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Old 16-05-2007, 03:13 PM   #31
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i noticed the same thing, 18 cents dearer for 98 at BP, i asked the dude 'hey wasnt it 10cents diff before' he was like 'nah its been like this for ages'
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Old 16-05-2007, 04:41 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by FORD3V
So if you had a 60 litre tank and filled up at $1.25 it would cost $75, if you filled up at $1.45 it would cost $87, **** $12, big deal
It is a big deal if you do a lot of miles, in a trade car. Filling up a tank 2 or 3 times a week, at that price difference is almost $40 a week extra.

The point wasn't that you'd be paying extra, it was *how much* extra...
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Old 16-05-2007, 05:56 PM   #33
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The young bloke filled up with V-Power Racing this morning for $1.41 p/l. Not too bad IMO.
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Old 16-05-2007, 06:07 PM   #34
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I worked at BP for a while and the prices were always to be PULP is +6c and Ultimate +10c
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Old 16-05-2007, 06:13 PM   #35
347 mont
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Originally Posted by FORD3V
So if you had a 60 litre tank and filled up at $1.25 it would cost $75, if you filled up at $1.45 it would cost $87, **** $12,big deal....
If petrol prices bother you buy a car that is economical.

So if that was your weekly fill $12x 52=$624 per annum, YES IT IS A BIG DEAL, not all people have can be so blazae with money, so the the lower end of town have to miss out on their hobbies and passions. The gap just keeps getting bigger between "the common person" and the top end of town.

Off the topic now but I heard on the radio that the head huncho of the Mcquarrie bank gets $33 million pa, thats $4000 (yes thousand) per hour, then poor old bank teller gets laid off because corprate big wigs want to cut cost to keep shareholders happy.

So to the quoted coment I say be a bit more considerate to other peoples position in life. The haves and the have nots.

Sorry if I've taken it the wrong way but when I read that it got to me. :
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Old 16-05-2007, 06:19 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by xcgxl
BP at the end of my street: regular ULP: 125 c/L
Ultimate: 145 c/L

Normally the margin is more like 10-12 cents per L, NOT 20!
What's going on?
I think it was BP my old man told me last week that had the 95 octane premium 10cpl more than 91, and Ultimate/98 17cpl more, in Bendigo.
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Old 16-05-2007, 08:54 PM   #37
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Not whinging, just want to know how they justify 20c MORE per L for Ultimate, when it's meant to be +10c???
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:06 PM   #38
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Tonight , almost all stations in the Penrith area , doesn't matter which brand , have unleaded at $1.39.9
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:22 PM   #39
The G6ET Spot
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Certainly makes the 15c/gallon look cheap, that used be charged at the servo when I was a kid.
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:24 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by xcgxl
Not whinging, just want to know how they justify 20c MORE per L for Ultimate, when it's meant to be +10c???
that's the problem they don't have to justify it. Their moto is ,if you don't like it.TOUGH.
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:03 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by RAPID XR8
Certainly makes the 15c/gallon look cheap, that used be charged at the servo when I was a kid.
Gee, I didn't think there was anyone older than me on here LOL!
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:15 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by FORD3V
So if you had a 60 litre tank and filled up at $1.25 it would cost $75, if you filled up at $1.45 it would cost $87, **** $12,big deal....
If petrol prices bother you buy a car that is economical.
I would rather the $75.00 with the free packet of smokes!!!!
On a more serious note ....... that is a bloody big deal! Do that 6 times a month and I am sure you wouldnt mind an extra $70.00! If a servo offered "Every 7th tank full free" ........ you wouldnt bother?

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Old 16-05-2007, 11:25 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by 347 mont
So if that was your weekly fill $12x 52=$624 per annum, YES IT IS A BIG DEAL, not all people have can be so blazae with money, so the the lower end of town have to miss out on their hobbies and passions. The gap just keeps getting bigger between "the common person" and the top end of town.

Off the topic now but I heard on the radio that the head huncho of the Mcquarrie bank gets $33 million pa, thats $4000 (yes thousand) per hour, then poor old bank teller gets laid off because corprate big wigs want to cut cost to keep shareholders happy.

So to the quoted coment I say be a bit more considerate to other peoples position in life. The haves and the have nots.

Sorry if I've taken it the wrong way but when I read that it got to me. :
Well said!
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:29 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by xcgxl
BP at the end of my street: regular ULP: 125 c/L
Ultimate: 145 c/L

Normally the margin is more like 10-12 cents per L, NOT 20!
What's going on?
The BP at the end of your street didnt have their regular Ultimate delivery, and as such probably had only 2000L of the stuff left.

As such, as supply is an issue, they might as well only sell it to those who are desperate for it.

Originally Posted by 347 mont
Off the topic now but I heard on the radio that the head huncho of the Mcquarrie bank gets $33 million pa, thats $4000 (yes thousand) per hour, then poor old bank teller gets laid off because corprate big wigs want to cut cost to keep shareholders happy.

Sorry if I've taken it the wrong way but when I read that it got to me. :
Macquarie doesnt have bank tellers per-se.

As for Alan Moss's 33 million dollar "salary", his actual yearly salary is about $614,000. The fact however is that the bank made a 1,460,000,000 Profit and the fact that shareholders enjoyed an increase in share price of about 28%, which has gone from $70.80 in November 06 to $90.20 today meant that Alan met some of his performance targets.

If shareholders want one of the best, then I guess they have to expect to pay one of the best.

The bank now has 1,460,000,000 profit at it's disposal. We're not talking revenue, we're taking profit, after the banks expenses have been subtracted. And the shareholders, staff and future investments of the bank will benefit from that.

Last edited by Dave_au; 16-05-2007 at 11:39 PM.
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Old 17-05-2007, 07:18 AM   #45
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Slightly offtopic.

I got fuel last night as they were changing the price, it went from 119.9 (what I paid) to 134.9. Not sure how they can justify 15 cent increase at 6pm
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Old 17-05-2007, 10:15 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by 347 mont
So if that was your weekly fill $12x 52=$624 per annum, YES IT IS A BIG DEAL, not all people have can be so blazae with money, so the the lower end of town have to miss out on their hobbies and passions. The gap just keeps getting bigger between "the common person" and the top end of town.

Off the topic now but I heard on the radio that the head huncho of the Mcquarrie bank gets $33 million pa, thats $4000 (yes thousand) per hour, then poor old bank teller gets laid off because corprate big wigs want to cut cost to keep shareholders happy.

So to the quoted coment I say be a bit more considerate to other peoples position in life. The haves and the have nots.

Sorry if I've taken it the wrong way but when I read that it got to me. :
Yeah fair enough mate, I agree with everything you have said, but being a blue collar worker i dont realy consider myself as the top end of town,I just think alot of people arnt that wise with there money,like the bloke who said he would spend the extra $12 on smokes, now thats clever........
I wouldnt own a big 6 or 8 if i was worried i didnt have the money to run it.
And that ***** getin 33 million a year is disgusting,but when big business rules the roost which it does in this country we are gona see this trend continue and probably get worse,meanwhile your average joe can barely afford to buy a house on two average wage incomes.
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