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View Poll Results: Do you brake with your LH or RH foot (auto trans)?
Brake using my LH foot. 47 19.34%
Brake using my RH foot. 196 80.66%
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Old 17-08-2006, 04:37 PM   #91
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i don't really understand what you mean XA?

Are you saying the people who left foot brake are constantly hovering?

btw i had a emergency braking situation on the m1

cut a long story short i took my eyes off the road for a millisecond to find myself about a meter and closing fast on someones tail

full left lock and foot to the floor on the brake....was in a lockup slide from 105 kph down to about 60kph...slightly sideways the whole time

i was about 10 cm off his rear bumper the whole time....very scary.....i think the 18's and the bendix pads saved me
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Old 17-08-2006, 04:41 PM   #92
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Whoa - scary Gozz.....

Yeh mate apparently it is in a constant hover. Its on another page.

I'll get caned for it - but I find it doubtful to be at a hover continually.

(ps - not saying ALL have it in a hover - just that respondent)

If its not hovering and is on the footrest - again IMO - the reaction time would have to be slower getting it onto the brake versus the right foot.
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Old 17-08-2006, 04:44 PM   #93
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left foot stays on the foot rest while the right foot does all the work my right foot has a better reaction time with it also feels more comfortable to use. Plus if you get into a bad habbit driving around in an auto using your left foot on the break it would take some time to get used to using ur right foot for both break and accelerator in a manuel? I would think anyway.
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Old 17-08-2006, 04:49 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by XA Coupsta
Yeh but the same thing still exists. These are times when you are using your dominate or non-dominate side separately (eg shooting games, darts) - not at the same time. I believe there is a difference.

You say when you drive there is never a confusion. But then you say sometimes you'll use your right - other times your left. Sure they havent been confused.......YET. But IMO you are leaving the door open to it happening. You arent using the same action EVERYtime - sometimes its left - sometimes its right. Man one day it will go haywire on you.

And I'd also say - how do you know that you wouldnt have avoided those same 10 accidents by using your right foot to brake......

Hey its been a great discussion. I've been a thread hog on this one. I hope more people continue on with it.

ps Gozza - I did ask about if the left foot is in a 'hover' - and apparently it is???
If it's only half a second it's like doing a extra couple of kp/h it won't pull up in the same time, This would be a great test on braking they should do it on one of the car shows.
Sometimes i get cocky and play with both guns The kids love it bit of fun.
The confusion isn't there like you think it could be, Same as when driving with 2 hands which hand do you take of the wheel to scratch your nose?. Depends which side the itch is on, With braking left foot it's more the same it's there it's easy.
Yeah I'm a hoverer i don't like to touch the brake but i don't like to feel I'm to far away from it, Sometimes i move my foot left and right to know i';m close enough still.

Just remember a while back in the old car i had to pull up really hard and after i braked i stalled the car.
One other good thing with left braking if you got sideways you feet work together as a human ESP.
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Old 17-08-2006, 04:56 PM   #95
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If you did get in an emergency situation and did stamp both and tried to turn as well - the car would almost definely spin (no rear traction - put an output of forward driving force..)

As far as I am concerned it is dangerous and cars should only be able to accellerate or decellerate - not try to do both at the same time, using right foot basically determines this. we dont really need to do both like racecar drivers...
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Old 17-08-2006, 04:59 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by XA Coupsta
Whoa - scary Gozz.....

Yeh mate apparently it is in a constant hover. Its on another page.

I'll get caned for it - but I find it doubtful to be at a hover continually.

(ps - not saying ALL have it in a hover - just that respondent)

If its not hovering and is on the footrest - again IMO - the reaction time would have to be slower getting it onto the brake versus the right foot.

I don't see how a person could harbour the effort to hover contunally for any length of time......ech in there own.....the main thing is that people respect others and be carefull.......John Doe could be steering with his old fella and braking with his cads for all i care....as long as hes driving safely
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Old 17-08-2006, 05:12 PM   #97
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Right foot always. Too much room for error using the left to brake, as in a panic you might slam both feet down and then you're in trouble.

I know someone who brakes with his left foot, and I hate getting in a car with him.
Sadly he now owns my old XD and is killing it, so I can't stand him even more than I used to.
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Old 17-08-2006, 05:27 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by gozza
The point is in a panic situation they'll stamp the throttle as well

I can't understand the reasoning if someone only ever uses their left foot to brake their subconcious will always think left foot stop right foot go so why would they suddenly for the first time try to us their right?

