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View Poll Results: do you have insurance
NO I cant afford it 82 7.63%
NO insurance wont touch me the driver 22 2.05%
NO insurance dont like my car too many mods etc 35 3.26%
NO i'd rather spend that money at the pub i'm too tight 37 3.44%
YES Id' never drive without some form of insurance 899 83.63%
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Old 26-03-2005, 01:35 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by XRQTOR
Iv'e just turned 2o and bought my Ba xr8 when i was 19. To insure my EF xr8 for $16,ooo it was going to cost me $5,ooo in my name. TO insure a MKII Ba xr8 it was going to cost $515o, we all know which car i'd rather insure. Why should i be stung with such a high premium because i want a nice car.

I agree with the comp third party bit as i'd kill anyone who wrote my car off and didn't have insurance.
Why should you be stung with high premium because you want a nice EXPENSIVE and POWERFUL car when you are such an inexperienced driver? Okay I don't know you so you might be a good driver, but as far as years on VICROADS goes, you are an inexperienced driver.

So you are driving a RRP $50k car, which is classified powerful because it has 8 cylinders and 330cubic inches of displacement. You are inexperienced on VICROADS paid for blacktop.

Hmmm Yes I can understand why you should be 'stung' with a high premium.

To Re-iterate my above post, if you cannot afford the costs of running an expensive or above average car while you are an 'inexperienced' driver then you cannot afford the car.

Hell, perhaps people under the age of 21 should have to pay for Advanced Driving and only allowed to drive a car which has full comprehesive insurance, rather than having a restrictive vehicle list that includes a BA I6 XT Wagon.
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Old 26-03-2005, 01:42 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by XA Coupe
this has to be one of the better ones from you Rick.
Unnecessary sarcasm noted.
If some uninsured bastard crashes into my car or house or anything... then they will be in a world of hurt
Why, Because they will have to pay for damages, so what.
If you cannot afford to insure your car with at least third party property then get the hell off the roads.
I think you assume that most (all?) people who don't have insurance, can't afford it. I think you may find that not be the case.
Your mate is a fool..
Actually he's not, and you wouldn't say that to him in person if you knew him.
He's a very successful person and is doing very well in life, though far from 'rich', he has several cars, and several motorbikes, owns his own home and has a fair amount invested in shares.
He's also one of the more intelligent people I know.
it's his choice and I hope he never has to find out just how stupid it is. He better have a lot of money saved.... if he hits something expensive or even better, something else insured, he better get used to cuddling Bubba.
I'm sure he has enough saved, though more to the point, he's not the sort of person who trys to welch out of responsibilities. If it's his fault, he'll accept that and suffer the consequences.

Why would going to jail have anything to do with not being insured?
I hate paying for insurance which I may not need but I would never go without it. I's amazing how much of a tightarse people can be.
Tight **** is definitely the right word for him, but again, it's not due to a lack of funds, quite the contrary.

His view is that all the money he's saved over the years by not paying for cover is enough to cover most if any accidents.
And I guess whatever he can't afford at the time, he will borrow from a bank, which the repayments would then be much the same as if he had insurance for all of his vehicles.

He has 3 motorbikes, and 2 cars (one being a euro sports), he doesn't have house insurance, medical insurance, or any other insurance.
I suspect he has saved a lot of money.

I think you may have misunderstood what I was initially saying.

I feel that it is peoples choice, and I certainly don't critisise someone for not being insured. I personally have motor vehicle insurance, though only third party property damage on my bikes and cars, though I do have full comp on the BA because it's leased.

However I most certainly see the logic in my friends views, and I respect his decision based on his situation.

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Old 26-03-2005, 01:47 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by XRQTOR
Iv'e just turned 2o and bought my Ba xr8 when i was 19. To insure my EF xr8 for $16,ooo it was going to cost me $5,ooo in my name. TO insure a MKII Ba xr8 it was going to cost $515o, we all know which car i'd rather insure. Why should i be stung with such a high premium because i want a nice car.
Is that a serious question???
Lets see, statistically:
You drive an expensive car to fix/replace
You drive a car that is classified as high powered (260kw is not a clunker)
You have a total of 2 years driving experiance on a provisional license
You are a young male, statistically one of the highest prevailing factors in "at fault" accidents
Of course, this is all unfair. You should automatically go on to rating one and pay no more than someone like me with 18 years of driving history who has never had claim, drives a less expensive, less powerful car and statistically is in one of the lower risk catagories. Yeah, that makes sense.

