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Old 07-04-2005, 09:59 PM   #1
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Default Holy shiznit! I saw BA XR8 that got totalled in action!

Happened yesterday afternoon around 5:30pm.
You could say that I was basically the chase cam for a brand new XR8 falcon that got totalled!

I was following behind this guy in a citric xr8 on the highway we were doing around 80km/h and up ahead theres cars stopped at the set of lights, i start slowing down but this xr8 was still doing 80 im like holy shit this guy is nuts but then i realised he must've not been watching the road cause about 10m before the car infront he slammed on the brakes but too late his car piled into this stationary landcruiser.

Man the xr8 actually went airbourne!! I'm talking **** end up in the air!
I merged into the other lane and pulled over and all these people got out of their cars to help.

Im impressed with the design of the new falcons, the front was crumpled to nothing but inside was still alright, I mean the dashboard had been pushed back a bit but everything else seemed ok and the driver only sustained whiplash and a broken arm.

That was some crazy shit never seen a car crash before in action and it was my luck i was right behind front row seats when it did happen.

It was scary at first I thought the driver of the xr8 was dead cause the car was just compacted and went flying i slammed on my brakes pulled over and got out and ran to the crash scene.
All these people starting calling the police and ambulance and fire trucks.

Took them awhile to get to the scene too.
But I helped assist a passing ambo with this casualty by fitting him with a C spine collar, sling, etc.
The victim of the xr8 was in his 30's. He was still shook up but alright, he kept apologising to the guy in the who was in the landcruiser but it was ok.
It had a big dent in the back but seemed to be not very damaged.

Well thats my highlight for the week!
Who else has seen high speed car crashes in action?? :
My pimpin ride:
'95 Ford EF Falcon Futura w/ 5spd manual

Mods currently done:
Pacemaker extractors, true dual 2.5" exhaust to a single 3" tip
CSA 16" 5 spoke mags, spoiler, stoneflector side skirts
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Old 07-04-2005, 10:02 PM   #2
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By the way, it turned out that this guy in the XR8 wasnt watching the road because the sun was in his eyes so he was looking in the centre console for his sunnies and not paying attention and by the time he looked up he was basically fukced!!
My pimpin ride:
'95 Ford EF Falcon Futura w/ 5spd manual

Mods currently done:
Pacemaker extractors, true dual 2.5" exhaust to a single 3" tip
CSA 16" 5 spoke mags, spoiler, stoneflector side skirts
K&N panel filter
Tickford AU snorkel
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Old 07-04-2005, 10:03 PM   #3
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Seen a car roll in front of me, helped them out.
Watched a head on collision happen (nothing could be done in time) and had the unfortunate task of finding the dead driver of one of the cars.
Almost been taken out by a bullbar myself.
2024 F150 XLT
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Old 07-04-2005, 10:12 PM   #4
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2 years ago on the south eastern freeway :O

we were heading out bound on the melbourne cup weekend
was saturday 1 o'clock

just before the jacksons road exit
this nissan partoll with a horse float on the rear came flying across from the other side of the road went through a couple trees and slammed into another nissan patrol's side and pushed him off the road (rolled there ofcourse) which then turned the partol with the horse float to be facing the wrong side of the road and a vitara plowed into it head on

the kia carnival infront of us had the best view we were behind the carnival sliding like bastards, my dad then let off the anchors and jumped in the emergency lane to stop, other wise we'd have plowed into the carnival at about 80km'h (and i was in the front seat... not good:()

then my dad just drove over all the debris (trees etc and just kept going, i tolf him to stop as i was shaken up but he said nah theres enough ppl stopped already and kept going, there were about 20 cars stopped, 1 including a bunch of bogans in a vb commodore standing there laughing at the wreckage`

and i'm lucky i wanted to go to dandy plaza.. cause if we were heading home we woulda been in the left lane and in the path of a highspeed rolling nissan patrol, which aint such a good sight:P

Build thread coming soon!

Originally Posted by RogerCordia
I had two cordias but recently i sold one of them so that leaves me with one cordia which i have now but i wouldve had two if i havent sold the other one.
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Old 07-04-2005, 10:27 PM   #5
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I saw a totaled Devil Yellow MkII XR8 Up Blackburn road In doncaster a few weeks ago.

