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Old 01-09-2012, 12:11 PM   #1
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Default World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks


Why are some people allowed to breathe.....

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Old 01-09-2012, 12:17 PM   #2
poppa smurf
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

inherited her money, never had to work for one cent, wont give her kids their due

yeah!.....I would hold her thoughts in high esteem......not!.......bloody oxygen thief

but this thread wont last long......too political!

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Old 01-09-2012, 12:30 PM   #3
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

i can see her point
she may have been born into money, but she hasn't thrown it away like so many poor little rich kids

and if the ones whinging about the rich got off their butts and the grass to make it happen, they might just make it - it is easier to sit in the pub though . . . and there is nothing wrong with that if that is what they want, but don't complain about not being given a break

there is no monopoly on being rich in this country and surprisingly the ones that make all the money are the one's that put in the hours where it counted - and then they employ people like me, so i can survive as well
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:34 PM   #4
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Why are some people allowed to post......
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:42 PM   #5
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

^ I was wondering the same thing...
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:45 PM   #6
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

some people get a pretty tough start in life, would do her good to see how the other half lives. Kids have no choice who there parents are and the situations they grow up in. She should thank her lucky stars Lang gave her such a start in life.
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:49 PM   #7
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by gtxb67
i can see her point
she may have been born into money, but she hasn't thrown it away like so many poor little rich kids

and if the ones whinging about the rich got off their butts and the grass to make it happen, they might just make it - it is easier to sit in the pub though . . . and there is nothing wrong with that if that is what they want, but don't complain about not being given a break

there is no monopoly on being rich in this country and surprisingly the ones that make all the money are the one's that put in the hours where it counted - and then they employ people like me, so i can survive as well
Yeah true. I'd rather she spend it tbh but I agree it's just SHE has said this, may as well get a dole bludger to. Maybe if was Donald Trump or something but it's completely insulting coming from her imo, she hasn't earned her money yet acts like she has, and worst of all she insults people who actually earn theirs and struggle to make ends meet.

Not so much what she's said moreso she being the one who's saying it.
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Old 01-09-2012, 12:51 PM   #8
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

While i can sorta see her point she shouldnt talk as she isnt self made... she inherited (stole) her fathers riches and didnt have to work for it.

There are plenty of self made millionares out there who worked their butts off to get where they are today. She isnt one fo them
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

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Old 01-09-2012, 01:39 PM   #9
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

the facebook comments on their are hilarious lol
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Old 01-09-2012, 01:39 PM   #10
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by Loud_Noises
^ I was wondering the same thing...
I don't know, it amazes how you anons even know how to use a computer.
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Old 01-09-2012, 01:49 PM   #11
Moby Vic
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Well, I'm sure there are in fact many lazy drunks who are poor.

I'm also sure there are in fact many lazy drunks who are incredibly wealthy.
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Old 01-09-2012, 01:59 PM   #12
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

I agree.

Its not here fault she was born into money, so its a redundant point. Her father before her had to work hard, and built up a successful empire.

Her comments seem to be aimed at people who are happy to sit on their arse and want the government to subsidise everything for them, while that sit around with their smokes, grog and bongs.

Its so annoying to see people in government housing whinging about how they don't get treated fare etc...young mothers whom rather spit babies out so they an claim bonuses...

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Old 01-09-2012, 02:08 PM   #13
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Just wondering.

Was she automatically the richest woman in the world when she inherited the Hancock empire or has she actually made it many times larger?
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:11 PM   #14
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

I agree with her.

And if you've worked with some of the people I've worked with, you'd agree too.

And if you disagree, you are probably one of the people she is referring too.

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Old 01-09-2012, 02:15 PM   #15
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by flappist
Just wondering.

Was she automatically the richest woman in the world when she inherited the Hancock empire or has she actually made it many times larger?
First million's the hardest one!

What if she was in the same financial position as the majority initially? Would've she done more with her investments than anyone else? And if she was raised by a non business driven father, without all those early advantages (nothing wrong having a father like this, it's an honest question. Would she?).
EB II 1992 Fairmont - koni reds, wade 977b, 2.5inch/4480's and much more to come!

Last edited by ILLaViTaR; 01-09-2012 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:16 PM   #16
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

What she says is right. The problem is she didn't work hard for her money so she really shouldn't say anything on the matter.
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:29 PM   #17
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by Pepscobra
I agree with her.

And if you've worked with some of the people I've worked with, you'd agree too.

And if you disagree, you are probably one of the people she is referring too.

(flame suit on, bring it on)
If you mean me I agree with her to some extent. But you can't say if you work hard you'll get rich there's always some luck involved, ALL my mates indian engineering hd graduate buddies are unemployed for example, he isn't. Stuff like that prevents it from being that easy for some, some people pay their dues and get nothing in the end. I'm doing electrical/same thing at rmit and would feel like I've wasted the best years of my life if I was in their position.
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:30 PM   #18
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by poppa smurf
inherited her money, never had to work for one cent, wont give her kids their due
As Flappist asks. how much did she inherit? (HINT: Wasn't even $1 billion)

it's only recently she became the worlds richest woman.

And as for her kids not getting their "due"

Well, it's funny how the media likes to blow things out of proportion and not tell the whole story.

Have a look at how much they would be taxed if they cashed in on their "dues" early.

She's protecting them and their futures.