If you buy a car and cant afford the insurance... thats your own fault. I agree premiums are high but, given this has always been the case, you should have known that before you purchaed the car.
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Last edited by Casper; 26-03-2005 at 01:48 PM.
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:18 PM   #34
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something else that i found recently, if you dont have full comp and someone hits your car, if they are blotto or have no insurance you may never get paid if they are the no job, no assets, no hoper types.
i found this out from the guy i bought an XF rear damaged recently, ordinarily he would have gotten 3 grand insurance paid to him, the sheila that hit his car was high as a kite and cos she was having a hissy fit the police and ambo were called, hence a blood test taken and even though she did have insurance, if they find any tricks in her blood insurance will probably call BARLEYS and he's lost his registred reliable transport, and has to fina a replacemnt with his own pocket. not great in his case as hes a 74 year old pensioner.
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:20 PM   #35
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Too all the young people complaining about the high insurance premiums you pay think about why it is that high. Statisically we are high risk drivers. When you go out and buy a xr8 at a young age expect insurance to be expensive. Its not like you get your licence and all of a sudden you can "drive".
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:24 PM   #36
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cant live without it
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:26 PM   #37
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i dont see how young people can complain about high insurance premiums, the last year of owning the XF (after the accident i decided bugger this ill get insurance now) was 1200 with mods.. the first year of insuring the NC was 980 or something like that, seccond year 500... it can only get better next year when i turn 25

as i always say if you choose to own a performance / sports car, you should factor in the insurance costs pre-purchase...
if you cant afford it dont buy it
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:38 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by MADNC_8
as i always say if you choose to own a performance / sports car, you should factor in the insurance costs pre-purchase...
if you cant afford it dont buy it
exactly right. I'm thinking of later this year selling the AU and going over to the dark side with a VX S sometime this year. I know the company im with now wont insure people under 25 with 'sports cars' so it'll be a change of company, then the premium will double because it's a sports car.

A mate recently hit a stray dog with his skyline he'd bought 3 weeks ago and ruined it, no insurance...
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:43 PM   #39
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Always had insurance. If you own a car, you should have insurance. If you can't afford insurance, don't buy a car.

I've only ever made 1 claim. I got agreed value on my EA when it was written off. Agreed at the time was just short of $11,000. Market Value for a bog stock EA S Pack was a tad over $5,000. This was about 10 years ago.

Insurance has its benefits. You'd be a fool to be without it.

We have all been through the young driver higher premium thing. The most resposnible thing you can do is get insurance. In a time when P Platers are being targetted and complaining that the law does not think they are responsible drivers, well I wonder how many of those P Platers are responsible enough to get insurance? Even if its only Third Party. I'm not saying all P Platers are irresponsible and have no insurance, just using it in the context of my reply.
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:45 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Sox
Unnecessary sarcasm noted.

Originally Posted by Sox
Why, Because they will have to pay for damages, so what.
That is assuming he can actually pay for it. Unless he is rich enough to be self insured then he is gambling with other people's property and money

Originally Posted by Sox
I think you assume that most (all?) people who don't have insurance, can't afford it. I think you may find that not be the case.
It beats the other option which is too stupid.

Originally Posted by Sox
ctually he's not, and you wouldn't say that to him in person if you knew him.
He's a very successful person and is doing very well in life, though far from 'rich', he has several cars, and several motorbikes, owns his own home and has a fair amount invested in shares.
He's also one of the more intelligent people I know.
Good for him, it doesn't change a thing

Originally Posted by Sox
I'm sure he has enough saved, though more to the point, he's not the sort of person who trys to welch out of responsibilities. If it's his fault, he'll accept that and suffer the consequences.
No, he won't be the one that suffers the consequences which is the crux of the issue.

Originally Posted by Sox
Why would going to jail have anything to do with not being insured?
Figure of speech

Originally Posted by Sox

Tight **** is definitely the right word for him, but again, it's not due to a lack of funds, quite the contrary.
refer my earlier comment

Originally Posted by Sox
His view is that all the money he's saved over the years by not paying for cover is enough to cover most if any accidents.
And I guess whatever he can't afford at the time, he will borrow from a bank, which the repayments would then be much the same as if he had insurance for all of his vehicles.
He would want to find a pliable bank manager to lend him money for that reason

Originally Posted by Sox
He has 3 motorbikes, and 2 cars (one being a euro sports), he doesn't have house insurance, medical insurance, or any other insurance.
I suspect he has saved a lot of money.
Good for him .. he would want to be VERY rich to play the dice like that.

