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Old 07-02-2013, 07:03 PM   #91
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Default Re: Cruise Snobs

@ toughford and .bazz. - hey if youve got hardtops and youre pretty laid back and just love your coupes, you can come cruise with us anytime...we're a pack of ratbags and have a lot of fun...none of us have time for elitist snobs, if its the right shape its in...just message me if youre in SE qld...

and dont take roo the wrong way, his mixed badge club is in Ippy and its great, and roo's a top bloke...by default they sometimes sponsor runs organised by an internet coupe club which has its share of elitist keyboard heroes, so no surprise a few of those were on said cruise...sorry they were the experience you remember, coz over all us coupe people are very outgoing and awesum!!!...

cheers, pami
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Old 07-02-2013, 07:12 PM   #92
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Cruise Snobs

The Sunbury Autobarn car cruise they held last year was fantastic, there was exotics, jap import, muscle, vintage, odd ball cars like those Lotus 7 things and everyone was talking to each other having a good time.

I was riding shotgun in my mates 1982 RX7 and the old guys in their standard 40s Holden next to us wanted a race

They were quite interested in my mates car.
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