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Old 03-01-2013, 09:15 AM   #1
The 'Stihl' Man
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Default Temporary (semi) Carports

Looking to move state and rent for about 12 months and I was wondering if anyone else has a decent temporary carport setup?

I see that there is some cheap stuff around (~$150) that look like they would get blown away with the first decent wind..

I dont want something nasty, but dont want to over invest either. Most of the places we are looking at have a single lock up garage but no carport. A double lock up would be nice but is hard to find..

Any advice/pics of setups would be great, or links/brands etc. Cheers

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Old 03-01-2013, 07:43 PM   #2
Jim Goose
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Default Re: Temporary (semi) Carports

Those temp carports arent made to withstand more then a few k per hour wind.
Even when pegged down they will fly apart, some of the full sized carpots (like those at supercheap) are made with cheap plastic tarp material which will rip very easy.

I bought one of the portable shade pergolas which concertina up to close it.
They seem to have better strength (3m by 3m) and come with ropes and pegs.
You've seen it, you've heard it and your still asking questions??

Don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole....
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Old 03-01-2013, 08:49 PM   #3
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Default Re: Temporary (semi) Carports

I don't think you'll find anything off the shelf to do the job.
The only way would be to build something temporary and that would depend on the kind of house and where you can do it.

It's easy enough to run some 1"x1" angle iron about1200 apart at right angles to a barge board and on a slope downwards. A couple of temporary posts in the ground (unless you are near a fence) and tie a Duramesh (or Durarig) silver tarp over it. If it's pulled taut then 99% of the rain, even heavy rain rolls straight off. The angle iron adds some strength and stops the water pooling and causing a cave in.
Inexpensive, relatively easy and would only leave half a dozen small holes in a barge board - easily repaired.
You could even run a length of 75mm x 50mm timber along the barge board first - you'd only need to bolt it near each end then attach the angle iron to that.
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