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Old 25-01-2015, 01:26 PM   #391
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by stazza View Post
Also one only has to go onto any commodore forums and read the list of faults on the VF, it's embarrassing.
I think you may be exaggerating just a little, have you seen the FG problems thread on this forum? Its over 200 pages long ffs lol...

I guess you don't find this embarrassing at all though yeah?
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Old 25-01-2015, 01:30 PM   #392
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

And the VF problems thread previously posted is 100 pages long...
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Old 25-01-2015, 01:32 PM   #393
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

I can take people liking the commodore more that's fine I think its a nice rig but there is no way it is better "quality" than the falcon you have to be kidding me. There both about the same in reality, one model will have problems in various areas that the other won't but it goes both ways. Ba onwards have diff bush problems were commodores have electric problems, vt commodores had dodgy designed IRS that chewed tires like they were going out of fashion and the au had some rust issues etc. There is no definitive answer to what car has better build quality just the usual uncle, cousin, grandad, mate of a mate had such and such car and it was junk, ended up driving it through dealer window and getting "other" brand car and living happily ever after :-)
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Old 25-01-2015, 01:58 PM   #394
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by tempted View Post
I haven't read it but I would imagine it would probably be about 2 pages worth of issues and 98 pages of commentary.
So how is that different to the FG thread then?
2016 FGX XR8 Sprint, 6speed manual, Kinetic Blue #170

2004 BA wagon RTV project.

1998 EL XR8, Auto, Hot Chilli Red

1993 ED XR6, 5speed, Polynesian Green. 1 of 329. Retired

1968 XT Falcon 500 wagon, 3 on the tree, 3.6L. Patina project.
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Old 25-01-2015, 03:39 PM   #395
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by orlandoi View Post
Hi all,

Been lurking for a while and this is my first post.

Don't know if anyone's posted this link before but this seems to be quite a balance test including both track and on the road. Interesting to see that not all things that are good on the track necessarily translate onto the road, which is where most of our driving occurs.


Got mine on order and hopefully when the next allotment is released in mid Feb I'm one of the lucky ones. Can't wait

Cheers, Orlando

It's interesting to note the apparently slow time that it took the XR8 to go from 60 to 100 kmh. It works out to 2.7 seconds (unfortunately we don't have hundredths of a second) and that seems slow. I'm suspecting it might have briefly hit the rev limiter (or lost traction) at the 1/2 gear change point.
The time from 100 kmh to the 181.6 kmh 400 metre end speed works out to 7.7 seconds, and that's looking fast compared to other XR 8's that I've seen tested.

Eg. Motor (Feb 2015 issue) 8.36 sec from 100-180 kmh and the Wheels time from 100 to 180 (Jan 15 issue) works out to 8 seconds.

On the build quality and reliability subject, I think both brands are probably similar. My XR6T has been quite good and there are no rattle problems at 91 K. I had more problems with my new LS1 Commodore than the Ford, but then again, the XR6 T was purchased new about 9 years after the Commodore. I'd like to think both manufacturers had improved in that time.

Regarding the noise, comfort and steering quality of my XR6T, it's been clearly better with Goodyear Eagle F1 directional tyres than it was on the OE Dunlops, I don't know how Dunlops would compare now though (over 5 years later).

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Old 25-01-2015, 04:04 PM   #396
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Originally Posted by XR6 Martin View Post
So how is that different to the FG thread then?
It's different because unlike the Holden thread, the Ford one will include all the Holden fanboi's bagging out the Ford as well. Hence one is 200 pages vs 100.
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Old 25-01-2015, 05:31 PM   #397
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

I didn't come to a Ford site while waiting for my example of the last Aussie V8 to get screwed together to hear a bunch (some of whom I suspect have a degree of buyers remorse otherwise why bother, others who want to feel superior) relentlessly bagging my choice because of your choice. Actually curious how many in either camp have actually laid down hard earned cash on either the XR8 or SSV-R.

Having seen the more objective reports, I don't give a flying **** if the VF SSV-R has more toys to help you park and drive or is faster around a racetrack and am tired of the tune that constantly replays. I do care that the FGX XR8 goes well, sounds great and is nice on the road...that it is said to be better than SSV-R is great but not critical to me, I don't need external validation of my choice. Regardless, I ordered my car on 4/10/14 with a likely March production date (end of 1st allocation and my dealer's 1st manual) so I was going to buy it anyway knowing I liked the FGX style (again don't care if you don't) and liked the R-spec package.

