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Old 03-07-2009, 02:28 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by merlin
Well we don't really have crossings in Sydney so giving an outsiders perspective it seems any problems could be all solved by simply changing the light phasing. Why have flashing lights at all? Why not have red light with boom gates down. Boom gate rises, lights stay red, then when boom gate fully opened light turns green. WHy have flashing? Seems it just confuses people judging by this thread.
Seems simple to me. Can not see the confusion.
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Old 03-07-2009, 02:33 PM   #32
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I wait for the gates to lift and then for the lights to stop flashing.
It was a rule when I got my license and to date, still exists.. simple.

I wish the people behind me who horn, flash, yell or give me hand gestures would understand that if they are at the front they can do what they like, but when I am at the front, I choose if I do or don't follow the laws.. NOT THEM!
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Old 03-07-2009, 03:08 PM   #33
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When i am at the front i use my brain and look to see if a train is coming.
If not then i'm gone as soon as the boom will clear the roof.

Why hold up traffic for no good reason.

I prefer not to let the govt make my desicions for me.
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Old 03-07-2009, 03:12 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by hame
When i am at the front i use my brain and look to see if a train is coming.
If not then i'm gone as soon as the boom will clear the roof.

Why hold up traffic for no good reason.

I prefer not to let the govt make my desicions for me.
Real good idea that.

Though it is quite obvious to all that you are in fact not using your brain by the actions you have described. There is a good reason and you are not holding up traffic, you are obeying a traffic law that is in place for a good reason.
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Old 03-07-2009, 03:13 PM   #35
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When I first got my licence, I remember it really surprised me when I saw people go through while the lights were still flashing and the boom gates still raising.

I have to admit that it's very hard to sit there on the brakes while the other lane's moving and you're trying to do the right thing and people are beeping at you from behind. I try to do it, depending on what's going on around me, but most times it's very hard to wait until they have finished completely.

Those few seconds while the booms raise seem to take forever in these situations.
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Old 03-07-2009, 08:02 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by COOGES
I remember a taxi driver in Lilydale went through the crossing a bit early and was pulled over by the police. The cop informed him of the fine and demerits he would lose and the cabby pointed out that he only had 1 point left on his licence and that because of this he would lose his income, cab, house and things were a bit strained at home so he was sure he would lose his wife. The policeman went back to his car for a few minutes and on returning just issued a warning, good on him.
I completely disagree there.

The taxi driver is a PROFESSIONAL driver. They should know better - our lives depend on it. To have accumulated 11 points means they had plenty of chances and warnings then and kept breaking the law with full knowledge of what would happen.

"They are on the road more, so are more likely to be caught" I hear some fingers poised to strike the keyboard... Yes, but again only if they are doing the wrong thing.

I damn sure wouldn't want to be in a cab when it was playing Connex or CityRail roulette.

If I (and many of you) kept doing the wrong things time after time, warning after warning in my non-driving job, I would lose it, my house etc etc too. I could cut corners to make life easier on myself in my job, not pay as much attention etc - but I don't because I know the consequences. Professional driving is a vocation and I am sick of people denigrating it by their actions. So I am just a bit confuised why should professional drivers, who we all trust with our lives in their competence and application to their job, get MORE leniency than the rest of us? Most non driving vocations have 3 strikes and you are out.

My old man runs a few trucks, there are another 4 truckies in our family, and another 3 who do about 50K in cars a year for work. I was one of them too driving HR's, and then about 70K a year throughout NSW for years. Stuck to the rules, and guess what - we all keep our jobs, businesses and homes. Not rocket science.
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Old 04-07-2009, 03:27 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by hame
When i am at the front i use my brain and look to see if a train is coming.
If not then i'm gone as soon as the boom will clear the roof.

Why hold up traffic for no good reason.

