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Old 29-09-2006, 12:24 AM   #1
Falcon obsessed
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Lightbulb i need advice on things..well many things lol

hey all,just want to get some advice on things since i really got no one else to ask i thought id try here since this the only forum i go to,anywho.. just want to know how i should do things atm, right now im 18 , doin nothing now really since tafe is done,well almost,right now 1 week after holidays left for exams, now i just became a member at gym,around 40min walk so i have to ride my bike ( lol ) , now it costs a fair bit,well to me ( $30 a fortnight ) but its something i really want to do, now i want to get a job ASAP,im thinkin on the lines of mechanic? i rekken id be great at it, working at K-Mart Auto Service etc, how would i go about in doing this,after making resume and all that,would i need to do any cources at tafe? , plus since im using parents bank acount ( not around atm so i cant ask them ) i want to get my own bank acount,is the process hard,complicated? , anyone recommend a bank for a first acount?, then once the cash gets in,i can go gym with ease and get a ford ( 2-3thousand ) so the things im not sure on are...

1 - can i work at a place like k-mart auto service so early? if so what training would i need etc
2 - i got no idea on how to open a bank acount,i want to open one a few weeks in while im conftable on the selected job i have been selected in.
3 - loaning money for the ford, i heard about interest rates etc,i have no clue really.

so thats all really,i want to get a know how on these things so i dont get confused latter on down the track and do something stupid.

oh and the au falcon owns the world ..haha

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Old 29-09-2006, 12:35 AM   #2
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1: What course did you do at TAFE? I think most mechanics these days will look favourably on someone who has done a course at TAFE to do with the job. Just ask around, someone might take you on as an apprentice I guess - I don't know how it works these days.

2: Yes. Just go to a bank like Commonwealth or ANZ and they will set you up with one.

3: You won't get a loan in your name until you've been working for x amount of time and have a decent/steady income.

4: AU Falcons do not own the world!!! ED Falcons do :P

20V Turbo

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Old 29-09-2006, 12:44 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by XRated
1: What course did you do at TAFE? I think most mechanics these days will look favourably on someone who has done a course at TAFE to do with the job. Just ask around, someone might take you on as an apprentice I guess - I don't know how it works these days.

2: Yes. Just go to a bank like Commonwealth or ANZ and they will set you up with one.

3: You won't get a loan in your name until you've been working for x amount of time and have a decent/steady income.

4: AU Falcons do not own the world!!! ED Falcons do :P
well at tafe i just finished HSC,so i dont think that would help the mechanics part ( i think o_o ) just my older bro worked there,6 or 7 years ago? lol,he lives prety far away so ill have to call him to get some info when hes not workin,but, tommorow ill pop over to the local k-mart auto service and ask around,i wasent sure on what to say but lol,so i guess ill ask for apprentership

oh ok great, for the bank acount ,do i have to deposit anything as soon as i open an acount?, and that makes sence,steady income,pay off the loan,but what about interest rates,how do they work, and yes,EDs are alright lol,ED would be more realistically something i can afford as a first car,i searched the AUs,they dont come cheaper than $4,000 for a decent low km one
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Old 29-09-2006, 01:20 AM   #4
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I assume that you are currently unemployed? If so, you can apply for a youth allowance through centerlink (Google search centerlink) and they will give you a weekly allowance whilst you study at TAFE.

Perhaps go on the TAFE website and look at doing a course in the automotive field, once you have chosen your course - Enroll and start getting paid to learn!

Once you have finished your course you can then apply for a mechanic apprenticeship, go off centerlink and be earning money as an employee of whoever you are doing an apprenticeship with.

In regards to opening a bank account - they are all much the same.

At your age (I am 18 too) I would strongly suggest that you DON'T take out a loan. Any lender who is willing to give a loan to an 18 year old with no money and no work history is dodgy! All that will happen is you will end up paying twice as much in interest as you did for your car.

If you really need a car - buy a cheapie $500 laser or something. Maye your folks could help you out with this. Once you have been working for a while and can afford it - then you can buy a Falcon or something. Remember that while a car may cost $4000, Rego will cost you $250, Insurance will be over $1000 and FUEL will cost a heap as well.

