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Old 16-12-2013, 09:11 PM   #1
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Default Some service departments appear to just not care.

Hi all a bit of a rant incoming.

I recently had a problem with my FG looked at under warranty, it seemed simple enough. I contacted the service department on an update as they hadn't called me to inform me the car had been finished. They completed it in an acceptable time frame, the problem was resolved with no charge and the guys at reception were nice enough.

HOWEVER, my car went in immaculate, not a scratch or smudge to be seen (no exaggeration here, I'm obsessed with maintaining a pristine finish) it came out violated. The entire drivers side of the car covered in grease. You'd think they were marinating the sheet metal in preparation for a BBQ. Not a big deal I figured, nothing some detailer wouldn't fix. Except for the roof... Which seems to double as a coffee stand. It was scuffed pretty bad, WHY? It isn't a stand or a seat for you, your friends or tools to sit on.

So after work when I picked my car up I had to clean it, give the roof a cut and wax to bring my car back to the condition it was in originally. Minor inconvenience..? It's honestly more than that. Little things like calling the customer when the car is complete, and handing the car back in the same condition makes the customer fill like they matter. That the car is cared for. Nope, none of that matters I guess.

I'm not interested in complaining to the dealer and will not name or criticise them because I've not given them the chance to resolve the matter. After all I can and have fixed the paint defects with out an issue but when I find a service department that ACTUALLY cares, they'll have my loyalty for life.

You'd think with all the talk of money being tight and work hard to come by, these service departments / dealers would be trying to get the edge on their competition... and it costs nothing to CARE.

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Old 16-12-2013, 09:45 PM   #2
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

I would have complained straight away, that's unacceptable. Don't know why you didn't then come on to tell the story. I would at least name the dealer so maybe we can avoid them.
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Old 16-12-2013, 09:54 PM   #3
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

Originally Posted by GT014 View Post
I would have complained straight away, that's unacceptable. Don't know why you didn't then come on to tell the story. I would at least name the dealer so maybe we can avoid them.
It's more of a general / wide spread issue I've come to discover. I've heard just as many if not worse about other dealers. If others really want to know who the dealer is I will first call them tomorrow and inform them of what happened before naming and shaming them, who knows; their response might make it all better.
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Old 17-12-2013, 07:41 AM   #4
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

While I to am over complaining a lot of the time. With out complaining no-one at the dealership knows that anything is done wrong. With the economy the way it is, if they chose to do nothing, they deserve to lose business.

Depending on how they f'ed up, my normal response is to just walk away and never go back. If I get a follow up call to ask how the service was (which never happens when its bad, only when it's good for some reason), I tell the truth. There is plenty of places out their offering exceptional service.
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Old 17-12-2013, 08:49 AM   #5
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

Originally Posted by K93George View Post

You'd think with all the talk of money being tight and work hard to come by, these service departments / dealers would be trying to get the edge on their competition... and it costs nothing to CARE.
Its not just dealers. There are plenty out there who must have had work just fall in their laps cause they seriously don't care. Then I hear people saying that everything is slow.

As said if you find a good one you stick with these people....even if they cost more.
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Old 17-12-2013, 10:12 AM   #6
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You most definitely should have let the service guys know, how can they get their act together if people dont tell them something was done poorly.
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Old 17-12-2013, 10:37 AM   #7
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

Just an update on this guys. I decided to contact the dealer to give them the opportunity to redeem themselves. I was polite and simply provided feedback on my recent experience. Explaining that the receptionist staff were polite, I had no issues having my problem resolved under warranty and the job was completed in a reasonable timeframe. However the car was given back in poor condition, with smudges on the side of the car and the roof badly scuffed from items being placed on it.

I was asked to bring the car in to have it looked at as they were shocked that anything would be placed on the roof, I explained that I removed the damage but simply didn't want this to occur again in the future. They were genuinely interested in finding out what caused the damage but I explained it wouldn't be possible because the entire roof was given a cut. I was thanked for providing the feedback and told to explain what happened at the next service and I'd be taken care of.

