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Old 09-01-2012, 11:22 PM   #61
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Originally Posted by The Monty
Reading the posts in this thread CONDONING what he done, its no wonder I didnt post here for so long, based on the quality of fellow forum goers. Certainly has changed from when I first joined up.
The guy was told NOT to go onto the burnout pad, yet he pushed his way through with his car. Ban him ..............
Its a worthy discussion (tis a car forum) and have been watching .... not participating in case things do get out of hand and need to moderate without bias.

The number 1 point to make ....... without getting into to much off topic ..... everyone has stated their opinion without too much crap ..... you have JUST POSTED YOUR OPINION on the matter! Where is that different (rhetorical) If you did not want to enter the deabte then you have the choice to ignore it. By posting what you have you have stated your opinion the same as everyone else has.

If a mod sees fit to close the thread it will be but until posts start getting personal, off topic or too aggressive (very much like your post actually) it continues.

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Old 09-01-2012, 11:25 PM   #62
The Monty
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Originally Posted by pottery beige
Clap.. clap.. reeeelax its da internerd dude.....

I know I know, might sound a bit too full on. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE a good burnout hit the drags heaps, go to skidpans, but there are rules, and if you follow them, life is so much easier.
And before anyone says Im sticking up for the marshals, as its bound to be said by someone, hell no. That guy that kicked the car, then manhandled him should get the boot as well. But it shouldnt have come to that in the first place. When they said stop, he should have done the civil thing, backed out, gone to dispute it with whoever is in charge, and let the marshals continue doing there job.
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:30 PM   #63
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

One twat in the car and one twat on the track. Don't think I'd have been rushing the fire marshals over quite so quickly but it is probably an indictment on Summernats approach to peoples pride and joy, minus the drip with his boot in the side.

Really could have been handled better all around. Maybe next year we'll see a gate being opened and closed at the start line...
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:34 PM   #64
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

ive seen blokes do powerskids on the crowded natex cruise route and security do nothing ,now thats dangerous !!!all security done was make themselves look like dicks and provoke the crowd ,could of got ugly real easy ,stand at the drivers window and tell him he,s disqualified if he doesnt listen let him go ,but stand in front of the car ,idiots
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Old 09-01-2012, 11:51 PM   #65
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

I cant see anything he did in the qualifier that would have disqualified him but in the second one he sure earned and deserved it from 1:03 and probably a life ban as well.
If he'd done that to a group of blokes on the street????
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:06 AM   #66
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

If a group of blokes on the street where trying to stop me like that I would be starting to worry about my safety...

Unless I had a car full of mates :p
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:08 AM   #67
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Originally Posted by an10as
I cant see anything he did in the qualifier that would have disqualified him but in the second one he sure earned and deserved it from 1:03 and probably a life ban as well.
If he'd done that to a group of blokes on the street????
if they,d done that to a bloke on the streets ????
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:22 AM   #68
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

"Pushed his way through officials" is an understatement.
Love the comments here supporting him...shows the same mentality as the morons in the crowd cheering him on as he revs it up and intimidates the officials then pushes past them at around the 30 to 40 second mark onwards...he should have been pulled out of the car and flogged right there and then to teach him a lesson.
Seeing the damaged rear end...pretty heavy hit there by the look of it...on the bogans car, I'm not surprised they wouldn't let him run. They're usually prety strict about that sort of thing.
I'd back completely the official who grabs him at the end...if some fat tool was disobeying directions then tried to run me over, I'd be a little miffed as well. Shame he didn't deck the brainless twat to show him who's boss in that area.

Ban him, burn the car for a bit of crowd entertainment.

Summernats...and big car shows in general that have motoring events...have been under threat for many years now and live in a bit of a precarious position, with big crack downs on the slightest problem following a show, causing headaches for officials, organisers, and competitors for the following year. All it takes is one ****** to disobey some quite simple rules and cause a serious injury or death and there's every chance that Summernats won't happen again, or will just be a static show with no driving events involved.
I've been to shows in the past where wildly modified cars were told by attending police that they would be fined and defected if they dared start the car up and drive it off the trailer...it had to be pushed into position for the display, and then they could start it to let people hear it...but no driving.

Follow the fricking rules to the letter and you won't have a problem...

Last edited by 2011G6E; 10-01-2012 at 12:48 AM.
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:44 AM   #69
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

I would have shut the engine down with a dry chem down the bugh catcher

what a nob, regardels of the disqualification you dont behave like that
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:49 AM   #70
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Originally Posted by The Yeti
I would have shut the engine down with a dry chem down the bugh catcher

what a nob, regardels of the disqualification you dont behave like that
See, now that's the sort of simple solution you only think of later on...
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Old 10-01-2012, 12:52 AM   #71
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Watching it all it did shock me. I guess hearing the crowd sp happy aswel sickened me. This is the reason why Ive done both Bathurst and Summernats onces, and never again!

