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View Poll Results: How you hold the wheel most of the time when driving
Both hands on wheel, 10 and 2 o'clock 44 30.14%
One handed, left hand at 9 or 10 o'clock position 7 4.79%
One handed, right hand at 2 or 3 o'clock position 80 54.79%
One handed (either hand) at 12 o'clock 14 9.59%
Both hands, one at 12, one at 6 (or similar placement) 2 1.37%
Left hand on large Coke, right hand on Big Mac, knees/passengers do the steering 24 16.44%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 146. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-08-2008, 06:08 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Peuty
Who is kidding who? I'll drive the way I like, whilst giving MY OPINION about what I think, because, afterall, that what the original poster did ask for.

By the way, yes I do think I could push pull in enough time to avoid an accident, but of course, there is no way that I could do that though, right? :
Bollocks to that, you say its different for a race driver... but why do you think they use 9 and 3 ???? because its SAFER and you have MORE CONTROL over the car... period. :
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Old 04-08-2008, 06:12 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by OJ_Pursuit
Bollocks to that, you say its different for a race driver... but why do you think they use 9 and 3 ???? because its SAFER and you have MORE CONTROL over the car... period. :
But they also usually only have one turn lock to lock, so thats why the "race drivers do it so it must be right" theory goes out the window.

By the way, where did I say that I NEVER use the 9 and 3 position?
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Old 04-08-2008, 06:36 PM   #63
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But they also usually only have one turn lock to lock, so thats why the "race drivers do it so it must be right" theory goes out the window.

Does it really change much if anything??? More turns lock to lock in a passenger car, yes BUT think about this... If you have more turns, obviously you need to have more range of movement with your arms in order to maintain control.

By the way, where did I say that I NEVER use the 9 and 3 position?

I never said you dont either, so whats your beef?

I use push pull as well, I have no problem with that. The only thing I cant understand is how you are supposed to do it correctly in a panic situation, sure you may/ may not have done a defensive driving course, but in that split second when a cow comes waltzing out into your lane... what happens???
You tense up and forget everything you were taught... thats what happens in reality. If you need to push pull in that situation, you have obviously lost control and you are going to come unstuck in a big way.
10 and 2 in that same scenario would do you no favours either, because you are sawing at the wheel to maintain control, and that simply doesn't work.

Anyway, thats all I have to say on the matter... Believe what you will.
Its just my opinion.
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Last edited by OJ_Pursuit; 04-08-2008 at 06:38 PM. Reason: changed quote to fit reply in
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Old 04-08-2008, 06:42 PM   #64
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Ok, your right, I'm wrong, lets leave it at that shall we.
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:22 PM   #65
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Left hand on the wheel at 9, right arm resting on the door with window open. UNLESS the left arm is holding a coke, bigmac, or the right is holding a ciggie.
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:54 PM   #66
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regular driving = RH @ 3

track work = 9:15 (9 and 3)
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Old 05-08-2008, 12:30 PM   #67
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Cruisin - right palm at 1-2 with lit ciggy in fingers, left hand holding beer on lap.

Spirited driving - same as above.....
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Old 05-08-2008, 01:41 PM   #68
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I am usually always holding the wheel 9 and 3 where the Momo grips are. I find that if I drive with one hand, the one holding the wheel gets tired after a while so don't do it much.

In summer, I sometimes drive with the left hand at 9 and the right hand on the window sill holding the roof. Does anyone else do that when it's nice outside?

I am still good friends with my driving instructor and he taught me 10 and 2. We discuss these kind of things sometimes, but I have since found the Momo wheel positions a lot better.

What I dislike seeing is a driver with his right arm outstretched to the top centre of the wheel and sometimes you can only see half his face if his chair is low enough. Or you get those guys who drive huge Landcruisers or Patrols with only their wrists hanging over the top of the wheel for control.
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Old 05-08-2008, 02:31 PM   #69
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dont know if this was mentioned earlier but recently I saw on board cameras in craig lownes car while he was racing somewhere.he was driving at about 250kmph with one hand on the wheel,while constanly leaving his hand on the shifter between changes.
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Old 05-08-2008, 03:41 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by freaky
ever since i did the fpv drive day. i drive both hands on the wheel. 10 and 2.

even if cruising, if you need to instantly react or swerve, 1 hand isn't going to cut it.

I learnt this well and good on the drive day, and would never go back to driving with only 1 hand again.
Who taught you that on the FPV day? Do you also have ya mirrors maxed out and the window fully down or fully up?

The 10 and 2 position was purely for the cops to see if you had both hands on the wheel.
My FPV wheel has nice grip areas at 9 and 3. Best control comes from 9 and 3. On the road and on the track. And that is also using the push pull when needed. (Cross your arms in an accident and you will probably end up with a nice watch imprint on your forehead from the air bag going off.

On the track I drive 9 and 3 and one hand always has the wheel. On the road its whatever is comfy, notebook on lap, knees on wheel etc etc ...

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Old 05-08-2008, 04:00 PM   #71
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If i'm lazy driving, ie most of the time, I drive with the right hand at the 5 Oclock position, with my arm resting on my thigh.

The left hand will be resting on my lap when not changng gear. When its raining, or I'm in a rush, i'll have 2 hands on the wheel, prob at the 10-2 position.

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Old 05-08-2008, 04:38 PM   #72
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when slow left hand on passenger head rest right hand on window and wheel.
when fanging it left hand on wheel right hand out window hanging on to the top of the door.
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