for the same trip i did the previous day for $14.45
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Old 20-11-2009, 02:08 AM   #64
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im sorry mate but foreigners dont make response times any better, i havent been in a taxi with an aussie driver for about 4 years and during that time ive waited for a taxi for over an hour several times, there is no correlation. if we were short on cab drivers, they would have to put the wages up until people started applying... then our fares would be higher, which i guess is one thing there is to consider. then again, having a new australian cabbie who doesnt know the area doesnt keep the fare down....

a few months back we called a taxi to drive us to a club from my girlfriends house as i wanted to drink for once so left the car at home and after 45 minutes and no taxi we just left. the main road there is about an hours walk to get to my girlfriends with no alternate route and i know for a fact there was no taxi that went past at the time.
halfway there, we came across a cab and, thinking it was ours i waved him down and he said it wasnt our cab and i told him what happened and he drove us the rest of the way and didnt charge us because he was heading in the direction anyway

whilst theres always those chasing the bigger fares, it shouldnt be so complicated catching a taxi thursday/friday/saturday nights, were paying for convenience
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Old 20-11-2009, 01:29 PM   #65
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i have a positive cab ride story

We left our phone in the back of a New York Taxi. The driver ended up ringing the Gf's mum here in aus to get our hotel address, he then rang the hotel and dropped it back to us. what a great bloke. if you loose a phone in a taxi in melb you would never see it again.
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Old 20-11-2009, 05:46 PM   #66
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Generally can't catch taxis in Australia much as with my wife's neck injury, the way most drive here will put her back in hospital. No, I am not exaggerating or joking, its just fact. She can't catch buses either. A few times I have asked if they can drive smoothly for an extra $10 or $20 depending on where we are going. None can, and I have never been paid this out, always have just had to get out and get someone to come pick us up after I explain why. Pretty much all of our family/friends/colleagues or other people we know have no problem driving normally - its just cabbies are complacent about driving and don't see the issue with pumping the brakes or accelerator all the time (apparently this makes the meter tick over quicker, but I can't imagine this was the case unless it was going off consumption!). I have taken a few by myself, but apart from one who hated cyclists, who hit one on Elizabeth St in Sydney and kept going say bikes aren't allowed on the road so it didn't matter, they are just a very last option for me. I have good public transport, and little brothers that like earning extra cash so its all good.

Despite this we catch taxi's overseas all the time out of necessity, but remarkably don't have the same issues with bad driving as here. True. Even in places like Italy and Thailand!?! In Rome, one went 'bah' and drove the wrong way down a one way street when we got caught in traffic. Gently put one wheel up on the footpath, and oncoming cars did the same like it was the most natural thing in the world. Ok then.

Try getting a taxi for 'meter' in Bangkok though. Almost as easy as getting a cab to take you on a short trip in Sydney CBD in the smalll hours of the morning! I always give a big tip though because 60mins in a BKK taxi on meter is about $3 AUD! That was at 27 Baht per AUD. Even more now.

Got ripped off bad at Venice airport, then he dropped my laptop bag on the ground - but it still lives to this day. In fact all our bags kept getting dropped all the time by taxi drivers. No damage though.

Even the Parisian drivers were ok. Not sure why ours can't drive, maybe they just accurately reflect the wider australian motoring public.
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Old 20-11-2009, 07:13 PM   #67
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Bravo Tibbo, well said.
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Old 20-11-2009, 08:34 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Racecraft
A few things to consider...
Spoken like a true cabbie (stirring tibbo)...

The fact that there are so many new arrivals driving our cabs doesn't make it ok to provide sub-standard service at a premium (or standard) price.

It is not ok to pay for a service provided at X level when it is delivered in an unsafe and unpleasant manner. I feel strongly enough about it that I happily pay the premium to use silver (where the worst of my REALLY bad complaints is that the driver talked too much) or if I am leaving the airport (though not in Brisbane because they're nowahere to be seen???), I negotiate a chauffered car.

I have had to hit a driver recently - it is as fair to defend "some" cabbies as it is to attack "some" cabbies. I suspect that our "some" are not the same people though.

