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Old 29-05-2012, 01:24 PM   #91
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

I'd be going for the Pajero. Biased as that's what I'm going for with No 2 on the way, after a lot of research and testing. They aren't like the average 4wd with their average on road holding. Still nowhere near as good as a sports car, but for what they are very good. That great warranty is also another bonus. In my opinion a lot of value for the money. Good luck with the choice and be sure to let us know what you get.

On another note. How do the people with FG Falcons and Toddlers get all their stuff in the boot? I hired 1 last year on Hols in Melb and had to fully dismantle our pram for it to fit in the boot. We then couldn't fit all our luggage in and had to put luggage on the back seat. I was appalled with the available space.
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Old 29-05-2012, 01:27 PM   #92
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Get a Falcon, don't understand why you need an SUV for a baby.

Otherwise Territory.
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Old 29-05-2012, 01:41 PM   #93
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by LS2 KLR
On another note. How do the people with FG Falcons and Toddlers get all their stuff in the boot? I hired 1 last year on Hols in Melb and had to fully dismantle our pram for it to fit in the boot. We then couldn't fit all our luggage in and had to put luggage on the back seat. I was appalled with the available space.
I've got a BA and the boot is the same size and shape as the FG. I have no trouble fitting our pram in the boot and its a big pram (Baby Jogger City Elite) as well as the rest of the baby crap you sometimes need to take. A wagon does make life much easier of course, and I would imagine an SUV even moreso.

I guess my point is we manage just fine, because we have to. You learn to be creative with packing things in
Fords I own or have owned:

1970 XW Falcon GT replica | 1970 XW Falcon | 1971 XY Fairmont | 1973 ZG Fairlane | 1986 XF Falcon panel van | 1987 XFII Falcon S-Pack | 1988 XF Falcon GLS ute | 1993 EBII Fairmont V8 | 1996 XG Falcon ute | 2000 AU Falcon wagon | 2004 BA Falcon XT | 2012 SZ Territory Titanium AWD

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Old 29-05-2012, 02:45 PM   #94
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

I will be starting a family next year and we are looking at getting a Titanium Territory, only decision we are trying to make is petrol or diesel. Leaning towards petrol though. We more than likely won't be taking it out 4WDing and dont really care if anyone wants to critisise me for it as its my choice. We think its safer and easier to get in and out of and it looks nice too. I have an XR8 aswell that I dont take to the drags or anything. So does that make me a wanna be racerin the stereo typical eyes!!
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Old 29-05-2012, 05:16 PM   #95
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by LS2 KLR
On another note. How do the people with FG Falcons and Toddlers get all their stuff in the boot? I hired 1 last year on Hols in Melb and had to fully dismantle our pram for it to fit in the boot. We then couldn't fit all our luggage in and had to put luggage on the back seat. I was appalled with the available space.
You must have a huge pram!

I've been on holidays with 2 large suitcases, portacot, some small bags and a stroller. The XR6 boot swallowed the lot. I tried the same in an Aurion and I couldn't get the stroller in. It had to go onto the backseat.
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Old 29-05-2012, 05:39 PM   #96
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Food for thought. My dad had a VS II sedan as a work car in 1996 before he had the SS. I'm a twin and was about 7 years old when he got it. My brother and I had little bikes that we insisted on taking to the beach house in Balgowan where we holidayed. We also had a dog. Everything fit in the VS and that was with a weeks worth of going away luggage and the bikes and the dog.
Just saying.
Before that, he had the VP sedan and we where young enough to have one of those double prams then. From what he's telling me as I type, that fit in the car with all the shopping and our sundry toys and rubbish we left in the car, and we where in baby seats. Mum and dad never complained about bending over and in to unbuckle us and lift us out, and dad never wanted a 4wd just because "it's easier with kids". It obviously isn't or, to quote him right now, "you're just soft if you think you need one for less than 3 kids and a holiday!!".
Mum nagged him about the 4wd thing for a bit when the loan was paid for the VS, but he wouldn't give in.
I understand you have Labradors and thus you need a 4wd so this post is directed at people who think they need a 4wd when they really don't
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Old 29-05-2012, 05:42 PM   #97
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

i see your
Originally Posted by superfly
2 large suitcases, portacot, some small bags and a stroller. The XR6 boot swallowed the lot.
and raise you

3 large suitcases, stroller, o'night bag, esky, 2xA3 size boxes and various odds and ends

many would be surprised at how much you can fit in a FG boot.

i also at one point had a portacot instead of the esky. plenty of room.

one thing to note with some of the smaller suv's, the actual boot space is pathetic.
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Old 29-05-2012, 05:46 PM   #98
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by LS2 KLR
I'd be going for the Pajero. Biased as that's what I'm going for with No 2 on the way, after a lot of research and testing.
just curious, what were the pros and cons when compared to territory?
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Old 29-05-2012, 05:55 PM   #99
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by LS2 KLR

On another note. How do the people with FG Falcons and Toddlers get all their stuff in the boot?
Plenty of room in a falcon. I have no problem with getting a large esky, double pram and all but the kitchen sink in my FG XR6T.