I prefer not to let the govt make my desicions for me.
Like I have said b4 in other threads. The reason you should wait and do what the government tells you to do, and obay the road laws, is that it is NOT your god given right to drive. You are allowed to drive as a privilege given to you buy society on the condition that you obay the law that society (government) dictates. If you choose not to obay societies laws because you think you know better then hand in your licence, because a licence is basically an agreement that you agree to abide by the laws of the road and in return you are given permission to drive on the governments roads that society pays for. If you dont like it, dont live in society and dont drive on our roads.
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Old 04-07-2009, 10:02 AM   #38
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To ease the confusion, I would like to see proper traffic lights rather than flashing lights. No confusion then.
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Old 04-07-2009, 10:11 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by hame
When i am at the front i use my brain and look to see if a train is coming.
If not then i'm gone as soon as the boom will clear the roof.

Why hold up traffic for no good reason.

I prefer not to let the govt make my desicions for me.

Great idea, they have this law because it is only when the lights stop flashing that the tracks are confirmed as clear. There has been times that the boom gates go up after one train goes past and then come down again (while lights still flashing) as another train approaches. I am tipping you don't really want to be on the tracks when this happens.


To ease the confusion, I would like to see proper traffic lights rather than flashing lights. No confusion then.
I see your point but do not see why we need to change. What is the difference between a red traffic light and flashing red lights when it has been in the road laws for over twenty years that both mean stop?

Look at this thread, the vast majority seem to acknowledge and understand this law. I think a more effective change to counter these lemmings that believe their time is to precious to wait, would be delay the boom gates until after the red lights have stopped flashing. No confusion then!
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Last edited by geckoGT; 04-07-2009 at 10:16 AM.
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Old 04-07-2009, 11:35 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by FTE72
Seems simple to me. Can not see the confusion.
Thats exactly it you look at ANY railway crossing and its got "Stop when lights flashing" sign thats what the actual law is the boom gates have nothing to do with it they are simply to stop people sitting on the tracks.

Note: Alot of level crossing are getting traffic lights as well because people aren't obeying the law its like going through a stop sign and then saying oh geee I got fined. :

The laws the law if you disobey you pay!
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Old 04-07-2009, 11:49 AM   #41
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some peoples risk assessment is a bit questionable.

1. death, injury, fines, demerit points

2. add approximatly 5 seconds to your journey.

or is it just about 'fighting the power!'
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Old 04-07-2009, 11:56 AM   #42
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I always wait until the lights stop flashing we have a level crossing in our street and most drivers seem to wait with out any impatience, what I have always wondered is why the pedestrian crossing turns green instantly most pedestrians have crossed before the cars get moving .
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Old 04-07-2009, 12:13 PM   #43
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See it every day people speeding up to beat the gate coming down or taking off as soon as the gate is high enough to get under. You dont get much of a chance if you run into a locomotive .
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Old 04-07-2009, 02:24 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by merlin
What colour are the flashing lights? (orange I assume). In NSW you are legally aloud to proceed through orange flashing lights so this will be pretty confusing for interstate people.
You dont know what colour railway crossing lights are?? Does this mean that you've NEVER seen a railway crossing or even a picture of one?
Originally Posted by merlin
Well we don't really have crossings in Sydney so giving an outsiders perspective it seems any problems could be all solved by simply changing the light phasing. Why have flashing lights at all? Why not have red light with boom gates down. Boom gate rises, lights stay red, then when boom gate fully opened light turns green. WHy have flashing? Seems it just confuses people judging by this thread.
Could it be because the rest of the world has RED flashing lights?
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Old 04-07-2009, 07:32 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Pinch
I completely disagree there.

The taxi driver is a PROFESSIONAL driver. They should know better - our lives depend on it. To have accumulated 11 points means they had plenty of chances and warnings then and kept breaking the law with full knowledge of what would happen.

"They are on the road more, so are more likely to be caught" I hear some fingers poised to strike the keyboard... Yes, but again only if they are doing the wrong thing.

I damn sure wouldn't want to be in a cab when it was playing Connex or CityRail roulette.

