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Old 21-01-2005, 06:17 PM   #31
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A few paint and panel tips for the noobies

Always do any and all repairs before you start sanding
Make sure you 'rough up' any areas that need filler, knock the top off the filler before it goes rock hard
Always sand with a block or board... Finger and palm marks show through the top coats.. Use a higher grade paper than you think, although it takes longer you dont leave any sanding marks
Buy twice as much prepsol and tac rags to do the job, you can't clean the surface enough times
When painting start with the roof, boot and bonnet..Leave the sides to last.. You don't want to drag the airline over your fresh paint
Treat any plastics or rubber with an adhesive promoter before you apply the undercoat.

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Old 21-01-2005, 06:20 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by lv619
Always use comments when programming software as its a pain in the **** going back over someones code when they have funked something up and they have not commented anything. LOL.
This advice is plain wrong! :Reverend: If old code is documented correctly others can find their way through the mess you have created.

Better to make it as hard to read and as illogical as possible, you will look like a programming genius when other find your code too hard to fathom This way you, and only you, can ever be paid come back and repair each mistake.

Look at how fortran programmers have maintained a lifetime income, a great lifestyle, and a healthy retirement repairing their own mistakes. : [edit] Yep Cobal programmers too, though most were able to retire very comfortably after Y2K.

Last edited by RED_EL_XR8; 21-01-2005 at 08:41 PM.
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Old 21-01-2005, 06:47 PM   #33
Psycho Chicken
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Originally Posted by EB MkII
Tip: 1/2 inch socket is a much better fit than a 13mm
A 12mm socket and a hammer will make light work of a 13mm bolt that has been rounded by use of said 1/2 inch socket.

Unijoints don't belong on rattle guns. However, when they do break, replace the bolt with a regular bolt, lock tite it in, grind the end off and wrap the bastard in black tape. She'll be right. Consider replacement when that breaks.
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Old 21-01-2005, 08:06 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by RED_EL_XR8

Look at how fortran programmers have maintained a lifetime income, a great lifestyle, and a healthy retirement repairing their own mistakes. :
Don't you mean Cobol programmers?

It has been said that well written code is "self documenting" so that means I'm perfectly justified not putting any comments in my code.
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