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Old 06-03-2009, 11:10 AM   #1
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Post Are all car clubs hoons?

In Adelaide there have been a number of hoon story's and its making it hard for other clubs to have meet becuase the police keep show up and defecting every little thing. Are other states having this same problem?

The All Car Club spoke to channel 7 about this to make things clear!


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Old 06-03-2009, 11:40 AM   #2
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Didn't watch the clip, but I guess if the 'good' car clubs have nothing to hide and aren't doing anything illegal, they have nothing to hide and the police problem wouldn't be a problem.

Also if you have defects on your car, you shouldn't be driving it.
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Old 06-03-2009, 11:57 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by AUIIForte
Didn't watch the clip, but I guess if the 'good' car clubs have nothing to hide and aren't doing anything illegal, they have nothing to hide and the police problem wouldn't be a problem.

Also if you have defects on your car, you shouldn't be driving it.
you dont necessarily need to have something wrong with your car to get a canery. but i dont wont to go into this...it'll just end up in another cops bashing/hoons exercise.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:12 PM   #4
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Car clubs aren't all hoons. But unfortunately you get the morons there that think they're awesome by being idiots.


The above story is an example of this mind you the story says that the photographer was a passer by was the photographer. Actually the photographer is a moderator in this car club (he is a mate of mine). He also knew exactly what to do so these people would be identified. The car club in question actually have been giving the license plate numbers to the police for years now but naturally nothing can be done cause there wasn't enough evidence.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:13 PM   #5
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Like a few mates of mine have been defected for oil leaks like what is with that...
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:18 PM   #6
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We don't have that problem in QLD, but what I don't understand is how dose the cops know when your going on a cruise? When I sent out newsletters I only send it to members of the car club. But if it's a public one with more then one club then I suppose it would be more advertise. We have a few Friday night meeting spots and the cops are there but don't hassel you unless you are doing something wrong.

AUIIForte: If your driving a 30 year old car and the cops look hard enough they'll find something. Even if it's just miss matched tyres which sucks owning a hardtop because even if you run 265's all round they still look like cheese cutters on the back. But thankfully the cops around here are mostly looking for ricers. Alot of the coppers appreciate the muscle cars around here.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:19 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by vztrt

The above story is an example of this mind you the story says that the photographer was a passer by was the photographer. Actually the photographer is a moderator in this car club (he is a mate of mine).
Dog act.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:25 PM   #8
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Some cops are good like they say to us if they dont hear anything from us we wont here anything from them...

But some just come in defect every little thing and it stuffs the night for people...
and now people dont wana cruise becuase they dont wana be defected!
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by 95falcon
Dog act.

How is it a dog act? They're ripping burnouts in a car park full of people and throwing stones all over the place. The club has been saying that this will not be tolerated for years.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:29 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by JutroXR8
you dont necessarily need to have something wrong with your car to get a canery. but i dont wont to go into this...it'll just end up in another cops bashing/hoons exercise.
yes you do

each state has different rules ect and if your car does not fall into those rules it is not legal to drive on that states roads

my car is prob just borderline here in vic

this is not about the cars that were put off the road but why were they put off the road

i watched the vid that was posted and yes there was a guy that done a burnout/skid what ever you want to call it and that is what got the police interested not the fact that there was a car club meet

it is a culture that we as car club people need to show the right side of it all and show the police that not all are in the hoon status just because we are part of a car club

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Old 06-03-2009, 12:29 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by XBROO
We don't have that problem in QLD, but what I don't understand is how dose the cops know when your going on a cruise? When I sent out newsletters I only send it to members of the car club. But if it's a public one with more then one club then I suppose it would be more advertise. We have a few Friday night meeting spots and the cops are there but don't hassel you unless you are doing something wrong.

AUIIForte: If your driving a 30 year old car and the cops look hard enough they'll find something. Even if it's just miss matched tyres which sucks owning a hardtop because even if you run 265's all round they still look like cheese cutters on the back. But thankfully the cops around here are mostly looking for ricers. Alot of the coppers appreciate the muscle cars around here.
I have to agree that there isn't really an issue in QLD. Every cruise (event) we are involved with (be it our club or AFF) I always notify the Police of the area and they have always been fantastic.

Sadly there will always be one or two morons hitting the newspapers (or other media outlets) bringing a bad light on car clubs, but if clubs ensure their members are behaving then you can alter people's general opinion possibly.