As it happens, the driver I hit chucked a hissy fit and I got out without paying him at the first set of lights and reported him. Yellow Cabs never came back to me with a result but the Police were more than happy to invite me in for my statement.
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Old 20-11-2009, 11:23 PM   #69
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Did he hit you first?

And you wonder why nobody wants to drive a taxi

What was so bad you had to hit him????
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Old 20-11-2009, 11:28 PM   #70
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yes, do tell this story gtp006
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Fully optioned, 340rwkw@16psi (thanks Bluepower)!

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Old 21-11-2009, 12:05 AM   #71
... Fear it!
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I've only ever caught one cab home. Was end of August and me and my God Brother went out and thought stuff it, we'll get his sister to drop us off and we'll cab it home. I was abit Iffy because I was more than happy to drive because I'm not a big drinker at all but I was persuaded otherwise and had a killer night. At about 2.30 in town we decided it was time to head off home. Now my God Brother only like about a 2minute drive out of town but it was too hard/long/dark/dangerous to walk so we just jumped into a cab at the lights. Was a modern shape Mitsubishi and VERY VERY clean and smelt nice. Guy was a fantastic driver aswell VERY impressed. Anyways being alittle drink as we were we've started up a convo with him, which he starts to tell us that he is Indian! And we're like no way bro no way your ethnic!... He's swearing on bouda's life that he's Indian. So we've picked up his cards on his dash (I was in the back my cugino in the front) and he's bloody names Kosta! Kosta Dimitriusis. And he's still swearing he's Indian. So we started rambling off to him in greek and he's laughing and acting all dumb and we're talking to the girls in cabs next to us in Greek and he's loving it. Then my cugino goes, you know, you want some dinner? There's that sick yiros bar just two streets that way! Straight away he pulls a U-turn and we've gotten some Yiros. Then we've probably sat there for 20mins eating and on the way home had a lengthy convo with him about family and blah blah. He took us the long way home so down Norwood (cruise route) we finally get home after like 20minutes extra in the car. We go whats the bill, he goes nah it boys you'se were too much of a laugh forget it! ... Was sick hahaha ...

So yeah, my experience with a Taxi Driver has been absolutly awsome! haha. And although you hear it all the time and in here I've read it on almost every post, I've never been cut off before lol.
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Old 21-11-2009, 12:23 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Jastel
Did he hit you first?

And you wonder why nobody wants to drive a taxi

What was so bad you had to hit him????
He fell asleep, I palmed him as I yelled at him. I had already quizzed him on how long he had been on for as I thought I caught him doze a few times in the space of a minute or so.

And you wonder why people don't like some cabbies....
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Old 21-11-2009, 08:23 PM   #73
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Well that sounds a bit different than "I had to hit him"

I fully understand why people hate taxi drivers
I hate dozens of them myself
You should try employing some of them, they bring your car back with dents and say "Wasn't Me!!"

Unless people complain in writing (preferably with witneses) to the taxi company and the transport department these cheats will still be on the road.

Most of them are just trying to earn a dollar though
Bad service in restaurants, shops no one complains
Bad service from taxis or phone companies, everyone complains
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Old 21-11-2009, 11:39 PM   #74
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few stories here have some salt and pepper no doubt.
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Old 22-11-2009, 10:42 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by Jastel

Most of them are just trying to earn a dollar though
Yes but its not chairty. If they cannot do it professionaly they shouldn't be doing it. Problem is many are just doing it earn a dollar and have no clue on what they are doing or where they are going. That is the number one problem in Melb and am sure else where. To not know the way from the Casino to Lygon street, they are not doing their job and should not be driving a taxi. Any other profession, they would have been sacked or trained but not in this industry .....

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Old 22-11-2009, 10:47 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by auslandau
Yes but its not chairty.
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Old 22-11-2009, 11:06 AM   #77
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To not know the way from the Casino to Lygon street,
lol i've only ever been to melbourne twice and even i know that
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Old 22-11-2009, 09:13 PM   #78
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Firstly this is NOT a personal attack to anyone here but just trying to show the many other sides of the arguements.

So we sack every taxi driver that doesn't know every street or makes a mistake with directions??