All in all, not an overly bad experience after following up with the matter. Hopefully in the future they are just more careful.
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Old 17-12-2013, 10:55 AM   #8
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once you drove away with the vehicle it is deemed you are

(1) happy with the work
(2) happy with the state of the vehicle and accept that there is no damage to the vehicle

this should have been brought up at the first instance BEFORE you drove the vehicle away.

the problem you MAY have now is if the head mechanic gets a browbeating from the dealer principle will he take it out on your car.

I would not take it back there, find a good reliable mechanic and stick to him.

G'day....I'm Dave, ...everyone calls me Poppa,..05.. B.A. Fairmont mark II...

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Old 17-12-2013, 11:23 AM   #9
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

Originally Posted by poppa smurf View Post
once you drove away with the vehicle it is deemed you are

(1) happy with the work
(2) happy with the state of the vehicle and accept that there is no damage to the vehicle

this should have been brought up at the first instance BEFORE you drove the vehicle away.

the problem you MAY have now is if the head mechanic gets a browbeating from the dealer principle will he take it out on your car.

I would not take it back there, find a good reliable mechanic and stick to him.
I was simply providing feedback, I fixed the problem myself. I do share the same concerns though, I most likely will need to find another mechanic. Any recommendations for a mechanic around the Shepparton area?
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Old 17-12-2013, 11:33 AM   #10
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

sorry can't help you there but I will say I have been through the same and worse than you have (how I know about the acceptance thing).

I realise you were blowing off steam, as you have a right to, and as I did when I received the same and worse treatment, but for the sake of followers of your thread who will definitely run into the same problem in the future I say this.

when you go to pick up your vehicle inspect the bloody thing, top to bottom, inside and out, check that all has been done that is supposed to have been done, do not trust the smiling staff rep, do not sign anything until you have made your THOROUGH inspection and are HAPPY with the work and the vehicle.

do not drive it away and think "oh well I'll speak to them in the morning"......once they have your money and your sig they don't give a rats about you until your next service is due.

"buyer beware" should be exercised in the dealership as well as in the supermarket.

G'day....I'm Dave, ...everyone calls me Poppa,..05.. B.A. Fairmont mark II...

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Old 17-12-2013, 12:58 PM   #11
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

Originally Posted by poppa smurf View Post
sorry can't help you there but I will say I have been through the same and worse than you have (how I know about the acceptance thing).

I realise you were blowing off steam, as you have a right to, and as I did when I received the same and worse treatment, but for the sake of followers of your thread who will definitely run into the same problem in the future I say this.

when you go to pick up your vehicle inspect the bloody thing, top to bottom, inside and out, check that all has been done that is supposed to have been done, do not trust the smiling staff rep, do not sign anything until you have made your THOROUGH inspection and are HAPPY with the work and the vehicle.

do not drive it away and think "oh well I'll speak to them in the morning"......once they have your money and your sig they don't give a rats about you until your next service is due.

"buyer beware" should be exercised in the dealership as well as in the supermarket.
Good sage advice there mate. Good thread and some good common sense practical advice to come as a result of it
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Old 17-12-2013, 01:10 PM   #12
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

I wonder if the service area has CCTV that would show to the boss who did what so they can be spoken to.
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Old 17-12-2013, 06:13 PM   #13
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

Originally Posted by K93George View Post
Any recommendations for a mechanic around the Shepparton area?
I know the dealer you are referring to. My Fairmont was backed into an engine on crate in their workshop by one of their staff. Rear bar had to be repaired, at their expense but at my inconvenience.

Also had other cars "ready" before lunch time but only contacted late in the afternoon.
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Old 17-12-2013, 08:06 PM   #14
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

You would have thought they might have noticed the OP's car in good condition unlike a lot of others that would go into the workshop and made sure it was...dare I say it....
respected.. for the duration.
Name them I say.
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Old 17-12-2013, 09:26 PM   #15
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Default Re: Some service departments appear to just not care.

Its not just scratches, its the "Test Drive" pie run thrashing some cars get as well. Fortunate it was only minor. I see brand new cars with scratches and the like requiring full panel resprays. Brand new BMW 3 series last week had paint missing all along the rear edge of the bonnet from somebody hitting the wipers on it. The car was less than 24hrs old and I have to break the bad news to the client and miss out on a days work because he is less than happy.
Depending on the dealer some will hold their hands up and take responsibility others will just fob you off. Not just cars either, its all walks of life.
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