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Old 05-09-2006, 09:18 AM   #1
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Default Maybe Four wheel drives aren't so bad after all...

Our friend Mr Scruby will be dissappointed about the results in the third last paragraph. From an article in The Age.

4WD drivers cause fewer crashes
Email Print Normal font Large font September 1, 2006 - 9:14AM

Four-wheel drive owners in NSW will not pay a higher green slip premium than ordinary vehicles after a report found they caused less crashes.

The NSW Motor Accidents Authority made the determination following a review of accident data where four-wheel drives were at fault between October 1999 and September 2004, NSW Commerce Minister John Della Bosca said today.

According to the report, to be released today, the average claim cost for four-wheel drives was slightly lower than for other vehicles.

There were also proportionally fewer claims against four-wheel drive policies.

An Upper House committee had recommended the NSW government examine whether the cost of claims involving the vehicles was higher and whether they should pay a higher green slip premium, Mr Della Bosca said .

The authority analysed the costs of medical treatment and compensation following accidents.

"Although four-wheel drives are generally heavier, more aggressive on impact and score lower crashworthiness ratings, the results were surprising," Mr Della Bosca said.

"As a result, the review recommended no separate third party green slip classification for four-wheel drive vehicles."

There were just 2.7 claims per 1,000 four-wheel drives compared with 3.3 claims per 1,000 non-four-wheel drives and the injury severity inflicted was almost identical, the report found.

Claims made by drivers and passengers injured in four-wheel drives were slightly higher than for other vehicles, but claims made by pedestrians when a four-wheel drive was at fault were considerably lower.

Although there was no justification for making four-wheel drives owners pay a higher green slip premium, the number of such vehicles on the roads was increasing and claims should be periodically reviewed, Mr Della Bosca said.

NSW compulsory third party insurance covers all people injured in an accident where there is a vehicle at fault.


Go Home, Your Igloo is on Fire....
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Old 05-09-2006, 09:36 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Tote

A review of accident data where four-wheel drives were at fault.......the average claim cost for four-wheel drives was slightly lower than for other vehicles.
What do they expect - big heavy vehicle hits small light vehicle light vehicle - the small light vehicle will suffer more damage and hence more cost (more damage doesn’t necessarily mean injured passengers though see below).

Originally Posted by Tote
"Although four-wheel drives are generally heavier, more aggressive on impact and score lower crashworthiness ratings, the results were surprising," Mr Della Bosca said.
So they just admitted they have lower crash worthiness ratings.

Originally Posted by Tote
Claims made by drivers and passengers injured in four-wheel drives were slightly higher than for other vehicles .
So they’re not safe - what was the point of the article again?

Originally Posted by Tote
but claims made by pedestrians when a four-wheel drive was at fault were considerably lower..
Can't claim when your dead (j/k) :
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Old 05-09-2006, 10:57 AM   #3
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This is not what it seems - see the discussion on the Territory forum at: http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthr...8&page=1&pp=25

And the comment on the other related drive.com.au news item:

"Stuart Newstead, senior research fellow at Monash University's Accident Research Centre, yesterday cautioned against interpreting the study's results as a safety tick for 4WDs. Their drivers were more likely to be older men, he said, and the recent sharp increase in sales meant 4WDs were, on average, newer than other cars. Newer cars and older drivers tend to be safer, significantly altering the effect on claims. Dr Newstead also cautioned that the study looked only at two-vehicle crashes, excluding accidents such as roll-overs. 4WDs typically have a higher centre of gravity and are more susceptible to rolling over than other cars."
Officially Fordless
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Old 05-09-2006, 12:32 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Tote
Our friend Mr Scruby will be dissappointed about the results in the third last paragraph. From an article in The Age.

4WD drivers cause fewer crashes
Email Print Normal font Large font September 1, 2006 - 9:14AM

Four-wheel drive owners in NSW will not pay a higher green slip premium than ordinary vehicles after a report found they caused less crashes.

The NSW Motor Accidents Authority made the determination following a review of accident data where four-wheel drives were at fault between October 1999 and September 2004, NSW Commerce Minister John Della Bosca said today.

According to the report, to be released today, the average claim cost for four-wheel drives was slightly lower than for other vehicles.

There were also proportionally fewer claims against four-wheel drive policies.

An Upper House committee had recommended the NSW government examine whether the cost of claims involving the vehicles was higher and whether they should pay a higher green slip premium, Mr Della Bosca said .

The authority analysed the costs of medical treatment and compensation following accidents.

"Although four-wheel drives are generally heavier, more aggressive on impact and score lower crashworthiness ratings, the results were surprising," Mr Della Bosca said.

"As a result, the review recommended no separate third party green slip classification for four-wheel drive vehicles."

