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Old 16-05-2007, 08:51 PM   #121
I.B.S is a pain in d'***
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
.....These people are clearly anti-truck and there’s nothing you can do to change it.......

Not anti-trucks...........im just anti-changing lanes in a 22 tone W.M.D without looking or indicating properly.

Keep your anti-social behaviour to your anti-civilised self and just continue to forget the fact that the truck driver in question changed lanes anti-properly?
I DONT BELIEVE IN NOS.............but if its given to you free at the hospital well then
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Old 16-05-2007, 08:52 PM   #122
I.B.S is a pain in d'***
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
So you like Elton John. What’s in the other hand? :ymca:
Anti-sarcasm as well eh?
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Old 16-05-2007, 08:54 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
They won’t listen to reason or common sense. You’d have a better chance trying to explain Pythagoras’s theorem to a brick wall.
What's the saying? Give a man a fish he will eat tonight, teach a man to fish and he will eat every night. The people here making comments such as "truck driver shouldn't change lanes" "merc was ok because the lane *was* clear" e.t.c have no idea what it's like to be seated almost 3 or 4 meteres behind the bonnet, a good meter or so in the air with 20+ tons of iron and steel to move around...

Death to ACA

That is all.
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:03 PM   #124
I.B.S is a pain in d'***
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Originally Posted by clontarf_x
..... have no idea what it's like to be seated almost 3 or 4 meteres behind the bonnet, a good meter or so in the air with 20+ tons of iron and steel to move around...
You got it in one!
I DONT BELIEVE IN NOS.............but if its given to you free at the hospital well then
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:04 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Full Noise
So you like Elton John. What’s in the other hand? :ymca:
Well he did say his pants came off so that only leaves one conclusion
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:11 PM   #126
I.B.S is a pain in d'***
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Originally Posted by XRQTR
Well he did say his pants came off so that only leaves one conclusion

You know you could make more money as a stand-up comedian than a truck driver. Your funny dude, dont let anyone else tell you otherwise........now where is my Liberace album?
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:18 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by Thunder

........now where is my Liberace album?
Probably hanging out your ring, I mean with your rings my mistake
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:21 PM   #128
I.B.S is a pain in d'***
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Originally Posted by XRQTR
Probably hanging out your ring, I mean with your rings my mistake
*Boom-Tish*, your getting funnier by the minute. Who needs NOS?
I DONT BELIEVE IN NOS.............but if its given to you free at the hospital well then
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:39 PM   #129
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Shall we just settle down a little gentlemen?



Observatio Facta Rotae

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Old 17-05-2007, 03:34 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by 4Vman
That's rediculous... I refuse to believe that a truck driver cannot take the time to check and ensure its safe to move left.
i for one will start to do this . ill get out of the drivers seat go to the pasegers side and 100 % check
OH ******* i forgot someone needs to stear and control the f***er

Originally Posted by 4Vman
, there just needs to be some patience applied to the length of time that the indicator is used and the amount of mirror checking and visual checking done before moving left....
there is only so much patiance all truckies , owners or not can give when the general public wants everything we cart and for very little the cost just to run tyres on one of these is not the same as a car and when we get cut off by a car coz we have left a gap and start flatspoting tyres , even new ones after may need to be replaced again and that can cost ! the there is our licencing costs geez $500 for a car be sweet and diesel might be cheep compeared to ulp but we use alot more per k and they are just to start with
i can be on the road for only up to 2-300 kms but there is others that can be up n ova 1000 and the general moterist is on for about 20-40
im quite patient but still have to get the freight there and it doesnt mater howment times you check the mirrors or drive patiently there is always some driver trying to be where you are or going to be and a lot of them see you ( and im not saying in this point ) put on your indicator and if you give it what some of you call suficent time pull in or close the gap so you cant just coz your a truck and they dont want you in front of them ! and as for staying in the left lane ( as aposed to center lane ) we are constanly going up and down gears for all the drivers using the left to turn and if we have to swerve for any reason we can only go right , if we are in the center atleast we can keep more of a constant speed to keep all happy and we have more choice to manuver
yes still (as money n time permit) doing the

rebuilding the zh fairlane with a clevo 400m 4v heads injected whipple blown with aode 4 speed trans to a 9" ....... we'll get there eventually

just remember don't be afraid to try something new.
Remember, amateurs built the Ark...Professionals built the Titanic!