Not her fault if they have no patience.
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Last edited by DoreSlamR; 01-09-2012 at 02:40 PM.
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:38 PM   #19
Moby Vic
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by ILLaViTaR
If you mean me I agree with her to some extent. But you can't say if you work hard you'll get rich there's always some luck involved, ALL my mates indian engineering hd graduate buddies are unemployed for example, he isn't. Stuff like that prevents it from being that easy for some, some people pay their dues and get nothing in the end. I'm doing electrical/same thing at rmit and would feel like I've wasted the best years of my life if I was in their position.
In the USA, if you're willing to work hard, you shouldn't be poor. You may not be rich, but you'll get by comfortably. Maybe it's different in Australia.

I wouldn't consider myself wealthy, and I'm in and out of employment, but I'm a hard worker and I'm debt free aside from the mortgage on my house, which has a three-car garage with three cars in it that I own outright.

(I'm also drunk.)
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:39 PM   #20
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

What's wrong with what she says. She is right.
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:40 PM   #21
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by ILLaViTaR
First million's the hardest one!
Yeh it was.

I started with nothing and worked several jobs at a time 7 days a week for decades.

Now I am well enough off that I can spend time on weekends enjoying myself and playing on the internet instead of going out and working (although I am actually doing a server upgrade as I write this).

Funny thing was back when I was a teenager and in my 20s lots of people I went to school and uni with used to laugh at me working night shift in a 24hr servo, fixing pinball machines, delivering newspapers, modding CB radios, buying doing up and selling cars and motorbikes and any other thing I could think of when I was not working in the Electricity supply as an apprentice electrician.

They said I was wasting my life and I should be out with them drinking, smoking, taking drugs and generally doing nothing productive.

Strangely some of them have made rather nasty comments about my various FPVs and other toys suggesting I am a lazy bastard and an oxygen thief because they can't afford such things as all their money goes on more important things like rent, smokes, grog, pokies, prepaid mobile phone, internet, DVD rental and anything else they need to do except work.....
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:45 PM   #22
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Yeah right....
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Old 01-09-2012, 02:56 PM   #23
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Some people are just too stupid or too stubborn to know better...
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:01 PM   #24
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by flappist
Just wondering.

Was she automatically the richest woman in the world when she inherited the Hancock empire or has she actually made it many times larger?
Neither - she gained control of the vast iron ore stockpiles in the ground before the Chinese started looking for more natural resources and finding them in vast amounts in Australia.

As for how she is seen by some - look at the way she treats her Aboriginal half sister - she does not even acknowledge her.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:05 PM   #25
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Is this an arguement on Gina's credibility?
Or are we debating on what she is saying being right or wrong?
I doubt the Richard Branson's and Donald Trumps of the world will disagree either.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:06 PM   #26
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by flappist
Yeh it was.

I started with nothing and worked several jobs at a time 7 days a week for decades.

Now I am well enough off that I can spend time on weekends enjoying myself and playing on the internet instead of going out and working (although I am actually doing a server upgrade as I write this).

Funny thing was back when I was a teenager and in my 20s lots of people I went to school and uni with used to laugh at me working night shift in a 24hr servo, fixing pinball machines, delivering newspapers, modding CB radios, buying doing up and selling cars and motorbikes and any other thing I could think of when I was not working in the Electricity supply as an apprentice electrician.

They said I was wasting my life and I should be out with them drinking, smoking, taking drugs and generally doing nothing productive.

Strangely some of them have made rather nasty comments about my various FPVs and other toys suggesting I am a lazy bastard and an oxygen thief because they can't afford such things as all their money goes on more important things like rent, smokes, grog, pokies, prepaid mobile phone, internet, DVD rental and anything else they need to do except work.....
Yes that's great, if only more people worked as hard as you (this is not sarcasm btw). You're missing my point entirely, you earned/deserve your money (by far more than most do from the sounds of it), the complete opposite of Gina Reinhardt. I thought I made my opinion clear as can be, by stating it more than once, as well as liking many posts sharing the same opinion.

My point is she didn't earn that million, regardless if she earned the rest from then on she wouldn't have period, without that initial million in this first place. Give someone an advantage like that over everyone, barely anyone gets them of course you're going to do something with it for gods sake!

I had a mate who did nothing, then dad put him in one of his spare investment properties (next door), now the kid works hard bought himself a 40k VE ute. Easy to get motivated when you get a kickstart in life.
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Last edited by ILLaViTaR; 01-09-2012 at 03:14 PM.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:14 PM   #27
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by ILLaViTaR
you earned/deserve your money (by far more than most do from the sounds of it), the complete opposite of Gina Reinhardt
So Gina, who inherited less than $1 billion (can't find exact figure) doesn't deserve the near $30 billion that she now has?

Bit harsh innit?
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:19 PM   #28
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Originally Posted by Pepscobra
Is this an arguement on Gina's credibility?
Or are we debating on what she is saying being right or wrong?
I doubt the Richard Branson's and Donald Trumps of the world will disagree either.
I wouldn't have a problem if one of those blokes said it! Gina's a hypocrite who needs to have her money taken off her so she's forced to understand what it's like to actually start from scratch/work as hard as the very people she's insulting.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:21 PM   #29
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Default Re: World’s Richest Woman Says People Are Poor Because They’re Lazy Drunks

Tall Poppy syndrome is alive and well I see.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:23 PM   #30
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it`s always easy to sit in judgement when your handed a fortune.
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