Originally Posted by Sox
I think you may have misunderstood what I was initially saying.

I feel that it is peoples choice, and I certainly don't critisise someone for not being insured. I personally have motor vehicle insurance, though only third party property damage on my bikes and cars, though I do have full comp on the BA because it's leased.

However I most certainly see the logic in my friends views, and I respect his decision based on his situation.


If he were the only one affected by his decision I would agree with you. But shold he do more damage that he can pay for then the innocent person is the one that suffers if he can't pay. In the worst case scenario he wipes himself out, then the innocent party has to then make a claim against the estate directly rather than the insurance company.
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:47 PM   #41
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Well NEB you're a knob and so is SOXs mate. If you ever think you are never going to have an accident without it being your fault thats just sheer arrogance. And as succesful and so called intelligent as SOXs mate is, just wait till one day he does have an at fault prang lets see how quick to own up and pay up he is then. I for one would have been an innocent party with no car and no livlyhood and a large loan to pay off at 18 had the other driver not had insurance. We don't give a rats bum if you stuff up your life having no car etc just don't expect others to be inconvenienced because of someone elses stupidity and arrogance. :
igodabigblackshinycar and I relented and allowed a BMW into the garage.
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Old 26-03-2005, 02:57 PM   #42
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The "save all your insurance money and not have it" is a pretty stupid arguement I reckon.

Third party for me is $447 I think. I've been driving for 2 years, never made a claim. So that's what, $900, and we'll factor in my $800 excess.

I can now afford to write off an XF, not taking into account the front end damage to my car.
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:07 PM   #43
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or a pretty crappy ea rob, dont forget those
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:12 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by XA Coupe
this has to be one of the better ones from you Rick.
If some uninsured bastard crashes into my car or house or anything... then they will be in a world of hurt
If you cannot afford to insure your car with at least third party property then get the hell off the roads.
Your mate is a fool.. it's his choice and I hope he never has to find out just how stupid it is. He better have a lot of money saved.... if he hits something expensive or even better, something else insured, he better get used to cuddling Bubba.
I hate paying for insurance which I may not need but I would never go without it. I's amazing how much of a tightarse people can be.

edit: I am dismayed that there are at least three people on this forum with no insurance
XA Coupe, I agree 110% with you. I just can not believe that there are such stupid people among us that don't have insurance on there vehicles. It's irresponsible , pathetic , and inexcusable not to have some form of insurance. to those who don't have insurance GET OF THE ROAD, you are a pest to society.

And DO any of you uninsured fools realizes or understand that if you hit and destroy any puplic property such as a road sign or gaurd rail you will be up for 1000's of dollars.

I truly believe that 3rd party insurance should be compulsory on our rego.

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Last edited by jabba; 26-03-2005 at 03:14 PM.
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:16 PM   #45
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Insurance is a must in my books, it would freak me out if i hit a merc or somethin and had no insurance, good luck to the people who have no insurance....
Old 26-03-2005, 03:16 PM   #46
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So far Icve had insurance on all me cars

Next one mite be gettin up there in the $ range but, ill get round it.

My mates used to say theyd save more by not insuring there car and paying for damage when it happens, then one rear ended a Skyline=$$$, and then wrote his car off a few weeks later :S
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:18 PM   #47
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another thing for the uninsured, one of the blokes at work had a VL turbo and couldn't get insurance cos he was just 18(maybe insure it in your parents name with you as a second driver),
this car was set alight while parked at a pub or something, cost him $7000 sold for $500 , guy who bought it said he was gunna take a gamble on the gearbox and diff,
so what would happen to you in this case, i've had 3 car fires pesonally with max $400 to repair, my brothers van caught fire with a repair cost in exess of $1000. he was lucky to be at a servo when it caught fire as there was an extinguisher it would have been completely burnt otherwise, he only has 3 party so no fire insurance.
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:24 PM   #48
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Also a mates dad didnt insure his car from new, on teh way home he took out a powrer transformer style box thing onthe side of the road.
Wrote of $50k car, cuased $50k damage to box thing

Wrecked the family, they went broke, and are now divorced.

If only he hadda remebered to insure it before he drove it home
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:26 PM   #49
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forgetting hitting other cars for a minute, imagine hitting a person or someone on a bike at fault. say you kill em and you have no insurance... i really dont wanna be in your shoes
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:36 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by MADNC_8
forgetting hitting other cars for a minute, imagine hitting a person or someone on a bike at fault. say you kill em and you have no insurance... i really dont wanna be in your shoes
registration covers personal injury, providing you are licensed, registred and not over blood alcohol limit
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Old 26-03-2005, 03:39 PM   #51
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I have my car Comp insured with every mod disclosed and it's only costing me $625/year.
I'd never drivve an uninsured car, if you have a bad accident it can financially ruin you.
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Old 26-03-2005, 04:10 PM   #52
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At the very least everyone should have 3rd party propety. If you cant afford to get in with the car you drive you shouldnt be driving that sort of car.

