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Old 21-01-2009, 08:58 PM   #91
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by flappist
Because not enough ordinary people care enough about it to actually try and do something, they just whinge and complain of internet forums
Lobby groups only have power when no one disagrees with them.

NT's data in too new and will be considered a blip for a while. Remember the mob that brought it are still in power as are their federal buddies so who is going to finance the inquiry?

Warning, if this thread goes political it will go splat.
understood...but wouldnt wanting to change the system be a political procees anyways? dont most lobby groups start as a talk fest?
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Old 21-01-2009, 09:01 PM   #92
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It all comes back to revenue with the safety of pedestrians the excuse. Imaging keeping to 20km/h with a tolerance of 3km/h. Im sure if a car pulled out in a subrban street at was hit by another car the car pulling out would be fined for failing to give way, so why cant pedestrians also be fined for failing to give way. It should be education and not more laws to gain revenue. Just my opinion.
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Old 21-01-2009, 11:05 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by joolz
It all comes back to revenue with the safety of pedestrians the excuse. Imaging keeping to 20km/h with a tolerance of 3km/h. Im sure if a car pulled out in a subrban street at was hit by another car the car pulling out would be fined for failing to give way, so why cant pedestrians also be fined for failing to give way. It should be education and not more laws to gain revenue. Just my opinion.
I think it comes down to community pressure, a part of the community applies pressure because they feel something is unjust, so they have to be seen to listen to the community and do SOMETHING, which is a guaranteed way of peeving another part of the community, very difficult to keep everybody happy. I think more harshly dealing with public drunkenness would curve the alcohol related deaths of pedestrians.
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Old 22-01-2009, 08:12 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by flappist
Because not enough ordinary people care enough about it to actually try and do something, they just whinge and complain of internet forums
Lobby groups only have power when no one disagrees with them.
very true
if we don't like something, do something about it
some politician's are not that smart - anyone can do it
the difference between guys like harold scruby and the average responsibile member on aff is small, but makes a big difference
on the last sunny day, while you were cruising the local area with the windows down and the system up. harold was enjoying his lifeless existence walking through the park, thinking how evil you were. when he stepped onto the road without looking and almost got cleaned up by you, the die was cast. make the streets safer for brain dead morons who cannot take responsibility for their actions
he is willing to work for his cause though, not whinge about it on a public forum - that is the difference, one person can make a difference - especially with all the sheep in society
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Old 22-01-2009, 12:19 PM   #95
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Flappist wrote:
Because not enough ordinary people care enough about it to actually try and do something, they just whinge and complain on internet forums.

Apathy rules as always (a lifestyle 'thing'?), and quite frankly in relation to 'road safety' as a topic, GovCo's of all tiers give this lip service only. A bit of a topically simplistic media grab here and there at most, is all that is needed or done, simply because, as you say, - people DO NOT really care enough about 'driving', 'rights' et al, - they have other things in life to be concerned about.

Motor related forums and magazines such as DRIVE, each also with readership 'opinion' pages, achieve precious little to affect real-change in the motoring governance sphere, but ARE handy for the dissemination of topic related conversation, for those few in number who actually bother seeking such.

Even the 'power' of primary talkback radio on the topic see's MP's and Ministers ignoring or sidelining feedback, because; *the public is much bigger* than the total collective listening audience, who then of themselves may, or more likely will not, 'complain' further or effectively via a local MP in any case!

The more radio, TV media choice you have, the more GovCo can 'do things' that once they may not have gotten away with.

Road safety is, in Australia, something of an 'industry', repeating the academic lessons made overseas and duplicating the same outcomes in domestic texts and advocacy here, year in and out, and often taking credit for our 'domestic expertise' in doing so. Then it seeks GovCo funds, yearly.

A few dedicated elected individuals could change some things, but folk need to understand that road governance agencies are working for a long term 'one-stop' solution, and who also appreciate that MP's and parties (each with directive) come and go in any case.

Like to know 'how bright' your state (or fed) MP's are? Read Hansard, and speaches. (I know 99% of you will not do so, regardless of topic). I find very few MP's, currently sitting, of any notable talent or honour.

The national Constitution? Lol, ignore.
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Last edited by Keepleft; 22-01-2009 at 12:34 PM.
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Old 22-01-2009, 03:03 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by gtxb67
very true
if we don't like something, do something about it
some politician's are not that smart - anyone can do it
the difference between guys like harold scruby and the average responsibile member on aff is small, but makes a big difference
on the last sunny day, while you were cruising the local area with the windows down and the system up. harold was enjoying his lifeless existence walking through the park, thinking how evil you were. when he stepped onto the road without looking and almost got cleaned up by you, the die was cast. make the streets safer for brain dead morons who cannot take responsibility for their actions
he is willing to work for his cause though, not whinge about it on a public forum - that is the difference, one person can make a difference - especially with all the sheep in society
so your saying then if aff members do start up a lobby group aff will formally back it? (lol loaded question here...)
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Old 22-01-2009, 07:36 PM   #97
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Lobby groups hardly work.

Look at the Blue Wedges folks who tried hard to stop the dredging and the North-South pipeline protests.

What does the Government do? They just arrest them and continue on.

So flappist, that's why people whinge on here

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Old 22-01-2009, 07:45 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by Bobman
Lobby groups hardly work.

Look at the Blue Wedges folks who tried hard to stop the dredging and the North-South pipeline protests.

What does the Government do? They just arrest them and continue on.

So flappist, that's why people whinge on here
But then again, look how much media coverage Scruby gets, or the Public Transport Users Assoc. in Melbourne, or other such groups around the country.

It is something to think about.
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