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Old 04-06-2007, 11:15 AM   #1
Slippery when wet
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Hi guys, it’s been a little while since I last posted, I have been a little busy with work (sometimes it gets in the way) I have been driving the GTP whenever I get the chance. Recently I took a trip to Winton to see a friend – or at least that is what I told her.

Truth is I wanted a chance to give the GTP a good hit out – the real truth is I was given tickets for my birthday to the V8 Supercar round at Winton by my good mate Hammo at Sinclair Ford. So I thought I don’t need a better excuse and off I set for a few days.

The more I drive this car – (it’s now got a whole 13000ks in 18months) the more I love it. It is without doubt the best car I have ever owned, and I have had a few in my time. I am constantly surprised by the fuel figures it returns and the only mod I have done to the car is fit to John Bowe’s Cold Air Induction. Not only are the fuel great but it gives me a fantastic growl when I put the slipper into it.

Back to Winton, it is the first time I have ever been there and it was great to see Ford finally take a win – good on Jamie Whincup, he drove well in extremely difficult conditions. While I was at Winton – I was fortunate enough to take a Pit Tour of the Paul Cruickshank Racing garage, and to see the John Bowe No.111 race car and meet their team.

What a fantastic insight it was, there is some serious stuff that goes into these cars. The money they spend is just mind blowing. The first thing I noticed when I arrived in the garage was how upbeat the team was, smiling, friendly, chatty and a real positive energy but I am sure they are under enormous pressure to get it absolutely right. It was such an eye opener for me I had never been this close. While I was absorbing the technical information John Bowe slides up beside me and gives me a very warm handshake says hello, a quick chat and he is gone.

He is such a remarkable man, his driving record speaks for itself – what is doesn’t tell you the decency of the man, he is just remarkable. I listened to our tour guide as I watched JB greet various people at the back of the garage, signing autographs, posing for photos with the fans and he was just being JB. I felt very honored to be on the inside of the V8 Supercar garage of PCR – it gave me such an insight to the behind the scenes activities and level of detail that goes into preparing a race car.

Sadly the Glenford Tools / PCR car did not achieve the result they had planned for, mind you JB finished 14th in race 1. With 7 laps to go and running 8th in race 2 when he was black flagged for a mechanical problem with the car – how cruel, they would have been gutted. The difference in the results of the car this year is so different from last year – he has had such an influence over this team, but then he is an extraordinary driver and yes the more I see of this guy the more I appreciate how good he really is.

Heading home on the highway the GTP just ate the road – man it’s a blast to drive. Many times I was tempted to take a detour onto the old road to throw in a few corners and hills but then I had a little check – after watching the V8 Supercar races it is very easy to get caught up in the moment. Common sense prevailed and I drove straight home to Sydney on the freeway.

In closing I must say the only issue I have ever had with my car was the starter button let go as I was leaving Winton. One call to Hammo on the way home – he had the car in the FPV Service Centre at Sinclair Ford the following day with a new button in it now and it is as good as new.

Thanks for allowing me to share one of my real pleasures – driving, enjoying and retelling the tales of the absolute pleasure the whole experience this car has given me. Thanks Hammo – you are a legend mate! :

Cheers Mick v8 Supercar Stalker.

Bluesman GTP52 :the_finge
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