If I (and many of you) kept doing the wrong things time after time, warning after warning in my non-driving job, I would lose it, my house etc etc too. I could cut corners to make life easier on myself in my job, not pay as much attention etc - but I don't because I know the consequences. Professional driving is a vocation and I am sick of people denigrating it by their actions. So I am just a bit confuised why should professional drivers, who we all trust with our lives in their competence and application to their job, get MORE leniency than the rest of us? Most non driving vocations have 3 strikes and you are out.

My old man runs a few trucks, there are another 4 truckies in our family, and another 3 who do about 50K in cars a year for work. I was one of them too driving HR's, and then about 70K a year throughout NSW for years. Stuck to the rules, and guess what - we all keep our jobs, businesses and homes. Not rocket science.
Yeah, sure Pinch, the taxi driver is a professional driver. What other profession earns $8.00 per hour? By the way the cabby was caught not wearing his seat belt a couple of times and not waiting long enough at a stop sign. Hardly warrants 3 strikes and you are out.
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Old 04-07-2009, 07:34 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by COOGES
Yeah, sure Pinch, the taxi driver is a professional driver. What other profession earns $8.00 per hour? By the way the cabby was caught not wearing his seat belt a couple of times and not waiting long enough at a stop sign. Hardly warrants 3 strikes and you are out.
He drives as a job, it is his profession. Therefore he is a professional driver, no ifs buts or maybes.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 04-07-2009, 07:53 PM   #47
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According to Websters dictionary Profession is a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation, caught a cab recently? The term Professional is thrown around too easily me thinks. Briefly trained people courier maybe.
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Old 04-07-2009, 08:00 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by COOGES
According to Websters dictionary Profession is a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation, caught a cab recently? The term Professional is thrown around too easily me thinks. Briefly trained people courier maybe.
Still his job therefore he is a professional driver.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 04-07-2009, 08:09 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Barry_v
some peoples risk assessment is a bit questionable.

1. death, injury, fines, demerit points

2. add approximatly 5 seconds to your journey.

or is it just about 'fighting the power!'
Exactly, is it really worth the trouble and danger for that extra 5 sec's.
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Old 04-07-2009, 08:36 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by COOGES
Yeah, sure Pinch, the taxi driver is a professional driver. What other profession earns $8.00 per hour? By the way the cabby was caught not wearing his seat belt a couple of times and not waiting long enough at a stop sign. Hardly warrants 3 strikes and you are out.
I wonder if you would share the same attitude if the pilots that were about to fly you from capitol city to capitol city in a 737 did not take the rules and regs of their profession seriously either!
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Old 04-07-2009, 08:42 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by burnz
glad we dont have any real level crossings in sydney
Parramatta Road, Clyde has a level crossing. The line between Carlingford and Clyde.

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Old 04-07-2009, 08:52 PM   #52
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Fact is, Taxi drivers are classed as professional drivers. So are Truck drivers, bus drivers, limo drivers etc. they have to be accredited to do the job, part of their job is following the guidelines set up by their job's governing body, in this case the governing body of their job is the Government. I drive a HR truck for a living, and since the first time I got my license i have always waited for the lights to stop. My personal opinion is that if the flashing lights confuse you, maybe you shouldn't drive at all, because a red light (flashing or otherwise) is as simple a road signal is that.
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Old 04-07-2009, 09:10 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by RG
Still his job therefore he is a professional driver.
Yep, gottit in one.

If I get caught doing anything wrong I often think I should cop it twice....The second time for getting caught

(Sheet, I'm agreeing with RG!! I must be getting soft!)
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Old 04-07-2009, 09:43 PM   #54
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Glad most people here wait until the lights stop flashing and the gates go up, Makes the job less stressful for the train drivers.