I think the most stupid thing lately I have noticed is a wally posted a video of him doing a burnout in a street. This was only seen by me because people have the 'send to friends & network.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:31 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by AUIIForte

Also if you have defects on your car, you shouldn't be driving it.
there are many police who abuse their power. they may even be a minority. i've had my share of run ins with them, the most recent couple for driving talking on phone and for creeping over the white line whilst traffic lights were red.

the 2nd incident the cop was a complete moron. i got done for running a red when clearly i didn't. he claimed my whole car was over, i claimed it wasn't, can't argue with cops.

the first incident i mentioned, the cop was a top bloke. i was obviously in the wrong, we both knew that and we had a nice chat.

i've seen many incidences where the cops idea of the correct rules differ somewhat to the transport s.a. rules. where the problem lies though is that once you are defected you have to take your car through the inspection centre where they don't just look at the particular area that was defected but the whole car gets a going over.

my car for example, has been through regency (s.a. inspection centre) as i bought it interstate and it failed for ride height. i got the legal specs off them, and redid my suspension to these specs and got it passed. i've since heard of cars being defected (same model) for a ride height higher than mine.

people often say kings superlow springs are just under legal height and yet i have supers in the front and ultra's in the rear and mine is o.k according to regency.

for this reason i wouldn't like a cop nosing around my car just because i decided to take part in a cruise. most car club members look after the critical areas of the car much better than the rest of the population!

i'm sure there are many others who feel the same way.

i'm not against cops. they have a tough job and i applaud them for it. i just don't want any attention UNTIL i break the law, not BEFORE i do. i have a modified v8 but never will i compromise the safety aspects of the car. i guess some aren't like that and the police feel they are stopping potential hazards.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:33 PM   #13
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If what ACA/TT, news papers and Police are to go by, then Yes.

How ever, from experience, I don't feel clubs are hoons, it's usually the wannabe's!
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:34 PM   #14
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Those who choose to take the opportunity in this thread to "police bash" will be given a 24hr ban.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:37 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by vztrt
How is it a dog act? They're ripping burnouts in a car park full of people and throwing stones all over the place. The club has been saying that this will not be tolerated for years.
Why is the club keeping them around? If they were known hoons why bring them out???

btw anyone notice how the only Ford there was owned by the responsible bloke? everything else was a commo - supports the statistics i guess lol
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:43 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Fev
Why is the club keeping them around? If they were known hoons why bring them out???
This club doesn't have members paying fees so its open to everyone. Also when they can get 500 cars to a cruise your not gonna know everyone. Nor should they say that only these people are allowed to go. Hopefully now the morons will actually stay away.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:52 PM   #17
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That's because most Holden drivers are try hards and that's the only way they'll get notice. I don't need a flame suit for that comment on this site.
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Old 06-03-2009, 01:24 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by foylema
In Adelaide there have been a number of hoon story's and its making it hard for other clubs to have meet becuase the police keep show up and defecting every little thing. Are other states having this same problem?

The All Car Club spoke to channel 7 about this to make things clear!


And your sig reads "EF Fairmont Cooking tyres"
Originally Posted by XCPWSF
Is there portable speed cameras? Because coming home from school I noticed a cop sitting on the corner, with some box with buttons and knobs, with wires running into one of the big gum trees.

Just practicing with the Tazer on a Koala?
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Old 06-03-2009, 01:31 PM   #19
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I've been on cruises with a club which possibly has a hoon stigma related to it. Only because they're considered a 'high performance' car and there are a lot of dks that drive them (on the cruises i didn't see anyone acting up).
I've heard of cars that have been defected for 'suspected defects' ie: exhaust too loud, car too low, external waste gate, aftermarket bov. I understand if you're going to do illegal modifications (which a lot of us will be guilty of) its your own fault for being defected.
The other thing is a few clubs that seem to love cruising down jetty road and hindley street which are known cop spots, and then there's Anzac highway which every tosspot thinks is a drag strip. It's common sense that you will attract police attention along there.
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Old 06-03-2009, 04:22 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by opto
And your sig reads "EF Fairmont Cooking tyres"
Yer on a track
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Old 06-03-2009, 07:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by JutroXR8
you dont necessarily need to have something wrong with your car to get a canery
Originally Posted by Grimus
yes you do
No you don't. The police only have to "suspect" your car is unroadworthy to canary it. You then have to prove its roadworthy when it gets inspected.
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Old 06-03-2009, 07:50 PM   #22
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Car clubs are turning out to be a waste of space anyway.... Political infighting and bickering.

The fact some 'hoons' are getting around in 'groups' doesn't constitute a club... they instead constitute a bunch of idiots...
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Old 06-03-2009, 09:45 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by fairmont1998
No you don't. The police only have to "suspect" your car is unroadworthy to canary it. You then have to prove its roadworthy when it gets inspected.
the sad truth is that like everywhere in life you will meet the good and the bad. i was pulled over by an old senior seargent a couple of days after i bought the coupe and chatted to him on the side of the road for half an hour because he use to own an xc coupe himself and was currently doing up an xy fairmont. a dead set top bloke and he knew his stuff. a couple of weeks later i was pulled over by a boofhead who wouldn't know a honda from a hyundai and he tried to defect my "mustang". i let him waffle on for a bit before i showed him my still current roadworthy certificate and after that he lost interest and left. like i said you get your good ones and your bad ones. same goes for car enthusiasts. cheers.
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Old 06-03-2009, 10:24 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by 95falcon
Dog act.
not really, you hoon you pay,

the cops are there to do their job and go home at the end of the shift
if there is a defect on your car expect to pay for it,

I recently bought my ZJ i actually went to the blue slipping station and asked to be checked for defects,

one time i had a pod filter in my ricer, cops pulled me up asked for a under bonnet check they seen it had a laugh with me and we both went our ways but because i had a laugh with them i came out with no fine and removed the pod the next day.

