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Old 11-12-2011, 11:48 AM   #31
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Could it in fact have been an oxygen cylinder that leaked into the cabin? Pure oxygen is explosive.

Anyway this is why there are laws around carrying these bottles inside the cabin of a vehicle.
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Old 11-12-2011, 04:30 PM   #32
Full Noise
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Let’s cut through some of the BS and stick to the facts regarding the properties of dangerous goods, their vapours and more importantly, in this case, gases.

Some of the comments here are just laughable. There’s an old saying, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Originally Posted by mik
if i could smell it before opening the door I’d be worried the interior light/s would set it off.
Yep, you’re right, however, it’s not the interior light that will set it off, it’s the contacts inside the door switch or a relay. Simply opening the door could be enough to cause ignition.

Originally Posted by Ringo
Could it in fact have been an oxygen cylinder that leaked into the cabin? Pure oxygen is explosive.
Who told you that?
Class 2.2 gases are not flammable when exposed to a source of ignition, nor are they toxic. Pure oxygen is NOT explosive, however, nothing will burn without it. In the case of an oxygen cylinder rupturing in a fire, the expanding contents will assist a fire in burning rapidly.

Oxygen is known as a “permanent” gas, gases that cannot be liquefied at normal temperatures. Nitrogen is another gas that falls under the “permanent gas” umbrella.

Originally Posted by Jason[98.EL]
# 1 Acetylene is a heavy gas till it is ignited then becomes lighter than air
God help me. Who told you that?

Acetylene (ethyne) - C2H2 SG = 0.90

First of all, acetylene is what’s known as a “dissolved” gas. Gasses dissolved under pressure in a solvent which may be absorbed on a porous material. Acetylene is dissolved in acetone.

One of the biggest problems with acetylene is the very wide flammable range.

This is why these types of explosions happen.

The flammable range of acetylene is 2.5% to 85% vapour in air.

In short, acetylene is one of the most volatile gases in commercial use, that’s why it must be treated with total respect.

During our dangerous goods training, we are shown in great detail these types of explosions, why they occur and the damage they can cause. There was a case in the early nineties where a plumber lit a smoke in his van when it was parked at the Slough industrial estate in Altona. He didn’t turn the acetylene bottle off at the tap, only at the end of the torch and there was a leak. The van looked liked it had been taken apart with the jaws of life but surprisingly, the plumber survived with minor injuries and blown eardrums. The reason he survived is because of the trajectory of the expanding gases.

And for those out there who say that what happened to the Toyota is fake, tell us how you can do this to a vehicle?

Explosions are a bit like fires, they are not constant. There are many examples of buildings that have been burned to the ground only for people to find a book or something under the rubble untouched. The same goes for explosions where buildings have been flattened and someone finds a crystal vase.
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Old 12-12-2011, 09:01 AM   #33
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Unfortunately, look what has happened this morning: Link

UPDATE 8.40am: A MAN suffered critical injuries when his van was torn apart in an explosion in Melbourne's southeast this morning.

Paramedics are treating the man at the scene in Stadium Circuit in Mulgrave. An air ambulance helicopter has landed at nearby Waverly Park and will fly the man to the Alfred Hospital.

He is in a critical condition and has suffered significant blast-type injuries.

The van has been torn apart with debris littered for more than 50m along the street and a number of homes on both sides of the street have been damaged.

One home has had its garage door blown off while the impact of the explosion sent the side of the van into someone's garage.

Maria Toscas, who lives in the same street, said she saw a huge fireball and smelt smoke in the air.

“We live two doors down, and we honestly thought that either a bomb had gone off in the area, or that something had smashed right into our house.”

“It woke our six year old up and it was just so loud, it was really quite traumatic for her.”

“There’s quite a lot of damage to some of the houses close by. You can see the smashed class and rubble.”

Mulgrave resident Claire Pavasiris said she heard a big explosion this morning and has since heard the air ambulance flying overhead.

“There was a huge bang at about 6.30 this morning, which woke me up, followed by some smaller explosions,'' Ms Pavasiris said.

"Then I saw smoke coming out of some of the places down the road, and the ambulance helicopter landed on the oval not long after.”

“I wasn’t sure what it was, but it was really loud and gave me a pretty big fright. My first thought was that that something might have fallen on the building site nearby.”

A MFB spokesman said the incident appeared to be caused by an oxy-acetylene leak, a highly flammable gas commonly used by plumbers and refrigeration mechanics.

A Worksafe investigation into a similar incident at Chelsea Heights in 2009 found the fireball occurred when remote locking triggered an explosion in a plumber's van after a oxy-acetylene leak overnight.

Investigators are likely to attend the scene later today.
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Old 12-12-2011, 09:15 AM   #34
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

I remember the 2009 Explosion mentioned above....

I work within 500m of where the explosion happened just 2hrs ago
logistics warehouse ... large trucks and forklifts rushing around...

EVERYONE I directly work with,
felt the concussion from this...


Source: The Age


Last edited by BTTB; 12-12-2011 at 09:36 AM.
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Old 12-12-2011, 09:52 AM   #35
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Originally Posted by XR6 Martin
This is the same photo that has been laminated and stuck to the counter of the local SupaGas dealer as a warning - I think the bloke is tired of having to explain how dangerous tanks in vehicles can be... visual impact always seems to get the message across
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Old 12-12-2011, 10:49 AM   #36
Full Noise
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

It’s been reported that the man standing beside the van has died from his injuries. I live just over a kilometre away from this and slept through it, although, the missus herd it happen. Very sad for everyone involved.