Would a manual driver try to change gears with their right hand all of a sudden in an emergancy rather then their left for no reason I don't see a difference?
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Old 17-08-2006, 05:38 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by fantz
One other thing, i 99% of the time don't move my right foot when hitting the brake, or the throttle, i pivot my foot on the heel.. in a v shape. I've never moved the foot from one side to the other unless it was in a spirited or emergency situation. However i've had to change this recently because you really need to put the bridge of your sole over the brake pedal in the EL, as it has ordinary brakes ;p

Does that make me hated too ?
I pivot my left foot when braking from footrest to brake pedal no problem cos my feet are size 15 so maybe this is why at lot of you right foot brakers do have a problem with it!
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Old 17-08-2006, 05:39 PM   #100
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reply to juicy

Well for starters in everday situations they have time to think logically....with both feet above both the pedal its assumuable that the person will tramp both feet...The issue isn't them trying to use the right on the brake

Your gear stick analogy would only be sorta relative if there was 2 sticks serving different application

ahh.....im over it lol
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Old 17-08-2006, 06:21 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by You Yangs
I pivot my left foot when braking from footrest to brake pedal no problem cos my feet are size 15 so maybe this is why at lot of you right foot brakers do have a problem with it!
yes big feet would help, but read up mate, i've been defending both methods lol
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Old 17-08-2006, 06:47 PM   #102
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The best answer is left footed people just learn to live with braking accelerating right foot when it's not natural to them.
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Old 17-08-2006, 06:52 PM   #103
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use both depending on situation.. cruising along great ocean rd i use the right foot to brake.... in traffic left foot (much quicker reaction in an emergency, if you are shadowing the brake pedal)
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Old 17-08-2006, 07:53 PM   #104
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I use my left foot to break, its quicker to react that way, plus i just got used to using the left foot from burnouts and the such
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Old 17-08-2006, 08:12 PM   #105
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I think the simple fact is: everybody is different. Some people can't do the "pat your head and rub your tummy" trick; these people are obviously the right foot brakers.

Personally, I WAS a left foot braker. Never had any dramas at all. Never "stabbed" both pedals in an emergency (and I have had a few situations where I needed to brake in a hurry- the NRMA loves me due to the amount of total-losses I have cost them).

But, a few years ago I suffered a mild stroke, and my left leg now doesn't work "like it should" (you have to be good to tell, though). So, I started braking right foot style, thinking it would be "safer" then using the numb leg. Boy, was I wrong. I honestly don't know how people get by doing it!!

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Old 17-08-2006, 08:19 PM   #106
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Depends on conditions and mood, but I use both fairly equally regardless of auto or manual.
Most people did come equipped with 2 feet, why not use both?
I also skip gears, only use the clutch half the time (but don't drive a manual often these days) and generally appear to have all sorts of bad (but not unsafe) habits that nobody can give me a good reason why I should change.
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Old 17-08-2006, 09:43 PM   #107
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I was totally blown away by doing a google search for 'Left foot braking'. Seems rally drivers with front wheel drives really love doing it.

But I found this excerpt too which was a pretty good summary.....http://securitydriver.com/aic/stories/article-101.html

"Third, the dead pedal acts as support for your body under heavy braking, e.g. threshold braking during a race or emergency braking on the street. In these cases, your left foot braces against the dead pedal and prevents your body from sliding down in the seat (very helpful in a street car without racing harnesses!) Most importantly, this allows you more control over the brake pedal.

The dead pedal also helps prevent people from bracing their right foot in the wrong place during an emergency. Yes, believe it or not, many people will brace themselves by placing their right foot good and hard on the GAS pedal -- oops! Many times, when impact seems imminent, the brain says to the body "brace for impact dude!!" and freezes up. Sometimes, however, this freeze up happens when your foot is on the gas pedal. While the brain might have had good intentions, it certainly doesn't help accelerating into a crash! What the dead pedal does in these situations is allow the body to brace against something solid thus freeing the right foot to brake or accelerate away from a collision. "
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Old 17-08-2006, 10:09 PM   #108
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well, there u go left footers
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Old 17-08-2006, 10:45 PM   #109
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So if driving a manual and you slam the brake on forgot the clutch what happens then?. Cause i know one thing when you hit something your going to move.
Cause in my experience when braking doesn't matter which foot it was that foot leg is pressing it's nads off and that's all you think about, I know that my straight leg wont bend as easy as my leg thats on the foot rest which i think many of us wouldn't get a straight leg pressing hard on it that means it will bend easier.

People that use hand controls to drive don't have problems i know i would if i had to brake i would squeeze the steering wheel hard and maybe press both controls. But in time you would learn to get comfortable with it, Same with left foot braking.
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Old 17-08-2006, 11:12 PM   #110
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man, i didn't know that by having the slightest bit of co-ordination set me apart from the crowd, there are a few uncos here who dont know how to use their left feet, no wonder so many idiots on our road can't even drive properly...
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Old 17-08-2006, 11:16 PM   #111
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It's like the fold or scrunch Scrunches can't work out how you work it folding it, And folders can't work out how scrunching it works
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Old 18-08-2006, 07:42 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by chevypower
man, i didn't know that by having the slightest bit of co-ordination set me apart from the crowd, there are a few uncos here who dont know how to use their left feet, no wonder so many idiots on our road can't even drive properly...
Thats it dude! You are 'special'!

