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Old 07-07-2009, 01:40 AM   #61
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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i can remember the back street drags from years ago, clifford st campbellfield or the mole factory i think it was called, i went with mates half a dozen times usually on a friday night , sometimes there would be many cars now and again there would be a few seriouse machines up there , at one stage i think the police did try and take a hand in running it safely , but to many accidents and out of control and annebriated dudes turning up, then it became a no no and periodically the boys in blue would turn up and the cars that got caught had their machines canaryed, many would just head down to one of the other known back street drags , cherry lane laverton, seems to ring a bell? on a couple of occasions i was there plenty of dangerouse stuff happening , a hg holden speeding down the street towards the crowd throwing a hand braky at the last minute, this guy missed crowd and pole by inches, another night there was a hk monaro.... red hot had a run , can`t remember who he was racing , any way he lost his tailshaft down the end of the street it lifted the *** of his car off the ground .......managed not to hit anything though the driver walked up the street to us he was like a ghost, another night a bunch of young blokes in an eh holden all drunk some on the roof ....one sitting on door out the window, another on the bootlid , the car came hammering around the corner and rolls over , the guy sitting on the passenger door went to hospital with back injuries the rest cuts and bruises, this was back in the 70`s probably nothing has really changed.
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Old 07-07-2009, 07:56 AM   #62
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i think you guys are confusing organised illegal street drags with the RCK. its just a bunch of morons doing burnouts, there really isnt a lot of thought put into it.

I'd like to say that if AIR was running these guys would stop. but these guys arent drag racers and i find it offensive that we are lumped in with them.
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Old 07-07-2009, 11:29 AM   #63
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yep your right Barry v but i reckon the a lot of the public pretty much labels all of us car enthusiasts/petrol heads in the hoon basket, bikers get the same deal...
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Old 07-07-2009, 11:39 AM   #64
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Unrelated to the SA mob, but reading this really grinds my gears.
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Old 07-07-2009, 12:01 PM   #65
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Its people like this idiot who are the real problem - they have a real attitude and don't give a proverbial about anything other than themselves. These cretins would not make use of a proper facility (if one existed in SA) - they need a serious attitude adjustment.

Unfortunately, when the accidents happen they affect other people - other people in the car, on the roads, the emergency services and their own friends and family. I have no sympathy for these people (the idiots, not the others involved), as they have no respect for the people who have to deal with the aftermath of their actions.
Its time they they started seeing some consequences - loss of licence doesn't work, they drive anyway. Unless these idiots learn to play with their toys properly (and be given the opportunity to do so), their toys should be taken away.
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Old 07-07-2009, 01:00 PM   #66
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How about the mother making excuses in that article! He has health problems and he gets frustrated?! I seriously hope that she was quoted totally out of context, because like him have no excuse, nor do they even have a reason.
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