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Old 03-06-2012, 01:30 PM   #31
pottery beige
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

duty is another word for tax..
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Old 03-06-2012, 01:32 PM   #32
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug


outlawing anti-competitive, illegal conduct from China is not protectionism
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Old 03-06-2012, 04:24 PM   #33
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

dont forget Toyota is still using ROH so the prices cant be to bad.

bout time the Government finally got some balls and did something now for the farmland and supermrket home brands
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Old 03-06-2012, 04:54 PM   #34
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Does anyone know if Simmons wheels are still locally made? Their address is the same as tempe tyres, does that mean they own the rights to the tooling and name, but made in China? And what about CSA?
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:13 PM   #35
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Isn't the only ROH wheel made in Australia steel?
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:24 PM   #36
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by 2011G6E
Set up a high level of protection for the car industry here? Be careful what you wish for...you might get it.
Then we can go back to the bad old days of lazily-built under-equipped Australian cars, because they know the government will heavily protect them from the ravages of the big bad world outside our borders...

As for protecting car parts makers...it's a bit rich for our government to complain that other countries do it. Hasn't there been a few parts makers here in Oz that had to shut down over the last ten years or so because the government claimed that "other countries don't protect their manufacturers like that", and we had to stop subsidising them?

As for alloy wheels, I remember the old days when they were all pretty expensive for anything but the most basic ones. I recall paying $80 a wheel in 1982 (Hell, even 14" chrome steel 12 slotters were $50 each back then) when I was working in a decent job at Woolworths full time and only taking home $160 a week...half your paypacket for one modestly styled 14" alloy wheel, and that wasn't a good Simmons or anything either. People don't know how good we have it now in costs of car accessories...things that once broke the bank and had to be saved up for for a year or two are an impulse buy now.

well the problem the way i see it is there needs to be a balance, and at the moment that balance is already tipped way in favor of imports,

there was an article a while ago where the US policy makers where also ****ed at china`s artificial low currency and unfair trading policy`s not to mention their blatant copying of brand names from other countries,
these over sea`s importers are thriving at the expense of our industry`s, many of which are going down the gurgler on a daily basis, i for one would like to the balance restored.
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:29 PM   #37
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

I can't believe there are people who believe it is ok for our taxes or any form of assistance be given to China to use against our own industries. The Chinese must be peeing themselves with laughter.
When Charlie Wong reports to the CEO of Wound Wheels inc he can say " Mr Ho we are getting $30 per wheel worth of assistance from the Australian government which means we can sell our wheels $30 cheaper than their own companies. And there is no way they can test every wheel so we dont even have to make them up to a high standard so we save even more.
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Last edited by deesun; 03-06-2012 at 05:38 PM.
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:42 PM   #38
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by nstg8a
just need to do the same now to protect the car industry as a whole...
Sooner the better imho ... Australia will never have a competitive car industry.
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Old 03-06-2012, 07:31 PM   #39
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Simmons wheels has been gone for a while, ROH manufacture wheels both steel and alloy here, Speedy also send their chroming to South Africa because the quailty is better and they have very few warranty claims.

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Old 03-06-2012, 08:09 PM   #40
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by .FoMoCo.
Does anyone know if Simmons wheels are still locally made? Their address is the same as tempe tyres, does that mean they own the rights to the tooling and name, but made in China? And what about CSA?

Im sure simmons are made in china now.

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Old 03-06-2012, 08:24 PM   #41
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by Nikked
Im sure simmons are made in china now.
If this is the case, how ironic is this now, if they are subject to this new duty?

Back in the day Simmons were hugely expensive prestige rims to own. Now they could be hugely expensive again, with the difference being money going offshore, and then a large chunk going to the government?

This is why the cheap imports are hurting us. Black and white.
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Old 04-06-2012, 04:28 PM   #42
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

This is a really interesting development, personally my thoughts that it’s complete nonsense … this is socialism at its best.

I mean why stop at wheels? The exact same argument can be said about any other product that is/was manufactured in Australia … surely if cheaper manufacturing is their only excuse to come up with garbage like this, then what stops them from applying the same logic for everything else???

People seem to forget one simple truth, when the price of aftermarket wheels will double (and it will based on that massive tax) then people will stop buying them, and once that happens then how many retail jobs will be lost??? And with Australian vehicle manufacturers selling less and less vehicles each year, do you really think that by making their parts more expensive it will boost sales? LOL give me a break …
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Old 04-06-2012, 05:28 PM   #43
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by dimka100
This is a really interesting development, personally my thoughts that it’s complete nonsense … this is socialism at its best.

I mean why stop at wheels? The exact same argument can be said about any other product that is/was manufactured in Australia … surely if cheaper manufacturing is their only excuse to come up with garbage like this, then what stops them from applying the same logic for everything else???