There were just 2.7 claims per 1,000 four-wheel drives compared with 3.3 claims per 1,000 non-four-wheel drives and the injury severity inflicted was almost identical, the report found.

Claims made by drivers and passengers injured in four-wheel drives were slightly higher than for other vehicles, but claims made by pedestrians when a four-wheel drive was at fault were considerably lower.

Although there was no justification for making four-wheel drives owners pay a higher green slip premium, the number of such vehicles on the roads was increasing and claims should be periodically reviewed, Mr Della Bosca said.

NSW compulsory third party insurance covers all people injured in an accident where there is a vehicle at fault.

Written and authorised by

I. M. A. Spindoctor
4 Urbanassultvehicle St

on behalf of the "I HAVE A BIG 4WD AND LIVE IN THE CITY" party.

Nuclear weapons are far safer than firecrackers because there have been many more people hurt in Australia by firecrackers than atom bombs....

Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics.......
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Old 05-09-2006, 12:39 PM   #5
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So much for all 4x4 drivers being more aggressive, and not in propper control.

Ban V8's

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Old 05-09-2006, 12:52 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by dogbreath_48
So much for all 4x4 drivers being more aggressive, and not in propper control.

Ban V8's

Sarcasm i hope. Should be more V8's out there instade of these little buz boxes that can't accelerate up hills. lol. I almost got pushed off the road by some d**kh**d this morning in a 4wheel drive who changed lanes on top of me. Didn't blinker, didn't even look. I had to slam the brakes on and swerve. Most 4wheel drives i see around have mums driving their kids to school??? Stupid if you ask me. They are supposed to be for offroad.
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Old 05-09-2006, 12:58 PM   #7
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It would be nice to see the claims per 1000 for other car types compared with 4wds. Those regular viewers of fifth gear (torrent it) will know that a 4wd in an accident means disaster. Especially considering their chassis doesn't dissipate energy well, meaning more crash energy for the occupants to absorb.
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Old 05-09-2006, 01:28 PM   #8
EF, What else?
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You can have studies prove anything, same as statistics. Someone will release a study tomorrow telling us that calculators should be inhaled as it reduces cardio-vascular disease, then a week later someone will say, no inhaling calculators will cause brain tumors. All ridiculous
"So I said ... lol ... get this, I said your girlfriend looks like a koala!" :
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Old 05-09-2006, 09:02 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by flappist
Written and authorised by

I. M. A. Spindoctor
4 Urbanassultvehicle St

on behalf of the "I HAVE A BIG 4WD AND LIVE IN THE CITY" party.

Nuclear weapons are far safer than firecrackers because there have been many more people hurt in Australia by firecrackers than atom bombs....

Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics.......
What are the crash stats on turbocharged vehicles Vs non - turbo vehicles? Maybe a case could be made for higher rego for vechiles with excessive horsepower?
I was merely highlighting a newspaper article that showed up the some of the pedestrian lobby's statements. Spin by the author of the article, not me.

Go Home, Your Igloo is on Fire....
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Old 05-09-2006, 09:59 PM   #10
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Anyone been in a 4wd during an accident. Major roll over risk.
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...dont get me wrong this 3.8v6 is pretty special, it does come with the popular shake rattle and roll option and the auto compliments this with the ever popular snap crackle and pop feature
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Old 05-09-2006, 11:22 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Tote
What are the crash stats on turbocharged vehicles Vs non - turbo vehicles? Maybe a case could be made for higher rego for vechiles with excessive horsepower?
I have a "turbo" diesel rodeo. believe me it does not have excessive horepower. As mentioned above statistics can be manipulated to prove anything you want by including/leaving out "exceptions" and such. I have a 4wd AND a V8....I must be a very bad man
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Old 05-09-2006, 11:53 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by XYGTHO
Sarcasm i hope. Should be more V8's out there instade of these little buz boxes that can't accelerate up hills. lol. I almost got pushed off the road by some d**kh**d this morning in a 4wheel drive who changed lanes on top of me. Didn't blinker, didn't even look. I had to slam the brakes on and swerve. Most 4wheel drives i see around have mums driving their kids to school??? Stupid if you ask me. They are supposed to be for offroad.
is this the 4x4's fault or the driver? would the indicators have been easier to find in a sedan...

it doesnt depend on the car, it depends on the driver!

i find in our 4x4 i have a lot more visibility due to the massive rear vision mirrors and being seated higher..

as for not being able to accelerate up hills.. jump in a 4.8l patrol with 520nm of torque with a 2 tonne boat on the back and we'll see which car struggles more...

dont even bother looking at the type of car number of cylinders or anything. it all comes down to who is behind the wheel and their driving!

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