I have full comprehensive just for interests sake and pay big time for it with the mods and type of car/ute i have. And thats fair enough.

If any of you irresponsible dropkicks were to hit my ute on a cruise you had wanna be hoping i dont here the words "I DONT HAVE INSURANCE" come dribbling out of your mouths.
But I've got money saved blah blah blah what happens if you happen to hit one of those Lambos or the like that are worth more than 90% of houses. The driver of it is ment to foot the loss while your tight *** pays him $20 a week for the next 200 years Come on get real

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Old 26-03-2005, 04:18 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by ianmcginley
Why should you be stung with high premium because you want a nice EXPENSIVE and POWERFUL car when you are such an inexperienced driver? Okay I don't know you so you might be a good driver, but as far as years on VICROADS goes, you are an inexperienced driver.

So you are driving a RRP $50k car, which is classified powerful because it has 8 cylinders and 330cubic inches of displacement. You are inexperienced on VICROADS paid for blacktop.

Hmmm Yes I can understand why you should be 'stung' with a high premium.

To Re-iterate my above post, if you cannot afford the costs of running an expensive or above average car while you are an 'inexperienced' driver then you cannot afford the car.

Hell, perhaps people under the age of 21 should have to pay for Advanced Driving and only allowed to drive a car which has full comprehesive insurance, rather than having a restrictive vehicle list that includes a BA I6 XT Wagon.
Mate i never said i couldn't afford the insurance, it's due on tuesday and instead of not insuring the car and spending that $5,ooo on mods im going to get it insured. Im just saying that why should I have to pay 5-1o times the normal rates because im young. How do they know i can or cant drive, anyone can drive to current road rules it's simple. Yes a powerfull car in the hands of a ******** (Young & Old) can become dangerous but a ******** will always be just that and you'll find they'll kill emselfs in anything they get behind the wheel of. But a powerfull car driven to the road rules is no different than a $5oo lazer, if anything it's safer.
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Old 26-03-2005, 04:25 PM   #54
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I think insurance companies need to change their mothod of determining premiums and stuff.

When i was 20 i had a mustang, full comp insurance for me with no previous rating was $500, i was stoked, but it'd cost em a shitload to repair an imported car. They weren't concerned with this, just the fact it was over 15 years old.

i went some 4 years without full comp insurance, the girl behind the counter liked xr8's, and seemed to be chatting me up, so she put me on a rating 1 premium. Not that i'm complaining though.

My parents have been insured for some 40 odd years, no claims. My old girl smashed their new mercedes ml350 into a brand new xr6 turbo ute about 6 months ago, they are still fighting to get the insurance bullshit resolved. His car is fixed and all finished, theirs hasn't been.

Insurance companies need to consider more factors when insuring people i think, and not back out of so many legitimate claims like they do. I know people will say premiums will go up, but they need to make insurance a more 'personal' and depending on the 'individual' level. Like a personal reference type scenario of someone who knows the persons driving history, habits about where the car gets left, etc etc.

All in all, insurance companies can't wait to get your wallet open, but when it comes to getting money out of them its a far different story.

I'll wait for my flaming now...
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Old 26-03-2005, 04:27 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Casper
Is that a serious question???
Lets see, statistically:
You drive an expensive car to fix/replace
You drive a car that is classified as high powered (260kw is not a clunker)
You have a total of 2 years driving experiance on a provisional license
You are a young male, statistically one of the highest prevailing factors in "at fault" accidents
Of course, this is all unfair. You should automatically go on to rating one and pay no more than someone like me with 18 years of driving history who has never had claim, drives a less expensive, less powerful car and statistically is in one of the lower risk catagories. Yeah, that makes sense.

If you buy a car and cant afford the insurance... thats your own fault. I agree premiums are high but, given this has always been the case, you should have known that before you purchaed the car.
1 year on a provisional licence and remaing on a black licence.
Parts or replacement prices will be the same regaurdless of age.
26okw isn't exactly a machine either.
What's to say im not part of that % of young males who cannot drive.
Just beacuse you've had a licence for 18 years doesn't make you a good driver, experienced yes. Whats not to say that's been 18 years of bad experience. I've seen many older people on the raods who have probally had thier licence for 25+ years that cannot drive.