I too am an 18 year old with an ED Falcon. I know!
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Originally Posted by Sourbastard
Edelbrock.... not Peter Brock. Theres a world of difference. For a start my heads have much less gum tree in them.
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Old 29-09-2006, 10:26 AM   #5
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In regards to bank acount, I believe some you can apply for over the net and over the phone.

In regards to a car. I wouldn't suggest you get a loan for a cheap car. If you are good with money, just save it up when you get a job.

I spose it really depends on how much money you will earn, and how wise you are with it.

That is what I did. I'm broke now though, but I own the car and don't have to deal with a bank loan.
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Old 29-09-2006, 11:11 AM   #6
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I dont think being a mechanic at K-mart where your basically doing car services and wheel alignments every day would be that exciting. Call all the performance workshops and see what they want potential apprentices to have in the way of TAFE courses, and see if there is anyone looking for an apprentice.
On holiday travelling around Australia... :
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Old 29-09-2006, 11:32 AM   #7
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1) No idea - why not a tradie apprenticeship? Lots of money in plumbing.
2) Don't open a bank account with a bank - open it with a Credit Union, you'll be much better off. You can download application forms from their websites (do a google), then just send them in and they will create the account.
3) You dont need a loan for $2-3K, once you start working youll have that sort of money in no time.
1966 Ford Mustang coupe. 347 stroker, PA reverse manual C4, TCE high stall converter, B&M Pro Ratchet, Edelbrock alum heads, Edelbrock intake manifold, MSD ignition, Holley Street HP 750 CFM carb, gilmer drive, wrapped Hooker Super Comp Headers, dual 3" straight through exhaust, Bilstein shocks, custom springs, full poly suspension, American Racing rims, Open Tracker roller spring saddles and shelby drop.

Still to go - Holley Sniper EFI with integrated fuel cell.
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Old 29-09-2006, 11:49 AM   #8
4.9 EF Futura
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Originally Posted by BAFalconXT
I dont think being a mechanic at K-mart where your basically doing car services and wheel alignments every day would be that exciting.
I disagree. A good friend of mine is a qualified mechanic at Kmart Tyre and Auto. Engine replacements, rebuilds, transmission work etc.

It's not just tyre fitting, balancing and alignment!

Carols_88... just take some ID into a bank and they'll set you up. Pays to actually deposit money as you'll probably be hit with an account keeping fee straight up lol.

If you're looking to be a mechanic then head to the 'new apprenticeships' centre in your area, or start applying for apprenticeships. You'll get to learn on the job and will be paid for the time you spend at TAFE (4 weeks a year isnt it, guys?).

You want to be working for a few months before you go applying for a personal loan to buy a car. Dont be too worried about all the naysayers here on AFF. If you keep within your affordability, there's nothing wrong with taking loans out. Just dont borrow any more than you need!!!
A cup half empty... but full of euphoria.
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Old 29-09-2006, 02:45 PM   #9
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Unlikely to find a personal loan for $2000~$3000 these days - but they will very kindly give you a Visa or Mastercard at about 15% interest!!!!
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Old 29-09-2006, 05:19 PM   #10
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Old 29-09-2006, 06:37 PM   #11
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go to your local employment agencies and look for mechanical apprentiships if thats ur thing, the money is crap at the start but if been a mechanics ur thing its really the only way to go. Dont get a loan so young, especially if u have no job.
Originally Posted by MYLO_XR6
i dont like motors that come in the same size as milk and orange juice
Bionic BF XR8 - 6 speed manual, reversing sensors, premium sound, GT starter button. 218rwkw - Got to love the BOSS!!
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Old 29-09-2006, 06:45 PM   #12
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thanks everyone,yeh that seems more realistic,$500 car for now is good enough,but for the bank thingo,whats the difference between the Credit Union and normal banks?, im going to google it now aswell and check out credit union.
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Old 29-09-2006, 08:28 PM   #13
doof doof doof doof
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Originally Posted by AU_Carlos88
well at tafe i just finished HSC,
out of curiosity, do they still call it HSC in NSW?
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Old 29-09-2006, 11:48 PM   #14
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yep,is it called different in melbourne?
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Old 29-09-2006, 11:51 PM   #15
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K Mart Auto service. If you want but i would pick anything bar them. I know the ones in W.A are **** house and extremely lazy
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Old 30-09-2006, 11:28 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by AU_Carlos88
yep,is it called different in melbourne?

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