I have stayed subscribed to this thread/forum hoping to hear new news on the car rather than the same rehashed opinions over and over again. Guess it is easy when bored and behind a keyboard for people to dribble, but would be great if there was more fresh stuff and less crapping on.
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Old 25-01-2015, 05:55 PM   #398
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Yeh Yeh, If your looking for fresh stuff sit in an SSV. Cause you wont find anything new in the ford.............
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Old 25-01-2015, 06:01 PM   #399
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

I want to hate the VF Commodore. I hated the VE,(Most overrated car ever built). I just don't tho. Holden gave their fans something to go out with, something to be proud off. Unfortunately all Ford gave us was the XR8, and nowhere near enough will be built to satisfy the masses.
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Old 25-01-2015, 07:42 PM   #400
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by CQB-241 View Post
I didn't come to a Ford site while waiting for my example of the last Aussie V8 to get screwed together to hear a bunch (some of whom I suspect have a degree of buyers remorse otherwise why bother, others who want to feel superior) relentlessly bagging my choice because of your choice. Actually curious how many in either camp have actually laid down hard earned cash on either the XR8 or SSV-R.

Having seen the more objective reports, I don't give a flying **** if the VF SSV-R has more toys to help you park and drive or is faster around a racetrack and am tired of the tune that constantly replays. I do care that the FGX XR8 goes well, sounds great and is nice on the road...that it is said to be better than SSV-R is great but not critical to me, I don't need external validation of my choice. Regardless, I ordered my car on 4/10/14 with a likely March production date (end of 1st allocation and my dealer's 1st manual) so I was going to buy it anyway knowing I liked the FGX style (again don't care if you don't) and liked the R-spec package.

I have stayed subscribed to this thread/forum hoping to hear new news on the car rather than the same rehashed opinions over and over again. Guess it is easy when bored and behind a keyboard for people to dribble, but would be great if there was more fresh stuff and less crapping on.
If you want to know news and positive things to be said about the XR8 then jump in the XR8 specific threads. This thread is clearly stated as a comparison thread between the XR8 and the SSV-R, so I don't see why it's an issue that we voice our opinions in here.

I've stated, on multiple occasions, that in it's own right the XR8 is a great value for money muscle car. I get why people buy it, I understand it's appeal, I really do...so I'm not trying to say you've made the wrong choice or that your car is crap, you've made the right choice for you and I respect that. Doesn't mean the XR8 is the better all round car though, again, just better for you.

No buyers remorse here
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Old 25-01-2015, 08:27 PM   #401
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by graphicgoose View Post
If you want to know news and positive things to be said about the XR8 then jump in the XR8 specific threads. This thread is clearly stated as a comparison thread between the XR8 and the SSV-R, so I don't see why it's an issue that we voice our opinions in here.

I've stated, on multiple occasions, that in it's own right the XR8 is a great value for money muscle car. I get why people buy it, I understand it's appeal, I really do...so I'm not trying to say you've made the wrong choice or that your car is crap, you've made the right choice for you and I respect that. Doesn't mean the XR8 is the better all round car though, again, just better for you.

No buyers remorse here
and vice-versa
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Old 26-01-2015, 01:46 AM   #402
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by orlandoi View Post
Good find bud. Another well rounded test that actually focuses on everything....not just pick n choose to suit an agenda.

"Spoiler alert"......the XR8 won comfortably on the dyno, at the drags, on the road 'in the real world' and most importantly OVERALL because it's the better Aussie muscle car
Oh the commadore won at the race track and equipment lvls

Interesting this was a redo test as well, because so many people complained when the xr8 beat the standard SS the first time around!
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Old 26-01-2015, 01:52 AM   #403
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by tempted View Post
If a non car person came across this forum and read threads such as this they would think wow, these Ford fans are a bunch of childish, cynical tools with a chip on their shoulder. Some of the stuff written here is downright embarrassing and is a disgrace to car enthusiasts as a whole.
I occasionally read the ls1 forum and I see hardly any Ford bashing there at all. If anything they are quite respectful towards Ford.
These cars are about to disappear forever yet here's everyone arguing about stupid schoolyard stuff. Some people really need to harden up and learn to accept others opinions whether good or bad.
Is it just me or is it funny that your the one pointing this out

ONCE AGAIN.....ford guys will defend our cars when others rubbish them. Especially when we know we have had the best lineup of muscle cars Australia has ever seen. The latest possibly being the best BFYB Aussie muscle car ever
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Old 26-01-2015, 02:53 AM   #404
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

The only time a car ever wins is when it’s driven out the sale’s room door.

For both these models, that is now an almost muted point.

Makes me wonder what the comparison thread will be in a couple of years’ time or if anyone will even care?

As it stands, hardly anyone has been interested enough to revisit and have a say in this clone of other done to death 'going around in circles' comparison threads.

Of 14 pages containing 420 posts, about 300 are from the same 17 posters.