Hope you like walking

To get a taxi license currently costs a few hundred dollars in Queensland
This already puts a lot of applicants off.
The goverment is currently looking at changing the rules to increase training (including a TAFE level english assessment exam) for ALL drivers, whether you were born here or not. All state goverments are considering a nationwide set of taxi driver rules, so this not just for Queensland. The cost for all this training may be up to around $1500. There will be NO drivers willing to pay this, the dole is much easier. Taxi driving is not like a normal business where the boss just sends you off to do a course and pays you while you do it. The owners wont want to pay unless fares go up. So if you think it is hard to get a good cabby now just wait.

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. The drivers may be properly trained and speak english, but there will only be 3 of them.

I dont condone unsafe driving or ripping people off, these are serious matters, follow the procedures and report them, but to ask someone to know every street in Melbourne is a bit tough. (I know Lygon St is a major Rd but I am generalising) Just give him directions, if you know them, and build a bridge.

Owners only employ these incompetent people because there is no one better to do the job...the alternative is taxis parked in the shed...and in a lot of cases that is a BETTER alternative than letting these types drive your car!!

That doesn't help the public get home but.

It is not as simple as it seems to sack every driver that makes a mistake.
I have been ripped off as well when I travel and it gets me mad but I can see the other side of the fence too.

We should also sack every Ford mechanic that doesn't fix our car first go, the parts guy that sells us a thingo instead of a whatsit and every teenager at Maccas that screws our order up, obviously the Goverment and Public Service has gotta go as they never do anything right. You can vote with your feet (literally) and walk home. Or if you want take a bus/ferry/train or just call mum/wife.

Pretty much across the board service standards have fallen and to find someone that knows their job 100% and cares about customers is a bonus these days unfortunately.

If you do find these people be nice to them!!
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Old 22-11-2009, 09:23 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Jastel
To get a taxi license currently costs a few hundred dollars in Queensland
This already puts a lot of applicants off.
$740 in Victoria for a metropolitan licence.
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Old 22-11-2009, 09:25 PM   #80
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Works in England .....

And if a mechanic doesnt fix my car, I wont use them again so in a way I am sacking them as I can use someone else. With Taxis its pot luck

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Old 22-11-2009, 09:42 PM   #81
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does anyone know how to and how much it is to be a cabby in SA? I'd be good I know Adelaide well and I'm a safe driver.
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Old 22-11-2009, 10:06 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Jastel
but to ask someone to know every street in Melbourne is a bit tough. (I know Lygon St is a major Rd but I am generalising) Just give him directions, if you know them, and build a bridge.
As auslandau said "it works in Pommyland".

I think it takes about 3 years to get to drive a Black Cab in London, although it would have to be the worlds toughest driving test.
Dying at your job is natures way of saying that you're in the wrong line of work.
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Old 22-11-2009, 10:19 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by EFPWR
$740 in Victoria for a metropolitan licence.
I failed my Victorian taxi licence test.

They told me because I can speak English, understand directions and shower daily, I’m not the type of person they’re after.
Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning you’ll have hearts and diamonds. Towards the end, you’ll be looking for a club and a spade.
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Old 22-11-2009, 10:54 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
I failed my Victorian taxi licence test.

They told me because I can speak English, understand directions and shower daily, I’m not the type of person they’re after.

We aren't ALL like that! You just don't get the good ones! :
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Old 25-11-2009, 12:41 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by GasOLane
As auslandau said "it works in Pommyland".

I think it takes about 3 years to get to drive a Black Cab in London, although it would have to be the worlds toughest driving test.

That only applies to Black Cabs, and they still do not know everything and every street, I have lived there.

Admittedly doing "The Knowledge", the long training (I heard 18 months) to drive a Black Cab has to be better than the system we have here but you do pay for it in the fares.

Most local Londoners take Mini Cabs or Private cars, locally run outfits with hit and miss drivers, often new immigrants (legal and otherwise), which should only be prebooked but in reality operate from unofficial ranks. When you find a good driver you always call him. Black cabs are only for the businessmen and tourists with the prices they charge.

The system we have here is somewhere in between these two. Not as cheap and easy as mini cabs and not as expensive and restrictive as black cabs.
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Old 25-11-2009, 09:06 AM   #86
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I had a nice experience the other day. In fact, it was SO good that I felt the need, for the first time ever, to ring the complaints hotline (or whatever it's called).