Long live the large aussie sedan
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Old 29-05-2012, 07:53 PM   #100
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by LS2 KLR
I'd be going for the Pajero. Biased as that's what I'm going for with No 2 on the way, after a lot of research and testing. They aren't like the average 4wd with their average on road holding. Still nowhere near as good as a sports car, but for what they are very good. That great warranty is also another bonus. In my opinion a lot of value for the money. Good luck with the choice and be sure to let us know what you get.

On another note. How do the people with FG Falcons and Toddlers get all their stuff in the boot? I hired 1 last year on Hols in Melb and had to fully dismantle our pram for it to fit in the boot. We then couldn't fit all our luggage in and had to put luggage on the back seat. I was appalled with the available space.
I thought the 2002 Pajero Exceed I had was an awesome vehicle. Not as cumbersome as the bigger landcruiser and patrol, handled quite well, comfortable on long trips and well appointed. The fuel it used around town in Sydney though was obscene. I think it had a 90 litre tank, if I got over 500kms per tank I was rapt but it was often lucky to get 400km. Open road much better, diesel is a must with the Pajero.
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Old 29-05-2012, 08:15 PM   #101
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by GT
Agreeing with so many things you have said and keep to those things when you choose. I had my knees & back as a consideration, seats and visibility, room inside and price too. As we have 2 other vehicles, I didn't want to go silly. Will confess, the only other one I loved was the Range Rover Époque but the price knocked it out of the race. By the time you optioned it, it was ridiculous but what a lovely thing it is. Easy to get carried away.

Good luck and choose the one that will do the job and no need to spend your max if you don't have to. Let us know what you end up with.

Yeah lets just say I'm not the most mobile person early in the morning. I get out of bed like a 70 year old. Being able to get into a vehicle at the same level and load things straight in the back without bending is a key factor. The range rover is expensive especially when you option it up as you say. Good looking vehicle but the visibility must be terrible. Have a few months before any real decisions have to be made so hopefully will test drive a few and see whats what.
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Old 29-05-2012, 08:41 PM   #102
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Ill add the Pajero is a decent SUV.

They feel much smaller then a Prado to drive, and seam to steer better.

I'd still take a Prado over the paj. I don't care if my car handles like a boat. Boats are cool.
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Old 29-05-2012, 08:57 PM   #103
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by LS2 KLR
I'd be going for the Pajero. Biased as that's what I'm going for with No 2 on the way, after a lot of research and testing. They aren't like the average 4wd with their average on road holding. Still nowhere near as good as a sports car, but for what they are very good. That great warranty is also another bonus. In my opinion a lot of value for the money. Good luck with the choice and be sure to let us know what you get.

On another note. How do the people with FG Falcons and Toddlers get all their stuff in the boot? I hired 1 last year on Hols in Melb and had to fully dismantle our pram for it to fit in the boot. We then couldn't fit all our luggage in and had to put luggage on the back seat. I was appalled with the available space.
My uncle has a year old Pajero with 40,000 Km's on it. I cannot believe how noisey it is and how poor it holds the road in comparison to my territory... He had a Territory prior to the Pajero and now wishes he had bought another... I would not advise anyone to buy one...
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Old 29-05-2012, 09:47 PM   #104
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

I thought the NT Pajeros were supposed to be good though...people do rave about the Prado though and you see plenty around, for a good reason I guess.
Fords I own or have owned:

1970 XW Falcon GT replica | 1970 XW Falcon | 1971 XY Fairmont | 1973 ZG Fairlane | 1986 XF Falcon panel van | 1987 XFII Falcon S-Pack | 1988 XF Falcon GLS ute | 1993 EBII Fairmont V8 | 1996 XG Falcon ute | 2000 AU Falcon wagon | 2004 BA Falcon XT | 2012 SZ Territory Titanium AWD

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Old 29-05-2012, 10:36 PM   #105
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

I've got a 3.5 daughter and 0.9 twin boys (now forward facing thank f&$k)!. When we go away it is port a cot, double pram, bag for her and the boys, small roller for daughter and cabin size roller for me, small esky for food/water for the boys, bike or scooter, iPads, chargers, and a steriliser for the bottles. My partner is from Colac (1.45 from Melbourne) and we are down there every second weekend or so.

I have a diesel Territory and to me it is a glorified station wagon. Getting the daughter done up in the middle still requires leaning across a baby seat. My partner has to stand on the running boards to do it. I also got 7 seats, but considering they don't split, they won't be much use I'd say.

I had a Mondeo wagon on order, saw it, and it was a gret car. Just couldn't fit 3 full size child sets across the back seat. Only reason I didn't get it.