The number of people who do completely ignore the flashing lights is astounding especially when most of the culprits I find are the "Locals" who think they know when the next train is due, and "Professional Drivers" who should probably know better.
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Old 04-07-2009, 10:11 PM   #55
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When i got my licence the rule was you shouldnt move till the lights stoped? Has this changed?
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Old 04-07-2009, 10:24 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by bfiipursuit
When I got my licence, the rule was you shouldn't move untill the lights stopped. Has this changed?
For some. Their rule is to go whenever they feel like it.

For the rest of us, it’s still the same and the old rules still apply.
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Old 04-07-2009, 10:57 PM   #57
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Personally i like the ones that run through the crossings that have both the level crossing lights, and the trafffic lights, wouldn't that be 6 demerit points, 3 for running the level crossing red, and three for running the traffic lights red. Just think, if it is one of those double demerit point long weekends, that would be the full 12 points, license gone!
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Old 04-07-2009, 11:55 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Sam_Boss260
Best mate was lined up at a railway crossing, with the boom gates down and lights flashing. He was the fourth car in the queue.

Boom gates go up and cars go over. Only thing is, on the other side were the police, who pulled over all 4 cars for crossing over while the red lights were still flashing. $300 fin and 3 points - thanks for coming.

I know that I do not wait until the lights stop flashing before proceeding to cross, do anyone else?
SHOULD HAVE BEEN a $GRAND and made to go to the next ACCIDENT when an impatient person crosses the line and endangers others lives.
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Old 05-07-2009, 01:01 AM   #59
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Law says you must not cross while the lights are flashing.

However, for all the "experts" once the booms start to rise there will not be another train for at least 50 seconds when there is more than one line. Single line it will be a LONG time before there is a second train.

The minimum level crossing strike in time in the Australian standards is 20 seconds. In Victoria its 25.

That means that the train arrives 25 seconds after the lights start to flash. The booms start to drop about 8 seconds after the flashing starts and are fully closed after 18 seconds.

Once the strike in starts there is what called holding when there are two or more lines. This holding extends the look back so that the crossing is held down by the second train.

This includes the "minimum opening time". Once the booms start to raise they will open fully and not drop for 25 seconds after the lights stop flashing and takes into account the time it takes the booms to raise. This is to allow slow (heavy laden trucks) to start and cross safely. So booms open for 25 seconds before the next train strikes in and the train arrives 25 seconds after that, 50 seconds in total. They are deigned to be "Fail Safe". That is, when they fail they close and the lights flash.

The reason the lights flash while the booms are going up is to prevent people starting of and breaking them. Nothing to do with another train. The fact is that it is safe to cross when the booms are on the way up but it is against the law to do so.

Bottom line don't move until the lights stop flashing as its against the law and as you are not an expert just do as your told for your own safety.

And I do know what I am talking about as I manage a team that designs railway signalling systems that include level crossings.

There are a number of us that believe that the flashing lights should be replaced by standard traffic lights as the average Australian has a better understanding of them and are more likely to obey them.

Australians seem to have no respect for level crossings. They drive onto them when the exit is blocked not realising it takes some trains up to 2km to stop.

So my advise is, when the lights flash, stop. Don't enter the crossing unless you can clear it. Don't cut across another car that is entering so he can't clear it when there is more than one lane. You will kill him.

And if you want to prove Darwin right then before doing so think of the train driver. I was with one testing the Velocity trains over level crossings at 160kmh. The driver told me of a 15 year old girl he hit coming into Bendigo. She ignored the ped crossing. Train drivers cant stop the train but have to live with your stupidity on their conscience.
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Old 05-07-2009, 01:22 AM   #60
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So xr6 190 are you agreeing with pinch when he says 3 strikes and you lose your license ?Never eaten when driving? Never talked on a mobile phone when driving? Never taken off that tight seat belt a little early? Never kept a little momemtum up and rolled slowly through that stop sign on top of a hill?
The point I was making to begin with was going through a crossing a second early didnt warrant a man losing everything, and Pinch seems to think " professional " drivers are immune to a mistake now and again, God help me keep to 40 in a 40 zone at 2.00 am.
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