You're input has been spectacular, enlightening almost!

I dont know why I'm bothering - but hell I'll keep trying.

How about looking at the pros and cons of each technique (you might need to get a definition on that word)............its never been about co-ordination......
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Old 18-08-2006, 09:51 AM   #113
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come on XA calm down, it was just a discussion, remember? No need to get heated about not being able to use your left foot properly.
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Old 18-08-2006, 10:56 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by chevypower
come on XA calm down, it was just a discussion, remember? No need to get heated about not being able to use your left foot properly.
So discuss then. Have you even done that?

You were the one calling people idiots?
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Old 18-08-2006, 06:54 PM   #115
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since I go between an auto & manual on a regular basis, I have to break with my right or else I'd be screwed going into the manual (ok I admit when I'm at the lights I occassionally do the left foot on break right foot on excellerator thing ;) ). But then again my newest acquisition is a LH drive but is thankfully automatic.

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Old 18-08-2006, 06:59 PM   #116
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I still can't understand how anyone can use both feet for braking, say left foot for auto, and right foot for manual, without risk of confusion when in an emergency braking situation, when someone jumps out in front of the car unexpectedly.

I know how hard it is to get used to a car with turn indicators on one side, then go back to indicators on the other side again, when you want to put them on quickly the wipers go on!! I would say its the same situation with braking.

How do the drivers who use the left foot know they aren't touching the pedal slightly causing the brakelights to go on? Or even on and off continuously as I see sometimes. At least using the right foot only there is no risk of that happening.

As XA Coupsta said, the left foot should be supporting the body when cornering or braking. Normally in manual cars and someone has to stop quickly in an emergency they end up stalling the car anyway. Having the left foot on the footrest is advantageous, especially if driving a non-ABS equipped car, where you should regulate the brake pedal to prevent wheel lockup. Regulating is a lot easier if your left foot is on the footrest. How many drivers know how to do this??

I can't understand instructors who advocate left foot braking, unless the driver is only going to drive automatic cars with ABS brakes.
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Old 18-08-2006, 07:57 PM   #117
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Always with the right. Except when doing burnouts in my back yard.
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Old 18-08-2006, 09:14 PM   #118
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Left. On both road and track. I fail to see what is actually difficult about changing back the other way when driving a manual - I do it every other day. Likewise with changing indicator stalk sides. Funnily enough driving is supposed to be a task at which you concentrate and thus you are actually thinking about the processes you are using.

The reality is that with the left foot hovering above the brake pedal (in traffic) you have shaved at least one quarter of a second from your braking reaction time. At an urban speed of 80 km/h on a primary road that is 5.5 metres of stopping distance saved - about a car length.

Those advocating left foot braking as a dangerous thing need to invest in a serious reality check or actually learn to use both sides of their brain.



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Old 18-08-2006, 10:02 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by russellw
Left. On both road and track. I fail to see what is actually difficult about changing back the other way when driving a manual - I do it every other day. Likewise with changing indicator stalk sides. Funnily enough driving is supposed to be a task at which you concentrate and thus you are actually thinking about the processes you are using.

The reality is that with the left foot hovering above the brake pedal (in traffic) you have shaved at least one quarter of a second from your braking reaction time. At an urban speed of 80 km/h on a primary road that is 5.5 metres of stopping distance saved - about a car length.

Those advocating left foot braking as a dangerous thing need to invest in a serious reality check or actually learn to use both sides of their brain.

Absolutley. I cant see how it could be dangerous having a spare foot ready to brake if needed...
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Old 18-08-2006, 11:04 PM   #120
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One other thing i notice is i can accelerate much more smoother after braking with my left foot, The right doesn't move so the motion of coming from the brake to the accelerator isn't just hitting the peddle and leaping off, It there and i can slowly press and take off smooth, My brother thinks I'm a pussy accelerator because i drive smooth, He's mate thinks i haven't seen a speed limit, All because i like to drive smooth whats wrong with that?. There not in the car with me all the time.
Another is my brother he is right handed and left footed??, He brakes right and left depends what mood he is in, Lazy mood right foot, Fired up mood left foot thats when he is on the peddle more hold on to something.

Even though i am a left foot braker i have found 1 disadvantage when cornering faster your leg are both at the peddle and if it was on the foot rest you can keep your body still, It feels like you might fall from the seat at times. Learnt to stick my foot on the foot rest when doing long sweeping corners like massive roundabout.
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