However, my daughter comes in the XR with me, sits in a set in the middle. I do find it hard to buckle her up, and being 42 on Sunday, I find it a more difficult car to get in and out of. I find I have to sort of drop into it. With the Territory, it's just a swivel of the hips.

I would doubt that the Falcon could take all the stuff we do. But I haven't had to try, and don't want to. Once the pram went in, it would be tight in the boot - it's a double city mini jogger. I'd have to take wheels off to fit it, and while not a biggie, would be a pain to do often.

Aren't too many cars you can fit three full size child seats across the back of and still carry a lot of stuff with you. Falcon and Territory will do this. That's why I got the Falcon overa smaller car, as I might need to put two more child seats in it, and I wanted that flexibility.

Also looked at Skoda Superb and some Koreans, but the waiting time knocked them out. (Even though I ordered the Mondeo in December 2010, I still didn't see it until May 2011.)

I can't fault either of my cars. Ease of getting in and out for me is won by the Territory. It also swallows a lot of our stuff. But we have twins. Would be different with two, and the MA Mondeo did everything we needed when we only had one.

Next car will be most likely a dual cab ute. Probably a Ranger, either XLT or Wildtrack spec. I can't see the amount of stuff we need to haul getting less.

At the end it's your choice. I just hope you don't buy something, then it isn't suitable and do some cash changing over. If it wasn't for the wait on the Mondeo, I reckon I would have.
June 11 built Titanium TDCi Territory, Edge, side steps, mud spats, bonnet protector, tow pack, full tint.
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Last edited by Dusty1; 29-05-2012 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 29-05-2012, 11:46 PM   #106
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

If i had a 4 wheel drive i couldnt help myself but too take it off road!!! maybe when i'm 50 or so i might buy one too travel around queensland with a caravan or something. but for now the ageing falcons will do the job
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Old 30-05-2012, 01:25 PM   #107
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by Dusty1

However, my daughter comes in the XR with me, sits in a set in the middle. I do find it hard to buckle her up, and being 42 on Sunday, I find it a more difficult car to get in and out of. I find I have to sort of drop into it. With the Territory, it's just a swivel of the hips.
I turned 42 in January and have no troubles getting my little one in and out of my XR50. Or even myself for that matter

I had a MY99 WRX before that and no problems getting in and out either except the interior was waaaaay smaller than the XR50.
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Old 30-05-2012, 01:52 PM   #108
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Probably old before my time!

I do find the Territory easier to get in and out of. But everyone is different.
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Nov 10 built XR6 Sensation.
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Old 31-05-2012, 07:10 AM   #109
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by Winter XR8
I will be starting a family next year and we are looking at getting a Titanium Territory, only decision we are trying to make is petrol or diesel. Leaning towards petrol though. We more than likely won't be taking it out 4WDing and dont really care if anyone wants to critisise me for it as its my choice. We think its safer and easier to get in and out of and it looks nice too. I have an XR8 aswell that I dont take to the drags or anything. So does that make me a wanna be racerin the stereo typical eyes!!
Having owned my first diesel car now for just on a year, my suggestion to you would be to not even waste your money on the petrol. The diesel will use about half the fuel as the petrol, and it has tonnes more torque in the low/mid range right where you need it for every day driving.
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Old 03-06-2012, 12:42 PM   #110
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Buy Mine? \/
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Old 03-06-2012, 01:50 PM   #111
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Thanks for the replies guys. Botch would love to but looking of something a bit newer with warranty. To put the toe in the water I went to City Ford in Sydney just for a look at the territory. Sat in the Titanium very nice vehicle, the plastics do look a bit cheap especially on the doors and from previous experience with a territory at work, they mark easily. They look good, nice wheels but the main issue is the price. Salesman quoted 68K for the awd diesel, roughly 5k less for the rwd and 5k less for the petrol rwd. serious money. I don't think the titanium is worth it for me and rules it pretty much out, even considering discounting. The other disappointing thing with the titanium and this is only a small thing, the alpine dvd player does not swivel left and right meaning it is only useful for the middle rear seat.
I think I will look at the TS and probably option put the leather and rear camera. Still undecided over petrol or diesel, will have to drive one. Will make an appointment this week to have a drive.


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Old 03-06-2012, 02:26 PM   #112
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Good luck with it! Just try them all and buy the one you like

Personally I'd go for the petrol. Diesel takes too long to get your money back.
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Old 03-06-2012, 02:53 PM   #113
galaxy xr8
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Default Re: New Car Advice - Baby on the way!!

Originally Posted by superfly
Good luck with it! Just try them all and buy the one you like

Personally I'd go for the petrol. Diesel takes too long to get your money back.
Depend's how many klm's you do in a yr, if an avg is around 20 thou or so, it would only take around 2-3 yr's to recoup the extra as it's on avg 3k more for the diesel.
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