I will happily attend the Sydney powercruise as a patron or participant up untill it begins to feel like the Nats. But you wouldnt catch me for dead at that bogan infested "car event" they call Summernat ever again!
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Old 10-01-2012, 01:00 AM   #72
pottery beige
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

lols at bogan comments.. can't beat blower and hat.. its just a skid car ffs.. n stuff a fire extinguisher down my intake good chance of a punch in the head and a rebuild bill for ya......
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Old 10-01-2012, 01:23 AM   #73
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Originally Posted by Falconxf88
If a group of blokes on the street where trying to stop me like that I would be starting to worry about my safety...

Unless I had a car full of mates :p
Exactly but this was a motoring event with rules and regs which he would have agreed to before competing no matter whether he thought their decisions were unfair or not.
You really think he had to worry about his safety in this case? He was just told to turn it off or go back by a track official but instead of getting out the car to confront the official he cowardly used his 1.5 ton metal box to push through them and put them in danger.
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Old 10-01-2012, 02:51 AM   #74
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Wow the comments in this thread really vary in quality, i watched the video over and over and even though i wasnt there to see what happened beforei dont think anyone was acting right.

1. Idiots standing infront of the car (could have fallen in the engine, got run over)
2. No gate (A Human shield is no substitute)
3. Unorganized (The event looked like a mess)
4. Steve Nogas was basically trying to run the idiots over
5. Idiots where kicking at the car instead of just getting the hell out of the way
6. Steve Nogas basically got assaulted as soon as he got off the roof of his car.
7. Fire Marshal and security/event staff are probably wunnabe cops, which explains why they flew off the handle.

Really poor form all round, too many big ego's and not enough sportsmanship.

Steve Nogas and Summernats should be ashamed, at least Steve apologised, in my book that makes him the better man.

This is why i dont go to these kind of events where people just run amok, especially when theirs alchohol, cars and crowds.

I would love to meet up for a cruise, trackday kind of event just not something like this, really not my scene at all.
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Old 10-01-2012, 04:34 AM   #75
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Originally Posted by gtxb67
it is a blatant lack of respect for authority - and yet, so many idiots think he was right
from the video, he was told to stop, and yet he didn't. the kick to the car and the man handling was deserved
Forget kicking the car if I was one of the officials and had a pocket full of nuts and bolts they would have been thrown into the injector hat very quickly .
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Old 10-01-2012, 04:36 AM   #76
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This guy is an absolute and utter moron ( but he's in good company at the summernats isn't he ) and should be banned for life . When I raced if a steward or marshall told you to do something you did it , no ****weak excuses like my adrenaline was up etc etc etc , and then sorted it out later in the stewards room .
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Old 10-01-2012, 05:33 AM   #77
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

Originally Posted by 2011G6E
"Pushed his way through officials" is an understatement.
Love the comments here supporting him...shows the same mentality as the morons in the crowd cheering him on as he revs it up and intimidates the officials then pushes past them at around the 30 to 40 second mark onwards...he should have been pulled out of the car and flogged right there and then to teach him a lesson.
Seeing the damaged rear end...pretty heavy hit there by the look of it...on the bogans car, I'm not surprised they wouldn't let him run. They're usually prety strict about that sort of thing.
I'd back completely the official who grabs him at the end...if some fat tool was disobeying directions then tried to run me over, I'd be a little miffed as well. Shame he didn't deck the brainless twat to show him who's boss in that area.

Ban him, burn the car for a bit of crowd entertainment.

Summernats...and big car shows in general that have motoring events...have been under threat for many years now and live in a bit of a precarious position, with big crack downs on the slightest problem following a show, causing headaches for officials, organisers, and competitors for the following year. All it takes is one ****** to disobey some quite simple rules and cause a serious injury or death and there's every chance that Summernats won't happen again, or will just be a static show with no driving events involved.
I've been to shows in the past where wildly modified cars were told by attending police that they would be fined and defected if they dared start the car up and drive it off the trailer...it had to be pushed into position for the display, and then they could start it to let people hear it...but no driving.

Follow the fricking rules to the letter and you won't have a problem...
u sound like a stuck up old fuddy duddy to me mate ,who the **** are u to judge someone by the way they look
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Old 10-01-2012, 06:16 AM   #78
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

the double standards displayed by security at this event is a big part of the problem .
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Old 10-01-2012, 06:33 AM   #79
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Default Re: NUCKINFUTS at SummerNats

I think we are done here. Most of the arguments are side taking, with nothing new being added to a very stale debate.
Fingers crossed that summernats organisers put some form of system changes in place to ensure this issue is addressed for future events.
Last thing the car scene as a whole needs is for another major injury / death, to occur, or for arguments as to whether any driver / security personel at a modified car event are heroes or bogans (especially from the car culture itself)
If we as a whole can't even decide what is acceptable / unacceptable behaviour, then who are we to criticise when officialdom enforce "their" standards of behaviour on us???
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