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Old 11-05-2008, 10:56 PM   #31
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So what? You have to pay for fuel when you get your license anyway. And you could spread out your time on L's if its too expensive for you.

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Old 11-05-2008, 10:58 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by EB S-pac
i drive down my street and the neighbours always look. as soon as i got my Falcon, put a decent stereo in, lowered it and tinted the windows i got the label of the hoon in the street.

but beforehand when i had my XF with a big stereo and nearly stock height they didn't say much
And why do you think they classify you this way? Obviously the recipe you have chosen to dress up your car typically represents that of a hoon. Shame I know, and even though I have grown up out of the stage of wasting time and money lowering cars I therefore claim to agree what the public says and deems as a "hoon" identifiable car. I see them everyday dressed like yours and driving like idiots. Your car may look like one but hopefully you are a responsible driver. I am sure you are.
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:00 PM   #33
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I've got 119 Hours on my Ls. I mainly do highway driving for 2 hours each weekend since I got the license plus the odd long haul, and the highway driving helps the economy in the Falcon. I have no issue with doing 120 hours. It may be tough for some but I like driving and jump at every opportunity. My main issue is the 80km/h speed limit in NSW.

I'll be the first to admit it. If you've seen a white ED belting down the M4 at 100, it is me, and I do it with good reason. Driving at less than the speed limit on a motorway is DANGEROUS. It's a double edged sword. You're doing 80km/h in the left lane, merging traffic does 100+. The zipper effect doesn't work, and either party must gun it or slam on the brakes. It's stupid. And then there's the cars that are doing (lets face it) at least 120 in the left lane that wait until the last moment and the smallest gap to change lanes, nearly hitting the back of you, or diving on the brakes at the last moment. Seriously, it's stupid and I do at least 90 for my own safety.

Now it's all to easy to sit back at the computer and type about what SHOULD happen on the roads, but you have to wake up and realise that what should happen, what you think happens and what does happen, are all different.

*Zips up flame suit*

EDIT: On topic though, in brief:
- 120 Hrs is reasonable
- You can take longer than a year to get your Ps its not a race
- Ask mum nicely for petrol money
- 80km/h on the M4 is suicide.
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:26 PM   #34
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...there's always the bus...
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:28 PM   #35
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It is not going to add to the cost. You simply drive your parents vehicle when they need to go somewhere. They would have spent the money in the first place. And what this has to do with P plate drivers not being able to drive HP cars I still am unable to work out.
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:37 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by 90sFTW
I don't know about you, but my parents cars don't have dual controls where they can control the pedals in case i do something dangerous. Lets say i take off under full throttle, car flicks sideways and heads for the 100 year old tree on the side of the road, whats my Dad going to do? Yank the steering wheel and make it even worse? Or yell at me? Not saying i do these things or even have a powerful enough car to go sidways but using this as an example.

Exactly my point, its nice and easy to point the finger. You guys aren't exactly the gods of driving either.
That is a very simplistic view from someone who obviously doesn't know any better. Take your point, if your father had any inclination that you were prone to doing something like that he should never have let you behind the wheel. Control.

I also never said I agreed with the laws but that is what they are so you must abide by them.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 12-05-2008, 07:27 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by ddarby
And why do you think they classify you this way? Obviously the recipe you have chosen to dress up your car typically represents that of a hoon. Shame I know, and even though I have grown up out of the stage of wasting time and money lowering cars I therefore claim to agree what the public says and deems as a "hoon" identifiable car. I see them everyday dressed like yours and driving like idiots. Your car may look like one but hopefully you are a responsible driver. I am sure you are.
i like for my car to look different from everyone else and not be a sheep and drive a factory boring car. just because some P-platers or fully licensed drivers out the drive like axe heads it ruins it for everyone else
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Old 12-05-2008, 09:07 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by 90sFTW
Its all fine and dandy to say that, but when you have your mum in the car telling you to pull over because she doesn't want you driving in traffic means you never get the hours up.
Your mum doesn't want you driving in traffic, therefore the minimum number of hours behind the wheel set by the Government is unreasonable?
An object at rest cannot be stopped!!

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Old 12-05-2008, 05:27 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by troppo
Your mum doesn't want you driving in traffic, therefore the minimum number of hours behind the wheel set by the Government is unreasonable?
I got owned, its not unreasonable, its just a pain in the a..

Anyway, i've got up 40 hours since i got my Ls last October, me and dad do go on pointless drives but mum won't ever let me drive in traffic, hence never getting experience in that area. Oh also i drive my driving instructors cars more than my own parents.
Originally Posted by EviLkarL
How about you start your trip at the Christmas Island Refugee and detention centre. After a short 6 year stay you can turn around and go back to where you came from. lol
Originally Posted by sourbastard
ive got the weight gain bit mastered, Colonel Sanders is my personal trainer.

As to weight loss, nah, im a fat bastard and proud of it, im going to die from a massive heart attack, for theres nothing worse then lying around in hospital dying from nothing.
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Old 12-05-2008, 05:50 PM   #40
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well ive got an EF
my brother got handed an ef for his 15th birthday
dad has a bf
and i have a bro and a sis both turned 16 a couple of weeks ago.. my bro is buying a manual ef to drive till he gets his licence and then 8 months on his p's and then at that time my dad will give him the BF and upgrade..

point is their all 4.0 litre engines at least. fuel is expensive but if u want the car bad enuf u will pay for it..

like my brother wanted to get rid of his ef for a used lancer so he could save fuel cash but the ef he had has been in the family since day 1. he knows the history so nothings dodgy its a solid car for an in experienced driver if he crashes and when u look at it its only an extra $30 to fill up and if he had bought the lancer who knows wat sort of mechanical problems he was buying into..
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Old 12-05-2008, 06:09 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Kermit 73
Driving Restrictions and the new laws.