I knew the price of insurance b4 i bought the car and i was always prepared to pay it because i can and i dont want to paying off a $4oo,ooo bill if i cause a truck to run over 2o other cars or if i hit a lambo. Oh and i like my car to much to lose it.
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Old 26-03-2005, 04:45 PM   #56
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To me, insurance is a personal choice, and one that I find buys peace of mind for me. I have insurance on my cars, and if someone hits me and they don't have insurance, that is for them to sort out with my insurance company. if they can't afford to pay, it is of no consequence to me. My insurance company picks up their tab and takes them to court. Do I loose any sleep over it? Nope.
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Old 26-03-2005, 04:56 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by XRQTOR
1 year on a provisional licence and remaing on a black licence.
Parts or replacement prices will be the same regaurdless of age.
Exactly... 2 years on a license. Provisional or otherwise, it is a learning curve and your at the bottom of it. Thats not to say your not a good driver but, from a statistic point of view, your at a high risk of making a mistake simply because you havent experianced a wide range of conditions yet.
Originally Posted by XRQTOR
26okw isn't exactly a machine either.
Please, a BA XR8 is a performance car, plain and simple. You may not see it as much but it is more powerful than the majority of cars on the road and, in an insurance companies eyes, is a high risk car. Adding a young male to it and you have a car than many wont even insure.
Originally Posted by XRQTOR
What's to say im not part of that % of young males who cannot drive.
Nothing, its a statistic. You havent been insured long enough to have a history.. therefore you are unfortunatly a statistc and your premium worked out as such.
Originally Posted by XRQTOR
Just beacuse you've had a licence for 18 years doesn't make you a good driver, experienced yes. Whats not to say that's been 18 years of bad experience. I've seen many older people on the raods who have probally had thier licence for 25+ years that cannot drive.
That is true, but as I said, I am rating one, never had a claim and never, in my life, been to a panel beater (touch wood). I have also done a number of car control courses and am aware of my capabilities. Therefore I would say I am a good driver. I still make mistakes, I'm not perfect, but I have a good history. Therefore I have earned myself a "low risk" insurance status.
That is my own personal status anyhow. I know a few people (including my older brother) who are shocking drivers. Of course, at least with some, their insurance rating reflects this. Did you know that its possible to be a rating 8?? My brother was at one stage.

Originally Posted by XRQTOR
I knew the price of insurance b4 i bought the car and i was always prepared to pay it because i can and i dont want to paying off a $4oo,ooo bill if i cause a truck to run over 2o other cars or if i hit a lambo. Oh and i like my car to much to lose it.
Thats all good. All I was doing was explaining why you have a high insurance premium. At least your in the "smart" catagory that, although not liking it, accept it is a must and have it.
Trust me, I hate paying insurance too but I have it. Car, house, health, life .... the works.
Older, wiser, poorer.

Now in Euro-Trash. VW Coupe V6 4motion.

Last edited by Casper; 26-03-2005 at 05:00 PM.
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Old 26-03-2005, 05:32 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by *rayman*
I think insurance companies need to change their mothod of determining premiums and stuff.

Insurance companies need to consider more factors when insuring people i think, and not back out of so many legitimate claims like they do. I know people will say premiums will go up, but they need to make insurance a more 'personal' and depending on the 'individual' level. Like a personal reference type scenario of someone who knows the persons driving history, habits about where the car gets left, etc etc.

I'll wait for my flaming now...
i rang shannons the other day and they were like you posted above, asked questions i considered to be irrelavent asked for when what how why and about another 20 questions, i didnt have all the info with me or could be bothered with them, he hung up i went to RACV 1/4 the questions good agreed value hope i never need to claim.
murphys law will now include: if you have insurance you wont need it
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Old 26-03-2005, 05:35 PM   #59
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by Casper
Did you know that its possible to be a rating 8?? My brother was at one stage.
Yep, bees dick away from it too... rating 7 :(
Speed cameras have changed the things we pay attention to and the things we regard as important. Instead of focusing on the dangers ahead, motorists feel that they have been relieved of responsibility for managing their own driving, and have ceded it instead to the mechanical intervention of the camera and other traffic signals.
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Old 26-03-2005, 05:38 PM   #60
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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no way i would hit the road without ANY insurance

the only thing i own that doesnt have full comp insurance is my motorbike, and thats only because my insurance company wouldnt do it for me
Gone cruising
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