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Old 17-12-2013, 12:48 PM   #1
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Exclamation Cars at The American College Dubai

The parking lot at American University of Dubai hardly looks like the student parking lot at most colleges or universities. Redditor Squirrelnelius is a student at the American University of Dubai. A couple days ago he posted to Reddit's r/cars an incredible photo gallery of the ridiculous supercars that are parked in the college's parking lot. The parking lot looks like a Monaco car show with all the Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Bentleys, and Porsches. He explains:

I attend the American University of Dubai, and the cars that students drive here are just ludicrous. If I was back home in Canada my car would be considered nice, but here nobody looks twice at it.

Here is a collection of pictures. These were taken in the span of a couple days, and only in 1 of the parking lots of the school, so this isn't even close to all of the nice cars at the school. Because Cayennes and Range Rovers are a dime a dozen here, I only included a few of them in the album.

Keep in mind, almost all of the students are between 18 and 24 years old, as the graduate program is pretty tiny here. The students that drive the insanely expensive cars (Rolls Royces and Bentleys etc.) are usually local (Emirati) for those wondering.

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Old 17-12-2013, 03:57 PM   #2
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Default Re: Cars at The American College Dubai

What a name that bloke's got!
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Old 17-12-2013, 06:37 PM   #3
Dr Smith
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Default Re: Cars at The American College Dubai

You're not wrong. Never forgot the time my brothers and I, at midnight (we were hungry and a NZ hamburger rest was open nearby, lol) walking out of my sister's apartment tower in Dubai, froze when we opened the side door onto the street footpath only to almost walk into a Bugatti Veyron parked up on the footpath. The funniest was watching a guy cruise up and down the main restaurant strip in his F-650 Super Duty. We were there for a week and to see the Abu Dhabi GP.
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