It had ran into a 94 95 model Corolla Seca that was Corolling too slow out of a side street and hit him at around about 60 kmh. Xr8 smashed up to the front window, boss 260 pokin out, and half a corolla seca.

From what i saw, everyone was ok.
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Old 07-04-2005, 10:34 PM   #6
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including a bunch of bogans in a vb commodore standing there laughing at the wreckage
fkn idiots; something to laugh about would have been if someone involved in the crash got out and punched their heads in.

I was waiting to enter a rounabout once, in the wet, and these morons in a van were performing the highly skilled 'turn right from the left hand lane' manuevere while a guy driving a ute was right next to them (with the front of his ute being about 1m behind their front, not giving him any time to ract, especially since they kind of sped up a bit as they were approaching the front quarter of his ute). The ute hit the rear-side of the van and spun it around and the woman in the passenger seat of the van just pulls this 'ffs' face and puts her hands on her head; that bit was pretty amusing, cos I think she knew they had just done a stupid thing.

Then, on the next roundabout down the road from that on another day, once again in the wet, some stupid idiot in a small car who i was driving next to (him in the left lane, myself in the right) did a fkn u-turn in the left hand lane, ie. he entered the roundabout in the left lane and went the entire way around it and back out in the other direction, whilst veering in front of me in the process. Luckily for me, pretty much everyone thinks you can turn right from this roundabout and i always get some clown who drifts half into my lane anyway so i was weary of this person, but halfway around he turned completely in without even looking and i managed to brake in time. Wouldn't have really concerned me if I gave his driver-side door a bit of a nudge though as I'm getting a new bonnet and front bar in a few weeks, and it would have been his stupid fault anyway. Ah good ol roundabouts, nature's idiot-zone..

13.156 @ 110kph... down the highway :P

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Old 07-04-2005, 11:51 PM   #7
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I have been in the S.E.S for 12 years in 2 diffrent states and i still remember a few a crashers But it is allways worse if its a crash that you are in
In canberra for the summernatts in 97 i got hit by a drunk driver in my driver door with his bull bar he got out of it with a bent b/bar and a broken blinker me well i got a reco knee and i pin in my leg and a wreck for a car..... The guy was asleep and went through the " T " intersection . Lost his " right to drive in A.C.T " for 12 mths but still able to drive every where else .
If it weren’t for physics and the law enforcement, I’d be unstoppable.
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Old 08-04-2005, 12:49 AM   #8
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I saw one of those jeeps mangle the front of a Toyota Echo once, helped the girl in that one.

I also saw a pretty funny one on Canterbury Rd (near liverpool road) anyways a truck slowed down to turn into bridestone (I was on the bus BTW) anyways this truck has slowed down and pretty much all the cars behind him didn't slow down:P the guy right behind the truck suddenly locks up and just misses the truck but the car behind him locks up and rear ends him, then the car behind that guy locks up and stops and so does the guy behind the other guy, the the guy behind THIS guy isn't lucky and locks up rear ends the other guy! And to top it all off the guy behind him locks up and smashes into the back of him!! (that was damn confusing huh:P) No one was hurt but damn it was funny to watch.
1988 EA S-Pack|MPI|LSD|AIT turbo manifold|Garrett GT3540|3" Exhaust turbo back|Cooler|Sports ryder shocks|Pedders lows|Resprayed|Microtech LT8s|60lb Injectors|Bosch 044 with surge tank|3000 RPM stall|Ported AU head|Turbo grind cam|Crow double valve springs|1.3mm MLS headgasket|C4 Conversion|Built bottom end|Custom plenum|10.6@125MPH
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Old 08-04-2005, 01:19 AM   #9
Clio 182 CUP!
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One night i went out with my mates in his parent's brand new Accord Euro... we were so happy. Well, travelling in the right lane, we were stopped at the lights. The lights turned green, and we accelerated away. On the otherside of the intersection, still in the right lane, we were about to overtake a Holden Astra in the left lane that was almost stationary with a left blinker, when all of a sudden the car did a U turn right infront of us. Since where we were travelling had a concrete dividor in the middle of the road, she was performing the U turn just after the concrete dividor, meaning we had no where to go... but into her right side at approx 55kmh (with the slam of the brakes last minute, so maybe 45kmh)...

