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Old 26-10-2009, 01:24 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Bluedriver
You have forgotton FTA's ESP........I'd say majority of automotive products especially consumables gov picks up via the gst.
There is currently no FTA between Australia and China ( it is under negotiation ). China it seems is where most of the cheaper tyres are imported from. The only FTA's currently active are between AU and New Zealand , Singpaore , Thailand , USA and Chile.
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Old 26-10-2009, 04:43 PM   #62
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by Green X
Just another nail in the coffin of Australian industry.

I work in Mining and Oil&Gas and it makes my head spin seeing stuff like Iron ore shipped off overseas and then we by it back as steel. Or in sub-standard Module Units for the mines and gas plants.

I currently working on a job in Oil&Gas and you should see some of the junk from Thailand. The other day we found a Flanged connection for a valve on a 750mm LNG pipe had been left out. Due to the location of where this valve need to be, It'll be a $100,000 job to get that fixed and fit the valve!!!. That is just one of many examples, yet somehow it's still more cost effective to have stuff made overseas in China, Thailand Ect. Then have Australian workers fix all the F-up's, than manufacture it hear!!!

You look at stuff that comes out of places like Germany, Holland, US and Australia and the workmanship and quality is first class, the things that come out of Asia is Bat S*&^

Its the cost of labour in asia that hurts Autralian jobs. Asian workers are paid a fraction of the wage that Australian workers are paid which makes it more profitable even with the mistakes that have to be corrected afte the fact.
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Old 26-10-2009, 05:13 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by ESP
There is currently no FTA between Australia and China ( it is under negotiation ). China it seems is where most of the cheaper tyres are imported from. The only FTA's currently active are between AU and New Zealand , Singpaore , Thailand , USA and Chile.
Ah yes going for it too fast I doubt there will ever be a FTA with China but none the less containers upon containers coming from US,Thailand.
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Old 26-10-2009, 11:30 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by cob115
100%spot on jonk,i go there often ,some top guys who work there some have become freinds(im sad for them there familys and buisness that work with bridgstone who will now also be afected) the union was happy to create a( THE BOSS IS A EVIL BABY EATING MORON) who doesnt give a stuff about you ,lets strike,dont do that job your not ment to,demarkation disputes all the time attuide, another company destroyed buy extremly poor wotk ethic,if you have ever walked into the place YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IM SAYING,the stupid thing is the union will blame every thing else,Sure other factors play apart in this ,but haveing a militant union holding back production for year in year out ,going on strike because the lunch room didnt have the right cook working that shift will be enuff for buisnes to say why bother loosing money here close the gate
well said 100% to both u and jonk ive seen it myself in other work places makes me embarressed to work with them i was forced out of a company for working to hard and doing to many things i wasn't member of the union but it wasn't compulsary had consant threats and machine sabotage
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