106 from 2 posters alone.

Oh and I’m included in that 17 and I can’t even recall saying anything of sense.

And still haven't.
Smile - I dare you
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Old 26-01-2015, 04:29 AM   #405
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by graphicgoose View Post
If you want to know news and positive things to be said about the XR8 then jump in the XR8 specific threads. This thread is clearly stated as a comparison thread between the XR8 and the SSV-R, so I don't see why it's an issue that we voice our opinions in here.

I've stated, on multiple occasions, that in it's own right the XR8 is a great value for money muscle car. I get why people buy it, I understand it's appeal, I really do...so I'm not trying to say you've made the wrong choice or that your car is crap, you've made the right choice for you and I respect that. Doesn't mean the XR8 is the better all round car though, again, just better for you.

No buyers remorse here
I have stuck to the thread, simply called out those who haven't. There seems to be a belief here if you shout enough the noise will drown out the facts of the thread.

Topic starts with a comparison with focus on the dyno....XR8 won.
The latterly posted video has XR8 vs SSV-R and notes that this was a repeat test as people (ie Team Red fans) complained that should compare like to like (OK with that).
XR8 won again....better on roads in real world, quicker in a straight line and sounded better. Won despite the SSV-R having more toys and having a better chassis for lapping a tight circuit. Seemed a fair and unbiased test and made very valid comments about relatively ancient aspects of the FGX architecture.

Originally Posted by 1TUFFUTE View Post
Good find bud. Another well rounded test that actually focuses on everything....not just pick n choose to suit an agenda.

"Spoiler alert"......the XR8 won comfortably on the dyno, at the drags, on the road 'in the real world' and most importantly OVERALL because it's the better Aussie muscle car
Oh the commadore won at the race track and equipment

Interesting this was a redo test as well, because so many people complained when the xr8 beat the standard SS the first time around!

I have resisted Commodore bashing as I respected the choice as representing people wanting a slice of the era. As Menzies said "you need two wings to fly". I even tossed up doing the whole suspension and supercharger/exhaust thing on a SS but the leaks and chatter last year showed me FGX XR8 would give me what I wanted STOCK...unfortunately not with a GT badge but I never really got the whole Tickford/FPV/HSV thing that the apex performers needed a tonne of non-functional plastic add-ons or got specced softer without. FYI the XR8 Sprint was a hero car to me at a time I was using a long-held (and immaculate) XRGT as a daily.

I am happy that the FGX XR8 is felt to be special, nice on road, powerful, quick in a straight line and I like the looks and exhaust note. That these things are felt to be better by many testers than the VF SS/SSV-R is s bonus but I need no validation. That the track and toy score is taken by the SSV-R in all tests is neither surprising given the development budget or chassis age nor a disappointment to me...neither relevant to my needs. That the tests alluded to in this thread gives the win to the XR8 is nice, but I wasn't crushed when Wheels and Motor didn't give it to XR8 nor crazily elated when Top Gear and the tabloid/broadsheet guys mostly did.

The XR8 DOES have 1 new advantage IMO, one that never mattered to me at all until now. It isn't a Commodore.
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Old 26-01-2015, 08:33 AM   #406
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by tempted View Post
If a non car person came across this forum and read threads such as this they would think wow, these Ford fans are a bunch of childish, cynical tools with a chip on their shoulder. Some of the stuff written here is downright embarrassing and is a disgrace to car enthusiasts as a whole.
I occasionally read the ls1 forum and I see hardly any Ford bashing there at all. If anything they are quite respectful towards Ford.
These cars are about to disappear forever yet here's everyone arguing about stupid schoolyard stuff. Some people really need to harden up and learn to accept others opinions whether good or bad.
Have you re-read some of your posts?

Still waiting for your response to the ownership of FPV !!!!!!!
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Old 26-01-2015, 08:59 AM   #407
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

For all them non car people that might read this thread on "AUSTRALIA DAY"

Here is a couple of interesting facts on Australian content,

Ford Falcon XR8 the most Australian muscle car,
Ford Falcon XR6T the most Australian performance car,
Holden Commodore the least Australian(even less for its V8 models),

Be proud of the fact theres allways been more AUSSIE in the Ford Falcon,
Happy "AUSTRALIA DAY" to all the Falcon drivers out there.
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Old 26-01-2015, 10:55 AM   #408
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Happy Australia Day guys.

For today let's reflect on the great Aussie cars made and designed by great Aussie workers.

Regardless of our Badge choice or where our hearts lie. The Great Aussie rear wheel drive cars will be gone forever soon enough.