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Old 12-12-2011, 06:39 PM   #37
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Originally Posted by Full Noise
Very sad for everyone involved.
Yes Very Sad, especially so close to Xmas....
but not surprising I'm afraid given the ferocity of the blast
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Old 12-12-2011, 07:11 PM   #38
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

clowns obviously become complacent or lazy about the dangers..... sad to say thats all it comes down to......
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Old 12-12-2011, 08:00 PM   #39
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Its crazy to think that gas did that....what happens if Nitrous explodes?
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Old 12-12-2011, 08:13 PM   #40
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Originally Posted by Chris_Rogers01
Its crazy to think that gas did that....what happens if Nitrous explodes?
Nitrous oxide doesn’t "technically" explode, it’s an oxidizing agent 5.1, so it’s chemical makeup speeds up the combustion process.

Don’t believe everything you see in the movies.
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Old 12-12-2011, 08:21 PM   #41
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Originally Posted by Full Noise

God help me. Who told you that?

Acetylene (ethyne) - C2H2 SG = 0.90

First of all, acetylene is what’s known as a “dissolved” gas. Gasses dissolved under pressure in a solvent which may be absorbed on a porous material. Acetylene is dissolved in acetone.
trade school back in 1984/5 told us that but see below

One of the biggest problems with acetylene is the very wide flammable range.

This is why these types of explosions happen.

The flammable range of acetylene is 2.5% to 85% vapour in air.

Originally Posted by Full Noise
In short, acetylene is one of the most volatile gases in commercial use, that’s why it must be treated with total respect.
yes i agree with this

During our dangerous goods training, we are shown in great detail these types of explosions, why they occur and the damage they can cause. There was a case in the early nineties where a plumber lit a smoke in his van when it was parked at the Slough industrial estate in Altona. He didn’t turn the acetylene bottle off at the tap, only at the end of the torch and there was a leak. The van looked liked it had been taken apart with the jaws of life but surprisingly, the plumber survived with minor injuries and blown eardrums. The reason he survived is because of the trajectory of the expanding gases.

And for those out there who say that what happened to the Toyota is fake, tell us how you can do this to a vehicle?

Explosions are a bit like fires, they are not constant. There are many examples of buildings that have been burned to the ground only for people to find a book or something under the rubble untouched. The same goes for explosions where buildings have been flattened and someone finds a crystal vase.[/QUOTE]

I guess I have it wrong about the gas in a way but we do not know if the cylinder was upright or laying on its side

I have just looked at my trade school stuff and have to agree on the Acetylene (ethyne) - C2H2 SG = 0.90 so the gas is lighter than air but it is the acetone that makes it heavy so in part we are both right

as a gas the acetylene is light but with the acetone it is heavy and will sit in the lower parts of the vehicle

I also had a chat with an old trade school teacher tonight and he will send me a few vids of stuff asap for me to post up

I also sent him a link to the pics and he called me a about an hour ago and he thinks it is very probable that it could be an acetylene explosion as he thinks due to the windows being blown out would direct the blast in that direction and in saying that he also mentioned that you could very well survive that due to the change in blast flow towards the easiest path

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Old 12-12-2011, 09:22 PM   #42
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Originally Posted by Chris_Rogers01
Its crazy to think that gas did that....what happens if Nitrous explodes?
It blows the spot welds on your intake, and makes the floor panels fall off.

But only if your granny shifting, not double clutching like you should.
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Old 12-12-2011, 11:46 PM   #43
Full Noise
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Originally Posted by Jason[98.EL]
I guess I have it wrong about the gas in a way but we do not know if the cylinder was upright or laying on its side
It doesn’t matter which way the cylinder was lying, the cylinders themselves aren’t the problem. The main cause of these types of accidents are people not shutting valves off properly.
Originally Posted by Jason[98.EL]
I have just looked at my trade school stuff and have to agree on the Acetylene (ethyne) - C2H2 SG = 0.90 so the gas is lighter than air but it is the acetone that makes it heavy so in part we are both right

as a gas the acetylene is light but with the acetone it is heavy and will sit in the lower parts of the vehicle
Hang on, acetylene is absorbed in acetone, otherwise it would be totally unstable. The SG is calculated taking this into account. You can’t have an each way bet with these things.

Originally Posted by Jason[98.EL]
I also sent him a link to the pics and he called me a about an hour ago and he thinks it is very probable that it could be an acetylene explosion
Yep, because that’s exactly what vehicles look like after this sort of thing has happened.
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Old 13-12-2011, 11:54 AM   #44
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

Originally Posted by Full Noise
Yep, because that’s exactly what vehicles look like after this sort of thing has happened.
So it can explode with no flame whatsoever?

The two local examples I've seen have left the vehicle a burning mess, the vehicle in the OP's post has no sign of ignition or fire damage at all..?
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Old 13-12-2011, 12:28 PM   #45
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Default Re: Landcruiser + Gas = Bang

I reckon a small enough explosion would cause enough of a blast to do the damage shown, but leave very little, to no, burn marks.
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