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Old 22-11-2007, 04:25 PM   #31
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stubby full of petrol shoukd make him see your way of thinking,if not a balaclava and a baseball bat will!!!
92 eb 2 i6 extractors 3''inch exhaust hi flo cat,xh tickford snorkel,t5 heavy duty clutch, 3.45 lsd ,dobinson s/lows, 16''roh milanos,DBA slotted rotors,in dash dvd flip out 7'',roof mount,front splits,12 carbon dvc sub,800w monoblock,h/d cabling and gold accessories,el ghia leather seats,au centre console,el door trims,custom number plates.
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Old 22-11-2007, 08:55 PM   #32
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Have a read of the useful info on this link:


You can simply ask them for the advice - see email address, or after you have spoken to the builder calmly and still no joy give them a call back and make a complaint that they can follow up.

Good luck.
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Old 23-11-2007, 10:11 PM   #33
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Another avenue to explore might be if he is a memebr of your local motor trades association. In QLD it is MTAQ and all thise involved are there so voluntarily, however if they are a member there is a code of conduct they MUST adhere to, perhaps take it up withy them.
Everyone is entitled to my Opinion
2007 Territory TX SY RWD Ego
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Old 25-11-2007, 12:16 AM   #34
Go baby Go
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Originally Posted by scoupedy
Thanks guys for the advise...as some have said it is only another $1300 on top its just that he didn't get my approval first....his quote was the cheapest (that will learn me) and he is far from local if he had quoted this to begin with then i would have used someone else much closer

I have learnt my lesson but i will never rebuild another car
Easy to say 'always get a written quote', but it doesn't help you -hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Talk to him calmly and see if he will meet you halfway.

I guess one way to look at it is character building...... don't let this stop you from rebuilding - that satisfying smile when you turn the key and take it out of the driveway is well worth it.

A recent study found the average Australian walks about 900 miles a year.
Another study found Australians drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year.
That means, on average, Australians get about 41 miles to the gallon.

Kind of makes you proud to be an aussie.
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Old 27-11-2007, 01:09 AM   #35
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I had the same fuss years ago, quoted $1,500 cost $4,200 (extra work to suit 'my driving style'!!!).

If $3,950 is fair for ther work done, pay it, move on and be grateful to have a matching #s 351 coupe. If you pay, get a written warranty for the work for, say 12 months to ensure he has done good work. If not, haggle.

I think the unfortunate part is that he has your engine, he presumably won't give it back until he's paid so he's got you over a barrel.

I'd rather pay an extra $1,500 to bad mechanic than $0.01 to any lawyer.

Good luck
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Old 27-11-2007, 11:05 AM   #36
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Hey guys here is what happened....Tried to explain the situation that i want to be informed of any increases he says that he did...we talked for about 40 minutes going around in circles with him saying that that he informed me and that i added engine balancing (who builds an engine these days without a balance?) in the end he started to shut the gararge roller door saying that he had to leave and if i didn't want the engine then he will pull his parts out and give the rest... long story short ended up paying $3600 got ripped but the proof will be in the pudding (engine) when i get it going he also said that he doesn't do quotes BUT estimates (funny i rang him for a quote and he did not correct me)

Anyhow lesson learnt: get it in writing and look for the "Jolly Rodger" flying above the workshop
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Old 27-11-2007, 02:45 PM   #37
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Arr... reading this thread brings back painful memories!! I don't know anyone that has rebuilt a car that doesn't have a similar story to tell. Looks like he paid you $300 of go away money in the end so lets hope the engine work is good. It's possible that it's excellent which is why he didn't want to budge on price.

Lessons I have learn't along the way.
  • The cheapest quote 'often' ends up being the most trouble. If you can't afford to use the people you 'want' to use initially, your almost always better off waiting until you can if that's possible.
  • Alway speak to other customers of theirs to have a balanced vew of their workmanship and ethics.
  • Like all good business, if it's important get it in writing
  • Listern to your gut. If something doesn't seem right it usually isn't.
While I'm sure I'm now preeching to the converted, if not the best atleast find a good ethical mechanic that stands by their work and their word when building cars. Not everything will go to plan and costs WILL blow out, so it's important that you work towards building a trustworthy relationship with your mechanic. This may cost more in the short term but the rewards are there when it counts.
“You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.- Henry Ford”
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