Ok. Im fine with how the new laws and regulations have all us young people out of high performance vehicles and anything with more than 8 cylinders or a non-naturally aspirated motor. But there is 1 big problem that will start to affect a lot of young drivers if it isnt already affecting them.

The cost of ULP constantly going up. With how these new laws and regulations have us having to do 100 hours of driving on our learner permit, it will be hitting quite a few people hard. With petrol at something around the $1.50 mark it is almost un fit and un just that all young drivers will have to be doing that amount of driving.

If you can look at it. However unlikely it may be. That all driving done for one person was constant highway driving at 100 km/h. That particular person would spend $900 on fuel just on there learners permit. Assuming that the average person is driving a small 4 cylinder.

Ex. 2007 Ford Fiesta LX 3 door. 6.6L per 100km. 45-Litre fuel tank.
Ends up costing roughly $67 to fill a tank with fuel at $1.50.,
$9.90 per 100km,
At highway driving speed 100km/h is $900 per 100 hours.

For the average person this may not seem like a lot of money. But for a 16 year old. It is. At $67 per tank full this would take a fair chunk out of what this person would be likely earning per week. And some people will say. That still doesn’t seem like that much. But if you are trying to pay off the particular car, putting aside living expenses and possibly paying rent to you parents/ real estate agent or private owner which can be in excess of $300 per fortnight it doesn’t exactly leave anything for you.

The point of this. I believe the government needs to look very carefully at this new burden they have placed upon teen’s trying to simply hold a license. 50 hours would be manageable. But please have a look at the laws.

Why not just lie and record hours you haven't actually driven?
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Old 12-05-2008, 06:44 PM   #42
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i reckon the more hours the better to be honest, no money can buy experience.

I have been driving since i was 13. so i am up to 8 years of driving.
Fair enough i live in a small town and go out of town, and grew up around farms and fishing spots so always had the chance to drive.

Compared to my girlfriend who has not as much and you can tell she is still picking basics up and needs more experience in some cases.
and she can drive and loves the sound of the pedal hitting the floor.

So i believe in the 100 hours. but when you start looking at the idea of driving courses, i draw the line, not causeit a bad idea, but due to money.

say 200 for course, not a problem mow a few lawns.
but here there is no course, the nearest would be 2 hours, or 4 to brissy,
take a parents day up to take you, plus fuel there etc. and accomodation if needed. makes it to impratical.

i can keep going but i wont.

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Old 12-05-2008, 07:04 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by iliov
Why not just lie and record hours you haven't actually driven?
It says if you get caught you can get a big fine and 2 months in prison, you gotta write down odo readings and stuff, it'd probably be a pain in the to false that stuff.
Originally Posted by EviLkarL
How about you start your trip at the Christmas Island Refugee and detention centre. After a short 6 year stay you can turn around and go back to where you came from. lol
Originally Posted by sourbastard
ive got the weight gain bit mastered, Colonel Sanders is my personal trainer.

As to weight loss, nah, im a fat bastard and proud of it, im going to die from a massive heart attack, for theres nothing worse then lying around in hospital dying from nothing.
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Old 12-05-2008, 07:11 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by 90sFTW
It says if you get caught you can get a big fine and 2 months in prison, you gotta write down odo readings and stuff, it'd probably be a pain in the to false that stuff.
You've got to be kidding? They have absolutely no way to prove whether or not you drove to those places, at that time, in that weather etc.

It's too easy to falsify entries.
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Old 12-05-2008, 07:32 PM   #45
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"120 hours of supervised driving From 1 July 2007, every learner driver (under 21) must have logged at least 120 hours of supervised driving, including a minimum of 10 hours night driving, before they can apply for a probationary licence."

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Old 12-05-2008, 08:01 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by iliov
Why not just lie and record hours you haven't actually driven?
Thats what I did I sure did a lot of interste trips and the weather was always changing

Having a "supervising" driver is stupid I know me and my mates dads just used it so someone could drive them home from the pub

Seriously though 50 hours is a lot to forge I couldn't imagine 120 hours! I'm teching my brother to drive the proper way: An abandoned quarry and an old beaten up XE and VL. There is nothing a bit of opposite lock wont teach you :
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Old 12-05-2008, 08:15 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by sleekism
Seriously though 50 hours is a lot to forge I couldn't imagine 120 hours! I'm teching my brother to drive the proper way: An abandoned quarry and an old beaten up XE and VL. There is nothing a bit of opposite lock wont teach you :
Exactly what i thought when i heard the 120 hrs law, i forged the majority of my hours (I did do the hours, just never recorded them, so made them up) And my Dad did the exact same thing when i got my L's. Drive out to my pops farm, jump in the XF paddock basher, and go nuts!!
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Old 12-05-2008, 08:32 PM   #48
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AVESCO banned putting P plates on V8 supercars because in practice the lap times halved, the stereos were louder than the exhausts and they couldn't find any backward helmets.

Supercar prayer:

Oh lord, grant me the skill to drive as expertly as a P plate forum member........
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Old 13-05-2008, 08:08 AM   #49
I see you....
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I don't get it...

Your complaining about the cost to get a license to drive a car that is going to cost you MORE money in the long run....
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Old 13-05-2008, 03:53 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by iliov
Why not just lie and record hours you haven't actually driven?

defeats the purpose of going out in the first place?
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Old 13-05-2008, 03:58 PM   #51
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Threads like this really bring out the mature and the very immature, there is a big bloody fat red line separating them too.

Ohhh watch the children playing..........
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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