Lets just say my mate was not happy, and neither where his parents when i called them to inform them that their 2 month old car had just had the front section pushed in. Her car had a buckled rear wheel, and doors that wouldnt open!

Also had an Echo slam into my mother's Honda Odyssey at 60kmh with my mother stationary... echo did not look good... it was totalled with fluid all over the place, and the number plate imprinted on my mothers bumper.

Any1 from sydney and see that WRX on monday night smash into a pizzeria in bexley north? knew some of the ppl that got wipped out.... apparently you could hear it from the other side of the valley! he just hopped the kerb and slammed into ppl sitting outside!

'In fact, so good is the Clio 182 with the Cup chassis set-up that I feel moved to make a bold statement - I think it's the best hot hatch ever built.' (EVO Jan 04)
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Old 08-04-2005, 01:39 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by trick_xd
In canberra for the summernatts in 97 i got hit by a drunk driver in my driver door with his bull bar he got out of it with a bent b/bar and a broken blinker me well i got a reco knee and i pin in my leg and a wreck for a car..... The guy was asleep and went through the " T " intersection . Lost his " right to drive in A.C.T " for 12 mths but still able to drive every where else .
I had to comment on this one.

This is total Bulls*@t, drunk driver kills or injurers innocent bystanders and/or drivers, And are still allowed to drive outside a state the size of a thumbtack. This sort of thing needs to change, I've noticed myself that repeat offenders actually do the same thing twice.But news networks don't care about that s*@t. They care about P Platers and stories that get people going.

The rule needs to be something along the lines of nation-wide license removal for offences like that , or something to that effect, perhaps that removal is too harsh.


Thats my 2 cents.
1996 EF2 XR6 Manual

Last edited by Jaeger; 08-04-2005 at 01:41 AM.
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Old 08-04-2005, 06:03 PM   #11
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I was coming round a tight hairpin (on stintons lane/reynolds road if anyone knows east melb), in the landcruiser at around 30 (was fully loaded with bricks - close to a tonne) when an EA/EB (couldn't tell) was coming the other way far too fast (it's a 30 corner) and locked it up, slid straight into the front of us. Back of his car flew about a meter and a half in the air before bouncing back into the cutting wall. I think i'd actually stopped, or close to it, before he hit. But it was enough to well and truely write off his car (crushed back to the windscreen, one door came off, roof bent) and almost write off the cruiser (seriously bent chassis, doors wouldn't open, tray came loose and collided with the cab). Luckily the passenger in the other car got away with a bit of whiplash and bruising, and the driver with less of the same. i couldn't believe that. Me and dad (passenger) only got sprains and bruises (not surprisingly i guess). Goes to show it's not always the 4WD's fault! I'm sure glad i wasn't in my VK that day...

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Old 08-04-2005, 07:36 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by ssj_jaypee
By the way, it turned out that this guy in the XR8 wasnt watching the road because the sun was in his eyes so he was looking in the centre console for his sunnies and not paying attention and by the time he looked up he was basically fukced!!

Now there's a good reason to have insurance! That's something I would never do......preventive measure is the best defense against an accident, he should have pulled over to look for his sunnies.

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Old 08-04-2005, 07:51 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by xr8gn3
Now there's a good reason to have insurance! That's something I would never do......preventive measure is the best defense against an accident, he should have pulled over to look for his sunnies.
yeah that's what i woulda said....but been there done just that, lookin for the sunnies. Didn't hit anyone, but was a scary moment!

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Old 08-04-2005, 08:10 PM   #14
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Hindsight is 20/20
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Old 08-04-2005, 08:42 PM   #15
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But did the Airbags go off lol
Cheers John
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Old 08-04-2005, 08:51 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by xr8gn3
Now there's a good reason to have insurance! That's something I would never do......preventive measure is the best defense against an accident, he should have pulled over to look for his sunnies.

i know i never look at anything but the road ... lol, sif
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