I have taken up meditation... at least it's better than sitting around doing nothing !!
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Old 17-05-2007, 10:05 PM   #131
fast gt
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In my opinion people who haven't driven or been in a truck should keep their thoughts to themselves until they have ridden in a truck because people don't know what we have to put up with on the road on a day to day basis and how much patience we really have! I trust a truck driver more than a car driver simply because he/she practically lives in the truck and knows it back to front. No body ever praises truckies about all the good work we do,the only time we make the news is when an accident has occurred. What happened on ACA was an accident! It wasn't done on purpose, so stop treating the poor driver like a criminal.
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Old 18-05-2007, 09:33 AM   #132
I.B.S is a pain in d'***
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Originally Posted by fast gt
In my opinion people who haven't driven or been in a truck should keep their thoughts to themselves until they have ridden in a truck because people don't know what we have to put up with on the road on a day to day basis and how much patience we really have! I trust a truck driver more than a car driver simply because he/she practically lives in the truck and knows it back to front. No body ever praises truckies about all the good work we do,the only time we make the news is when an accident has occurred. What happened on ACA was an accident! It wasn't done on purpose, so stop treating the poor driver like a criminal.
Correct. Thats why your seeing so many posts because peoples own opinions cloud the facts. Yes it was an accident.....caused by an unsafe overtaking manuver. If you can accept that........then so can i.

Unfortunatly too many people who have posted on this topic claim that the poor overtaking manuver was irrelevant to the accident. Thats where the arguments start.
I DONT BELIEVE IN NOS.............but if its given to you free at the hospital well then

Last edited by Thunder; 18-05-2007 at 09:34 AM. Reason: Spell
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Old 18-05-2007, 09:25 PM   #133
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get over it dude, put down the bone
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Old 19-05-2007, 12:16 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by Thunder
Correct. Thats why your seeing so many posts because peoples own opinions cloud the facts. Yes it was an accident.....caused by an unsafe overtaking manuver as a result of frustration generated by unsafe driving practices of a car driver. If you can accept that........then so can i.

You can indicate till the LEDs in the side repeaters blow and some car drivers just won't get the message - too busy staring at the speedo or at the end of their bonnet.

How many times have you tried to change lanes in your car, lined up with a safe gap, put on the indicator to warn the drivers in the next lane, then had the scumbag sons-of-mothers speed up to close the gap so you can't move over?

It might just be a Brisbane thing but goddamn it happens a lot here.

If the stupid slag in the ACA car stayed in the middle lane the accident would not have occured. The truck would have passed her on the right (as they are allowed to do) the mercedes driver would have followed her through the tunnel (and then probably also overtaken on the right as he is allowed to do - since she was driving like a retard).

I'm going to say that she was just below the speed limit if the cameras in the tunnel are as prevalent as you guys say they are - I'd hardly think the truck driver wouldn't know about them and therefore keep at or below the speed limit in order to save his licence, seeing as he needs it to drive 150,000km per year and all, on the same number of points as your average 20,000km/year car driver.

If the truck and the slag in the ACA car were both doing the limit then he should not have caught up to her, therefore not been frustrated by her refusal so get the fcuck out of the left lane, therefore changed into a lane that he for all the world thought was clear, and winged the merc (which also changed lanes abruptly, probably because the other ACA car was driving slowly and frustrating the hell out of him.

ACA and Today Tonight are so retarded it actually hurts my brain to watch. I reckon I would get more enjoyment from a severe case of Chlamydia.
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Old 19-05-2007, 04:47 PM   #135
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Default damn typos

Bugger.... I missed the start of the thread. I missed the video and I missed commenting on a show that relies on very heavy editing to show only one view (theirs), all because I was out working instead of passing silly comments about right and left lane overtaking.

But when out driving remember 'Courtesy is catching'
Dying at your job is natures way of saying that you're in the wrong line of work.
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Old 21-05-2007, 08:26 AM   #136
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bah, this has gone to crap now.
Older, wiser, poorer.

Now in Euro-Trash. VW Coupe V6 4motion.
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Old 21-05-2007, 08:42 AM   #137
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Yes Casper it certainly had, and there are several people who have posted in the last couple of pages.

I believe you are under the misconception that you may set the standard in posting rules, I suggest you have the look at the sites Terms and apply them to your posts and some level of decency.

4vman, you have a PM, but I also expect and apology to be made.

Thunder, the only pain in the arthse on this forum is me, dont fewl yourself in that your martyr to the cause, as the only anti-social behaviour to your anti-civilised self is your posts.

Now we have got that out of the way, anything further will result in bans.
Originally Posted by Laminge
...its amazing how mud sticks to ones shoes, as flies do to the elderly and bottle blondes around fame and fortune...
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