This Arvo I'm taking out my Blue Ford Falcon and I'm going to drive it around as proud as punch because of what it represents. A great Aussie Icon that's been apart of Australian foke law for the past 50 odd years. You guys in the red corner are welcome to join me, after all It's Australia Day and I'll put aside my pride for one day.
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Old 26-01-2015, 11:14 AM   #409
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by hootar View Post
Happy Australia Day guys.

For today let's reflect on the great Aussie cars made and designed by great Aussie workers.

Regardless of our Badge choice or where our hearts lie. The Great Aussie rear wheel drive cars will be gone forever soon enough.

This Arvo I'm taking out my Blue Ford Falcon and I'm going to drive it around as proud as punch because of what it represents. A great Aussie Icon that's been apart of Australian foke law for the past 50 odd years. You guys in the red corner are welcome to join me, after all It's Australia Day and I'll put aside my pride for one day.
I'm stuck at work in the desert for Australia day Rip a skid for me hootar!
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Old 26-01-2015, 11:41 AM   #410
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Will do mate. And I will do it in the Ford.
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Old 26-01-2015, 12:20 PM   #411
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Excellent and well deserved win to the xr8 we all knew it was better good to see it in print for a change.
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Old 26-01-2015, 12:43 PM   #412
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What is this SSV-R that people are referring to?
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Old 26-01-2015, 01:03 PM   #413
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by richo77 View Post
What is this SSV-R that people are referring to?
Shorthand for "Holden VF Commodore SSV-Redline" as even more of a mouthful than "Ford FGX Falcon XR8" and is also awkward on a tablet/touchphone.
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Old 26-01-2015, 01:45 PM   #414
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Originally Posted by CQB-241 View Post
Shorthand for "Holden VF Commodore SSV-Redline" as even more of a mouthful than "Ford FGX Falcon XR8" and is also awkward on a tablet/touchphone.
Thanks I should have paid more attention to their advertising.

So from reading this thread the better car overall depends on who you ask?
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Old 26-01-2015, 02:21 PM   #415
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by richo77 View Post
Thanks I should have paid more attention to their advertising.

So from reading this thread the better car overall depends on who you ask?
Better car depends on what you want. Below is talking stock based on commonly accepted findings.

If you want the car best on road if not racetrack smooth, musclecar soundtrack, most power, fastest in a straight line, more Australian content and rarer get the XR8.

If you want the fastest on a tight circuit, newer cockpit, more toys buy the Holden.

The testers discussed in this thread gave the win to the XR8 even after retesting (noting 1st test done against non-Redline SS) to match on price point which is only fair. Wheels and Motor came a different conclusion weighting toys and racetrack over grunt and the road experience while Top Gear Mag and the tabloids/broadsheets have generally given the win to the XR8.

At the end of the day it's your money. I put mine down (and am STILL waiting) on the XR8 in October before there were any comparisons based on what I knew of the FG R-spec and SS-V....I was (and still am) after an Australian musclecar sedan for the road.
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Old 27-01-2015, 04:13 PM   #416
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by 40RDT View Post
I think you may be exaggerating just a little, have you seen the FG problems thread on this forum? Its over 200 pages long ffs lol...

I guess you don't find this embarrassing at all though yeah?
You only have to look at the severity of the problems with the commodores.

Especially the electrical faults with all the cheap trinkets they put in the VF.

Loose seats, electric handbrake not disengaging, crash avoid sensors turning cruise control off on tiny deviations in the road, list goes oooon and ooooon.
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Old 27-01-2015, 05:05 PM   #417
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by richo77 View Post
What is this SSV-R that people are referring to?
Its a STD/STI. It reduces your performance but enables you to feel bigger in tighter corners...
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Old 27-01-2015, 07:40 PM   #418
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

They should just have a tug o war.
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Old 27-01-2015, 08:45 PM   #419
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by rjk74 View Post
They should just have a tug o war.
Some smart ones there.
Let's walk in front of a car in a tug of war......
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Old 27-01-2015, 10:21 PM   #420
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Default Re: XR8 vs SSV including dyno test

Originally Posted by stazza View Post
You only have to look at the severity of the problems with the commodores.

Especially the electrical faults with all the cheap trinkets they put in the VF.

Loose seats, electric handbrake not disengaging, crash avoid sensors turning cruise control off on tiny deviations in the road, list goes oooon and ooooon.
So how is any of that classed as "severe?" Loose seats? It's just the covering that has been unclipping. Plus Ford has had issues with their seat frames breaking as well. Plus diff bushes, tailshaft couplings, timing belt cover seals, idler pulleys, rust and more rust and the list also drags on. The difference is Ford has had over 8 years to fix these common faults.
And what have they done? Bugger all!
Enjoy your 9 year old FG-X's. I really do hope Ford have put some limited funds into this area but they are flogging a dead horse.
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