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Old 07-05-2011, 05:18 PM   #1
AWD Chaser
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Default So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Hey guys,

3 days after getting my HSV, a BMW crashed into the back of me which required I get a new rear bumper.

Went through my insurance agency to sort out (I wasnt at fault, and didnt have to pay any excess).

Picked up the car yesterday right on closing time but found the following marks. It's not just paint transfer, you can see the chip is below the paint line.

Also found this little bump in the front quarter panel.

I pointed them out to him and said that they werent there before and he just kept repeating that the car was in the shed the whole time (as if that makes a difference - things can still get scratched in the shed).

Is this worth pursuing or should I just bite the bullet and stop fusing?
Do I go back to my insurance and complain?

Kia Grand Carnival (2006)
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:34 PM   #2
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Id talk to the insurance company before they pay up. Once the panel beater has the money he is less likely to fix it.
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:37 PM   #3
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

There mightn't be much you can do about it. The crash repairer can claim that it happened after you collected it. You can try your insurance company, but there is that possibility of not getting to far with the repairer.
A wheel alignment fixes everything, when it comes to front end issues. This includes any little noises.

Please read the manual carefully, as the these manufacturers spent millions of dollars making sure it is perfect.....Now why are there so many problems with my car, when I follow the instructions to the letter?....Answer, majority rules round here

Lock me up and throw away the key because I'm a hoon....I got caught doing 59 in a 60 zone
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:44 PM   #4
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Was it a repairer of your choice, or the insurers? not that should make a difference to the responsibility of the repairer, but it may give you leverage if its the insurer's repairer. Obviously you feel it may end up a case of their word against yours, in the end, the insurance company will have to accept your version that it got damaged while there and they will seek out the best way of repairing the damage.

When you collected the vehicle did you spot the damage then or after, did you sign anything stating that the vehicle has been repaired to your satisfaction? Typically the repairer will not get any funds from the insurance company until this is done.

One thing I've learnt when picking up cars from repairers is to be prepared for them to have a contingency plan for what if they havent done the job properly. Dont be dependent on having the car back at that time, have another way of getting home etc.

Depending on your relationship with the repairer(hopefully for most of us we aren't regular customers of panel beaters), Allow yourself plenty of time to inspect the work before paying/signing off(dont come at closing time when the light is failing), have them put it on the hoist so you can expect whatever work was supposedly done under it, also good to see if they have been a bit sloppy with overspray under the vehicle, its much easier to get problems rectified if you walk away and leave it with them, rather than returning after you have paid/signed and getting them to do anything. Take the car for a test drive, see that everything is working a ok(who knows if they bounced it over a couple of gutters just for fun), sure not everyone does this but at the end of the day you aren't there to make life easy for the panel beater!
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Old 07-05-2011, 05:53 PM   #5
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

It's a HSV, who cares?

Sorry - just kidding. I would follow it up, if it were my car I would be constantly annoyed by knowing they were there.
2024 F150 XLT
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:07 PM   #6
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

The repairer should have photos of the car when quoted and these marks may or may not be visible in the pics. It will also be advisable to discuss with the repairer, not shout and scream as you more likely to get a better out come...More people should practice better manners.
Hope it works out for you.
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:10 PM   #7
AWD Chaser
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

  • I pointed it out to them before I took the car
  • Didnt sign anything at all - actually - I never even sighted any paperwork
  • Insurance company came out before it went to the repairer to look at damage in person - maybe they have some before shots.
  • Company was insurers own choice - didnt choose my own
  • Dont know the company or anyone that works there so there are no personal connections to worry about.
Kia Grand Carnival (2006)
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:15 PM   #8
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Follow up with the insurer, The assessor should have noted any old damage on the assesors report. (this is standard procedure). See how you go there.

Then when all is sorted, go to your nearest FPV dealer and trade it in for a real car :P
Everyone is entitled to my Opinion
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Old 07-05-2011, 06:19 PM   #9
AWD Chaser
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Originally Posted by Yaw
Then when all is sorted, go to your nearest FPV dealer and trade it in for a real car :P
I was so disappointed with my Tezza, that I sold it and bought the HSV...

But I wanted this model (VY R8) since it was released...

I think i will be getting an FG2 FPV when they get released...
Kia Grand Carnival (2006)
Silver, Grill Mesh, Tints, Sidesteps (with lights), Towbar, 7" Touch Screen DVD Tuner with intergrated GPS & Bluetooth, Roof Mounted Flip Down 15.1" LCD Screen, Reverse Camera - 184Kw

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Old 07-05-2011, 06:30 PM   #10
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Originally Posted by AWD Chaser
I was so disappointed with my Tezza, that I sold it and bought the HSV...

But I wanted this model (VY R8) since it was released...

I think i will be getting an FG2 FPV when they get released...
Each to thier own mate, If you like it thats what matters.
I love my Tezza, never had a real issue with it.
But honestly I hope you get the situation sorted, I understand the love of a car, Just not the love of a Holden
Everyone is entitled to my Opinion
2007 Territory TX SY RWD Ego
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Old 08-05-2011, 04:34 PM   #11
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Had a similar problem after getting my xr8 back, got it home and noticed that i had "developed" a dint in the sill, took it back to them and told them about it, they said generally thier blokes are pretty good if they damage something, went through the pics for the quote and couldnt see that section so they just agreed to fix it, if the insurance company was anywhere near as good as the repairer i would have been happy
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Old 08-05-2011, 04:58 PM   #12
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Speak to the insurer, they are the ones paying the bill, tell them that the repair was unsatisfactory and it needs fixing. They will act on your behalf and resolve it, she'll be right.
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Old 08-05-2011, 05:13 PM   #13
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Follow it up. If you leave it, you will always look at it and be angry with yourself for not following it up promptly.

I have had repair work fixed to my satisfaction when I found similar on the Festiva... The insurance company will handle it if the repairer doesn't want to play ball.
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Old 08-05-2011, 05:33 PM   #14
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

As a precautionary when you take your car to have work on, take photos with time stamps on them. Each of the panels and a few with the shop clearly in the photo.
The biggest problem with these sorts of issues and claims is nobody can prove it and it just becomes word against word
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Old 08-05-2011, 06:19 PM   #15
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Default Re: So just got my car back from the smash repairs

Originally Posted by plarazza
As a precautionary when you take your car to have work on, take photos with time stamps on them. Each of the panels and a few with the shop clearly in the photo.
The biggest problem with these sorts of issues and claims is nobody can prove it and it just becomes word against word
I doubt that would be or much benefit as the time stamps on pictures are whatever date the camera user enters prior to taking a picture.
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