People seem to forget one simple truth, when the price of aftermarket wheels will double (and it will based on that massive tax) then people will stop buying them, and once that happens then how many retail jobs will be lost??? And with Australian vehicle manufacturers selling less and less vehicles each year, do you really think that by making their parts more expensive it will boost sales? LOL give me a break …
Aftermarket wheels were always expensive, this is simply returning us to market conditions prior to the advent of dumping from subsidised chinese wheels.

So there will be a price hike for 'Fully sick' rims? Boo hoo...

The attitude shown in your post shows there are plenty of people out there who don't give a flying toss that we import everything under the sun. I don't like the way it has been headed, and I reckon the government putting the brakes on it is a positive thing.
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Old 04-06-2012, 05:48 PM   #44
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by dimka100
This is a really interesting development, personally my thoughts that it’s complete nonsense … this is socialism at its best.

I mean why stop at wheels? The exact same argument can be said about any other product that is/was manufactured in Australia … surely if cheaper manufacturing is their only excuse to come up with garbage like this, then what stops them from applying the same logic for everything else???

People seem to forget one simple truth, when the price of aftermarket wheels will double (and it will based on that massive tax) then people will stop buying them, and once that happens then how many retail jobs will be lost??? And with Australian vehicle manufacturers selling less and less vehicles each year, do you really think that by making their parts more expensive it will boost sales? LOL give me a break …
So its ok for the Chinese government to f us over by doing this as a way to destroy our manufacturers, and we should just bend over and take it.

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Old 04-06-2012, 09:04 PM   #45
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by dimka100
This is a really interesting development, personally my thoughts that it’s complete nonsense … this is socialism at its best.
it's the Socialist policy of the Chinese Government that are facilitating the dumping

to the next twat who is about to make some comment saying that the OP's article is a bad thing, please, if you don't have the time or inclination to at least read a tiny bit of introductory Economics please goggle "dumping"
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Old 04-06-2012, 09:32 PM   #46
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

My conscience is clear. Bought new, bought Australian, bought the best product in its class. 150,000km and still going strong.

For shonky and BossXR8 just before me, I'd urge you both to delve a little deeper - we signed up for this, long, long ago. Not you and I, but the Australian government. It was effectively de-industrialisation, and it's working a treat. An agreement, hint: capital of Peru.

There is a cost to the Chinese as well: by manipulating their currency lower, their people are subject to much greater inflation than they otherwise would have. Their people are penalised in their consumption (policy favouring production) while our people are penalised in our production (policy favouring consumption).

As much as I'd like to say it's the Socialism bogeyman (and don't get me wrong, look at the record of centrally planned economies in history) - that's not the devil in this case, it's a combination of poor (or deliberate?) policy.

As for a better balance, bring it! It would be lovely to compete making surfboards again, targeting and winning a niche and not having 'Free Trade' countries dumping stock here at below my materials cost!
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Old 05-06-2012, 11:04 AM   #47
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

You do people realise that most aftermarket wheels being currently purchased are the cheap Chinese made variety, very few people actually spend the money on a proper set of performance aftermarket wheels …

All the Tyre shops mostly sell Chinese made wheels these days as they are affordable and serve the purpose people buy rims these days for (too look good) … By introducing this ridicules tax all the people who used to buy cheap rims will simply stop doing that as nobody will justify spending 1K (4K total) per rim to get Australian made 19s/20s, so what do you think will happen to these tyre shops???

As for the past, yes rims used to be expensive, but most people driving performance cars used to simply import second hand alloys from Japan, and that made no money to local manufacturers anyways …

The simple reality is that Australians no longer want to buy “Australian” and our government is trying to come up with excuses on how to FORCE people to buy Australian, but just like internet shopping proved these days, you can’t force people to pay overpriced local prices for goods if they don’t want too, people will simply find an alternative …
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Old 05-06-2012, 05:11 PM   #48
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

All for the greater good, hopefully it will be a deterrent for other countries trying to dump there stuff here and kill off Australian companies.
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Old 05-06-2012, 05:11 PM   #49
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All for the greater good, hopefully it will be a deterrent for other countries trying to dump there stuff here and kill off Australian companies.
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Old 05-06-2012, 09:46 PM   #50
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

if we were not taxed right up the razoo, people might stop looking at price being the lowest common denominator......
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:00 PM   #51
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by Bossxr8
All for the greater good, hopefully it will be a deterrent for other countries trying to dump there stuff here and kill off Australian companies.

But the fact is if a manufacturer in australia wants to import these wheels (to fit to an australian made car) they will pay more. If an Australian wants to buy these wheels from a retailer, they will pay more. But oddly enough, if the wheels are fitted to a chinese made car, then no extra tariff is applied. In fact we can get the odd situation where a manufacturer in thailand can import the chinese wheels, fit them to a thai car, and the wheels come into australia technically at the same dumping price (and giving them an advantage over the australian manufacturer).
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:51 PM   #52
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Let me get this straight... So it's not ok to buy cheap imported wheels anymore, but it's still ok to buy imported wheels when they are attached to cheap imported cars?

