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Old 12-03-2007, 01:12 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by GCFordChic
Oh I know, I agree with you here. Just because it is the net shouldn't mean the rules go out the window, all I was saying is that, unfortunately, the often do.

When they were taken from a place where you clearly identified yourself as the owner of the car (at the time) and the images, I think asking would be the least they could do.
Yep, and also I'm the worst person you could steal from! as it shows :yeees:

Originally Posted by bonspeed
O.K. I sort of understand, What concerns me is that they are claiming a genuine xr kit to be there own, Isn't that false advertising?
lol yes! I didn't notice, indeed false adertising as mine was genuine.

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Old 12-03-2007, 01:15 AM   #32
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lol yes! I didn't notice, indeed false adertising as mine was genuine.[/QUOTE]

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Old 12-03-2007, 01:18 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by bonspeed
I have had people take pictures of my car without my permission, What would be the case if the taker of said photos posted them?
If your car was in a public place or viewable from a public place, the photographer owns the rights to the use of the picture taken. Hence, why celebrities etc cannot tell people not to produce images of them if they are in public. Unless someone is breaking the law in order to take the photo (ie trespassing) or a few other conditions, they alone own the photos and the right to how/where they are published.
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Old 12-03-2007, 01:22 AM   #34
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Id like to see what AWC would do if i took a picture off their site, without permission, of an XR50 front, put my logo on it and posted it in my site, promoting the body mods i can perform....
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Old 12-03-2007, 01:26 AM   #35
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Intellectual property is automatically given on original work regardless whether any Copyright logo or stamp is present.

You'll have to read all terms and agreements whether the site(s) you presented the picture on forfeited these rights in which case too bad.

I'm sure you'll sort it out, don't go nuts, this isn't America.
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Old 12-03-2007, 01:32 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by philstoj
Id like to see what AWC would do if i took a picture off their site, without permission, of an XR50 front, put my logo on it and posted it in my site, promoting the body mods i can perform....

In my dealings with AWC they are good guys and im sure if you ring them in the morning (0295403377) and explained the situation they will pull the photos. Id even ask them for a good price on some carbon fibre bits and you never know you might get lucky.
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Old 12-03-2007, 02:06 AM   #37
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I dont understand why your so upset, if the number platre is blanked out, its not like someone will trace it and steal the car... they are looking at the kit itself, not the car...
Personally id be over the moon if someone used my car for an ad (who the hell would? unless they are selling touch-up paint)

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Old 12-03-2007, 03:45 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by TonkoXR8
I dont understand why your so upset, if the number platre is blanked out, its not like someone will trace it and steal the car... they are looking at the kit itself, not the car...
Personally id be over the moon if someone used my car for an ad (who the hell would? unless they are selling touch-up paint)
I dont think its the fact that the car is on show here, its the way AWC went about doing it, they have taken the pics out of her gallery, placed the AWC logo on them and used them to advertise there products in there site. A simple email or pm for permission wouldn't have hurt, there is contact the owner button on the gallery page.
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Old 12-03-2007, 04:10 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by XR8GRL
Thank you to AWC for copyrighting my car images for their / or whoever is connected to them for their ebay auction.


Did you get my permission? NO. Thank you for not asking me and taking it upon yourselves to steal and put your name on them. My contact details are on the aufalcon.com website to ask me. Take them down now or I will take it further!

If this thread is deemed inappropriate, then I apologize, I am very angry about this. If anyone knows about copyright issues and where I stand, your comments are appreciated!
Questions will of course be asked . I wonder at the answers .
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Old 12-03-2007, 06:03 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by TonkoXR8
I dont understand why your so upset, if the number platre is blanked out, its not like someone will trace it and steal the car... they are looking at the kit itself, not the car...
Personally id be over the moon if someone used my car for an ad (who the hell would? unless they are selling touch-up paint)
I explained it, anger is over copyrighting the copyrighted.. TRIK just summed it up also. I was ****ed off, I vented, hopefully they give me free stuff for wrongful use of my picture! seriously

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Old 12-03-2007, 08:27 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Laminge

Whats the big deal?

Once an image is posted on the web, it would be nice to retain ownership, but it is not the case.

I have had my TS50 used by several mags since images where posted online, thats just a fact of life, no need to for all this.
Not agreed. I am not litigious by nature but if I found this I would be contacting them and asking for payment for use of my image. Amatuer or pro, it is still wrong.
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Old 12-03-2007, 09:47 AM   #42
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I have some naked pictures of me available for the back of cigarette packets...

I think we end here
Originally Posted by Laminge
...its amazing how mud sticks to ones shoes, as flies do to the elderly and bottle blondes around fame and fortune...
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Old 12-03-2007, 10:09 AM   #43
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Australian copyright law is one big black ugly mess.
It would appear that xr8grl owns the copyright to the photo of her old car. She has not reassigned the copyright in writing to another person.
Putting a photo up on the internet in NO way reassigns copyright ownership of an image, regardless of whether an image contains a copyright statement or not. Unauthorised reproduction is theft in the eyes of Australian copyright law.
Copyrighted content "MAY" be reproduced without the owners informed and written consent when used in an editorial piece, or discussion.
By the Federal Trade Practices Act 1974, photographs must not be used for "commercial purposes" without the informed & written consent of the copyright owner.
By the Federal Trade Practices Act 1974, photographs must not be used for "commercial purposes" without the informed & written consent of the people in them.

XR8GRL - despite the fact that you may well be in the right, cases like yours, if you were to take them to court, tend to become a rather tedious affair, in which there are very few real winners(apart from the lawyers etc).
If you are truely unhappy with AWC having branded your own images as their own, give them a holler, and explain this too them. I would be very suprised if they weren't prepared to listen to you.
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