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Old 06-03-2009, 10:44 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by foylema
Like a few mates of mine have been defected for oil leaks like what is with that...
I'm sure a motor cyclist could enlighten you as to whats wrong with an oil leak from a car.
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Old 07-03-2009, 08:43 AM   #26
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Police are doing their job. I have been on tonnes of cruises where the sheet says police have been advised of the cruise (BS) and that burnouts and hooning will not be tolerated, when regularly the cruise will end at a burnout hotspot with members burning rubber. I can dig up, and name countless videos (not that I would) of SA drivers whom I know personally who say they are not hoons ... Videos which show burnouts, excessive speed and just being general idiots.
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Old 07-03-2009, 08:49 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by vztrt
Car clubs aren't all hoons. But unfortunately you get the morons there that think they're awesome by being idiots.


The above story is an example of this mind you the story says that the photographer was a passer by was the photographer. Actually the photographer is a moderator in this car club (he is a mate of mine). He also knew exactly what to do so these people would be identified. The car club in question actually have been giving the license plate numbers to the police for years now but naturally nothing can be done cause there wasn't enough evidence.
not sure I agree with what your MATE has done.yes these guys were idiots ,I saw no footage so dont know how severe it was ,but 3 were 19 ,2 were 21 and another 20,did you guys never speed or do a burnout when you were young, this act is the same as dobbing on your class mates(something that was not even considered an option when I was in primary school by anyone,yes we had a code back then and EVERYBODY stuck with it)so to me it was low to say the least. while we have young drivers we will ALWAYS have speeding and burnouts .and to think these guys lost their car over it(something that we would never have copped in our day) .I thought for a minute your mate might be a copper ,but thinking about it a copper would not be so stupid as to join a club and then go and nark on anybody like this, a copper would not be this low.hope I never go to a meet with your MATE ,I might churp the tyres ,he will film me and then I will lose my car. :
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Old 07-03-2009, 10:02 AM   #28
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Very disappointing to attend a car show and see the goings on when so called enthousiasts leave, anyone attending the shannons sponsored event at tomago knows what i am talking about every 2nd car does a skid for the crowd and then everyone gets shirty when the cops arrive and start handing out defects and fines. The cops dont really want to to this but they would be remiss if they didn't stop people from hurting themselves or others.

Doesn't take much self control not to pull a big burnout. The so called enthousiasts then get upset when the club that holds the event considers pulling out from the bad publicity surrounding the goings on.
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Old 08-03-2009, 03:31 PM   #29
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Those who think there is nothing wrong with doing a burnout when leaving an organised venue should spare a thought for the organisers who have to front the police, the local residents and the club members when this sort of rubbish goes on. I love a burnout as much as anyone and have pulled a few in my time but there is a place for everything and leaving an organised venue where the organisers cop the flack is not it. If you have to do it, then do it annonomously where ONLY YOU are responsible for it. It does nothing to enhanse the organised muscle car movement when idiots speed or do burnouts in residential areas while the residents are watching. It also makes venues reluctant to have the group back again.
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Old 08-03-2009, 03:56 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by XABEBAGT
Those who think there is nothing wrong with doing a burnout when leaving an organised venue should spare a thought for the organisers who have to front the police, the local residents and the club members when this sort of rubbish goes on. I love a burnout as much as anyone and have pulled a few in my time but there is a place for everything and leaving an organised venue where the organisers cop the flack is not it. If you have to do it, then do it annonomously where ONLY YOU are responsible for it. It does nothing to enhanse the organised muscle car movement when idiots speed or do burnouts in residential areas while the residents are watching. It also makes venues reluctant to have the group back again.
Very true Keith, we had a similar problem orgaising a Muscle Car Show in Victoria a few years ago as one Venue didn't want us back because a few people ripped Skids leaving. Those few made it hard for the rest of us.

Same again for the FPV Day a few Years ago. People ripped Skids leaving, FPV didn't like it (as they shouldn't) so they notified the Police and the next year 90% of the Entrants receieved letters from the EPA to present their Cars. If everyone behaved themselves in the preceeding Years, it would have avoided all the hassles.

Once again, the few Idiots spoiled it for the rest of us and gave the Car Clubs in general a bad name.
Apollo Blue 1974 XB Falcon GT, 557 HP
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Originally Posted by MRJUCY
Simple give the car a rev & have a listen a Windsor makes a sort of wheezy drone similar to an angry Hugh Grant when a Clevo will sound like Satan has woke up with a hangover & realized he is out of coffee & cigarettes
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