Hopped in a cab on William St in Sydney bound for the airport - a regular run for me and cabbies alike. Problems:

- the brake and accelerator appeared to have two settings; on and off. Nothing in between.
- we (I say we only because I was in the car) cut two cars up under and overtaking down the freeway
- he got his mobile phone out TWICE, both to recieve a call. When he answered it a second time, I got on my high horse and told him that without a hands-free kit, what he was doing was illegal. Fortunately, he ended the second call quickly.

Now all of this was standard, in my opinion. It happens all the time. But the next bit takes the biscuit.

On approaching the terminal, he asks me which terminal, 1 or 2. I reply that I'm not sure, but I'm flying with Qantas. Usually the cabbie asks me what airline I'm flying on, rather than the terminal number so I've never paid attention to the numbers. So he dives into the first terminal (which is Virgin Blue), and say to him "no, Qantas is the next terminal". He slams on the brakes, and thank God no-one was behind us and I was belted up, and then proceeds to push the gear lever into REVERSE. And starts reversing... as other cars and taxis are approaching. I tell him, stupified, that he can drive forward and around to the other terminal, which mercifully he does.

And then my Cabcharge voucher didn't work - hardly his fault, and then never bloody do.

But still, worst cab ride I've ever had, on aco of the reversing at the airport. And so as soon as I got out I grabbed all the details of the cab and shopped him. With driving like that, it's only a matter of time before he loses his licence.
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Old 25-11-2009, 09:23 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by auslandau
Yes but its not chairty. If they cannot do it professionaly they shouldn't be doing it. Problem is many are just doing it earn a dollar and have no clue on what they are doing or where they are going. That is the number one problem in Melb and am sure else where. To not know the way from the Casino to Lygon street, they are not doing their job and should not be driving a taxi. Any other profession, they would have been sacked or trained but not in this industry .....
Mate that's nothing. I worked at the Taxi ranks at the airport when they were commissioning the new system (which also tied in with the 9/11 stuff) and the amount of abuse these guys give each other was horrendous. The Greek Taxi drivers were the worst though, especially the clown who used to get around in a VX SS cab. Yes a bloody V8 Cab.

Not as bad as the middle aged Indian fellow who didn't know how to get to Southern Cross station from the Airport though....
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 25-11-2009, 09:25 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by fordOwner
I had a taxi driver that played the bongo drums he had mounted between the front seats. I was telling him to stop but my mate was egging him on just as we got on the freeway. scary stuff.
wasn't a hiace was it? i have been in one like that too, maybe the same one, bit worrying when he's steering with his leg...
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Old 25-11-2009, 03:47 PM   #89
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YEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

steering with his knees as he was patting away on his bongos!! THATS HIM!!!

Im like "Hey mate, no offence, but can you keep your hands on the wheel?!"
My Mate "Nah! its awesome! keep going man!"

The taxi driver loved it while my knucles were turning white holding onto the seatbelt.
"Clowns may be funny in the circus, but they are killers on the highway".
"I didn't get much sleep last night I had a Brazillan woman banging on my door ALL night! - I finally got up to let her out"

Click here to see my ute
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Old 25-11-2009, 04:57 PM   #90
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 3,830

Originally Posted by Jastel
We should also sack every .... teenager at Maccas that screws our order up
I agree with that.

Those people are there to do a job AND THEY CAN'T EVEN LISTEN PROPERLY when you tell them you don't want f&&&&&ing pickles. Lucky it was raining last time I went and I couldn't have been bothered parking and walking back in or that burger would have been smeared all over their counter and probably thrown at the ice cream machine to mess that one up for the night.

If you're there to do a job, you do it properly, or find something else where you don't need to listen to customers.

/end rant.
Currently: 2014 Mazda6 GT (Daily) and 1999 Mazda MX5 (Fun Car)
Previously: 2001 Ford Escape XLT; 2010 MC Mondeo; 1984 FD LTD; 2001 AU2 Falcon Forte; 2005 LS Focus Zetec; 1988 RE Colt; 1982 RB Colt; 1974 KE20 Corolla
Originally Posted by Nikked
Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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