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Old 14-02-2008, 09:12 PM   #1
Alan D
Starter Motor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2
Default Territory Auxilliary Battery

I want to charge a battery in my caravan from the normal start battery in my car and am hoping that someone can advise the best way to run the cable from the battery to the anderson plug on the towbar. Any advice would be appreciated. Alan

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Old 14-02-2008, 09:25 PM   #2
Green X
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I take it this will be done wile the car is running yes?

The quickest way is just have it running underneath the car hugging the chassis, A low voltage Cut out devise or solenoid would also be a good idea to stop your main battery being run down if the car is switched off.
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Old 14-02-2008, 09:29 PM   #3
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Alan, I suggest you look at one of those dual battery charging arrangements that the 4WD guys use as a start. To run the cable down the back will a lot of fun, knowing what its like to go the inside route, see if there is a way to go underneath the car.

Inside, you have to pull off all the plastics on the driver's side in the rear just to follow the existing loom. Also there's not a lot of room at the bottom of the "B" pillar, and I couldn't figue out how to remove the plastics there. So I ended us poking a coat hanger through a few times until the 2 core cable I used for the electric brakes could be squeezed through.

If you follow the loom through to the back of the car, you see where it pokes through the body under the bumper. Just need a few cable ties to secure it, then re-assemble all the plastics making sure they all go back where they belong to avoid future rattles & squeeks.

I fitted electric brakes so know how much fun that was...

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Old 14-02-2008, 10:21 PM   #4
Alan D
Starter Motor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2

Thanks for the advice. Looks like it will be trial and error but would prefer to keep the wiring inside the car
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