Does this new tax apply to our local car manufacturers or only to retailers?
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Old 06-06-2012, 12:50 AM   #53
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

guys guys guys

Dumping (in this context and very simply) is selling production below what it costs to manufacture it for.

If a Chinese vehicle manufacturer produced a car and then sold it here for less than what it costs to produce then that would be dumping. It would be illegal. It would be economically inefficient and if our Government has got it right it would be stopped

In this example the finished good being exported (to us) is a car

I feel I may have derailed this a little with all my buy Aussie crap in the first page (I stand by it, make no mistake. I just mean I may have confused the issue that the OP has posted an article about)

There is a bigger issue here than changing the price of one consumer good (assuming that the companies involved represent enough of the market for that to happen)
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Old 06-06-2012, 12:58 AM   #54
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by JG34JA
My conscience is clear. Bought new, bought Australian, bought the best product in its class. 150,000km and still going strong.

For shonky and BossXR8 just before me, I'd urge you both to delve a little deeper - we signed up for this, long, long ago. Not you and I, but the Australian government. It was effectively de-industrialisation, and it's working a treat. An agreement, hint: capital of Peru.

There is a cost to the Chinese as well: by manipulating their currency lower, their people are subject to much greater inflation than they otherwise would have. Their people are penalised in their consumption (policy favouring production) while our people are penalised in our production (policy favouring consumption).

As much as I'd like to say it's the Socialism bogeyman (and don't get me wrong, look at the record of centrally planned economies in history) - that's not the devil in this case, it's a combination of poor (or deliberate?) policy.

As for a better balance, bring it! It would be lovely to compete making surfboards again, targeting and winning a niche and not having 'Free Trade' countries dumping stock here at below my materials cost!
Hey mate, I've read your post a number of times and am not quite sure what to make of it.

Would you clarify/elaborate a little?

Are you saying you think that the dumping of production on our shores was in part facilitated by the Lima Declaration, or just more imports?
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Old 06-06-2012, 08:51 AM   #55
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

The article mention Ford and Holden were involved in buying these discounted wheels... I can say I didn't see the price of their genuine wheels come down.
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Old 06-06-2012, 09:07 AM   #56
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

He said ROH had once supplied all Australian vehicle manufacturers with both steel and alloy wheels, but now the company’s only original equipment customer in Australia was Toyota Australia.
Amazing the ONLY Australian based car manufacturer using Australian labour, is not even an 'Australian' car brand. Shame on Holden and Ford.
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Old 06-06-2012, 09:53 AM   #57
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by shonkymofo
guys guys guys

Dumping (in this context and very simply) is selling production below what it costs to manufacture it for.

If a Chinese vehicle manufacturer produced a car and then sold it here for less than what it costs to produce then that would be dumping. It would be illegal. It would be economically inefficient and if our Government has got it right it would be stopped

In this example the finished good being exported (to us) is a car
I think the explanantion is a little generic. Going by that, Holden and Ford would be subject to dumping accusations if they exported cars to other countries and made losses (selling cars for less than it cost to make them) in the same year.
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Old 06-06-2012, 10:31 AM   #58
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

All this talk about tyre retailers going bust because of this is a little far fetched, surely they sell more tyres than wheels, and will continue to sell just as many tyres as before
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Old 06-06-2012, 10:37 AM   #59
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Makes me wonder where the 'genuine' wheels on my new FPV came from. As there were copies on ebay only about 12 months after the cars were released, could the 'aftermarket' supplier also be the 'genuine' supplier. I hope FPV or ford did due diligence on testing these wheels properly before installing them on new cars.
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Old 06-06-2012, 02:59 PM   #60
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Default Re: Cheap Chinese wheels in dumping slug

Originally Posted by deesun
I can't believe there are people who believe it is ok for our taxes or any form of assistance be given to China to use against our own industries. The Chinese must be peeing themselves with laughter.
When Charlie Wong reports to the CEO of Wound Wheels inc he can say " Mr Ho we are getting $30 per wheel worth of assistance from the Australian government which means we can sell our wheels $30 cheaper than their own companies. And there is no way they can test every wheel so we dont even have to make them up to a high standard so we save even more.
Although the article wasn't clear, I read the govt. assistance came from the Chinese government. The article did mention a govt. owned smelter giving subsidies and I don't believe any of the smelters in Aust are govt owned?

If this is the case, it's not too dissimilar to Aust. where the Govt. are giving subsidies to Aussie car manufacturers who are then shipping the cars O/S.
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