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Old 16-05-2007, 07:03 PM   #61
HSV - I just ate one!
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Originally Posted by G.J.Tuddy
So my children or any children for that matter should be subject to these stupid and disgusting ads like the smoking ones that seem to come on when i'm trying to eat my lunch, what about them? They don't smoke, I don't smoke. Do they deserve to see the bloody ads of stupid drivers when they are not even old enough to know what a car can do?
and i suppose in the event of the nightmare coming true for you or yours, you'll be wondering why your children or yourself are injured, crippled or dead because some spastic tard decided that he was peter brock reincarnate?
Originally Posted by G.J.Tuddy
If you want steps to reduece the Road Toll, I suggest the goverment get some balls about itself and ask other places how there laws are set-up and how there licensing system is.
you seriously think thats gonna happen? pfft..... thats waaaaay to simple for the government to think of!
Originally Posted by G.J.Tuddy
I think the police need an attidude adjustment as well, the amount of them I see using a mobile while driving, or tinted windows x10 times darker then were allowed, there constant speeding down the main road (not excessive, but at least 5-10kms over). What happened to lead by example?
they enforce the law, you dont, and we know what happens to people when given power beyond thier capacity...... it goes to thier heads
Originally Posted by G.J.Tuddy
1. Tougher Licensing (like sourbastard said)
2. Tougher laws on 'unlicensed' drivers. (6-12months min)
3. More places to legally engage in your hobby - For those that it is a hobby/interest and not a way to show to other motorists on the streets.
4. Simply more police presence on our roads, and not hiding behind a tree with a speed radar so we can't see them.
1: its needed, but so is an honest government
2: so what happens when police unfairly or corruptly penalise drivers?
3: not politically correct, and doesnt get enough votes
4: how the hell do you think the government would cope with the stupendous drop in revenue from that? being from victoria, you should know better than most what would happen if you took speed camera/trap revenue and casino revenue away from the state government......
Originally Posted by G.J.Tuddy
Truck drivers are some of the best here in Victoria, if i'm looking o overtake them, they indicate when the road is clear for me (of course i still do my own check but...), if they are coming behind me, i let them through and they say thank you, more then what i can say for the interstate drivers who come flying up behind you, sit on your ****, just so they can reach the boarder by 12PM.
for the most part i've found interstate drivers to be just as courteous as the victorian truckies you describe..... maybe your experience with interstaters is due to thier anxiousness to get out of victoria asap......
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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Old 17-05-2007, 09:10 AM   #62
Reaching for 200...
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Take away there revenue from Casinos and Speed Cameras, my god the goverment would have to start thinking for a change, they'd actually have to start doing something useful to get money.

It all simply comes back to "We need a better governmet" - Not likily in the near future. I can't blame Interstate drivers for wanting to get out of Victoria quick enough with all our road rules etc.

Ah well... Back to Dreaming.
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